PAGE, 18, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1979,* WHITBY FREE PRESS Brooki eeboroug.h baule it ou t The Br<hJklin Redmen Lacro,îse club defeated the Peterborough Red Oaks 12- 10 May 30 and 14-12 June 3, but Peterborough defeated Brookljn 22-8 June 5 at Peter- borough. Former Oshawa Green Gael Tom Wreggitt, the lead- ing scorer in the Junior A ranks. last season joined the Redmen- on May 30, and on- June 3, Rob Gemmeil, a Whitby' Builders graduate joined the team. For the next game, Stan Cockerton, one of the finest offensive players in. the league, rejoined the Redmen. At Peterborough, May 30, Jim Branton had three goals and an assist, as also did Tom Wreggitt. Larry Graham has two goals and three assists, and Cam Devine, on boan fromn the Builders and Bryce Jordan had two goals and two assists' each.ý Marty Van Heuvel had one goal and Les Reed had three assists. _ The loss to -Peterborough June 5 stopped a lour-gamre winning streak for the Red- men, who felI behind 5-1 in the first seven minutes of the gamne and trailed 8-1 -after the first period and 15-3 after two. V YOU DON'T PAY FORYOTR .MISTAKES. at M.B.M. PHOTOGRAPHy When you Dring in a roli of film to be prooessed, we re you >Vl'IONLY FOR THE PRINTS THAT COME OUT Iei also be there to give you friendly, professional advi'ce (if you Want it) and show yobu where you made your mistake. M.B.M. -' The Fr1 endly Pýro fessionals MrBoM» PHOTOGRAPHY 131 BROCK STREET NORTH WHITB3Y 668-6111 Mon, Wed, e9 6.Thurs, FF4 9 - 8Sat O0 - 5 --.. - à Jim Branton,, Greg Williams, Bill Down, John Dalgleish, Neil Atkinson, Stan Cockerton, Tom Wreggitt and Larry Graham scored goals for Brooklin. The Redmen moved into second place Thursday with a 15-4 win over the Oshweken Warriors at Brooklin Arena. .Brooklin took the lead early in the game and led 5-r at the end of the first period. Three goals were scored by each team in the second and in the third, Brooklin outsco- red Oshweken 7-0.ï' Stan Cockerton scored two goals and had four assists, Larry Graham sec«ored three goals, Tom Wreggit scored two goals ,and had three assista, Tim Briscoe scored three goals, Jim Branton had two goals and two assista, Bill Down had one goal and two assists and Steve Wilde and Neil Atkinson added sin- gles. Goalie Paul Boland set up four goals, Marty Van Heuval and Les Reed had two assists each and Greg Williams, Ron McCoy and Tony Gray each had one assist. Brooklin's next game was Tuesday against Brampton, an important game if Brook- lin is to keep pace with Peterborough. Brampton 15 presently in first place. Free Press Publi 'sher Mike Burgess tests his strength with a hand grip dynamometer, as part of the Fit Test program taking place at Iroquois Park June 18 to 22. Mr. Burgess squeezed 125 pounds with bis right hand, which is considered good. For appointmùents for a Fit Test, caîl the Durham Region YMCA at 668-6868. Fit Test is June 18-22 * ~#4 4~#4~4#4##~# * C',4t>eouê The above'are'but a few of the CLEAN USED CARS -available right now at a PRICE TO SUIT YOU! Short,& long term Leasing at iowrat es,Oalso a ful fleet of daily rentais avoulable. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 683-8000-LOAL683-8000 * * 248 KINGSTON ROAD, PICKERING* This 15 the Iast week that Whitby residents can regis- ter to take a Fit l'est. The Fit Test van, a project of the Ontario Ministry of 'Culture an(] Recreatjon's Sports and Fîtness Division, will bc a L Iroquois'Park from June 18 to 22. AIl fitness tests are arran- ged by appointment only. For appointments, caîl the Durham Region YMCA at 668-6868. Fit Test involves a comp- lete fitness assessment indlu- ding a cardiovascular fitness test with electrocardiogram monitering,'the measure- ment of lung capacity, ideal body weight, blood pressure, flexibility and strength. Following the assessment is a consultation period where the recommended exercise program is descri- bed so everyone understands Three Whitby students graduate from Trent There is a'$15 fee for taking the fitness test. Those recommended for taking the fitness test 'are inactive people who want specific instruction for a safe and effective fitness routine that will bring about impro- vemnents in their health sta- tus, active people who want to evaluate their fitness level, and anyone with quest- ions concerning their own personal fitness. As is usual with thiese tests, a number of challenge have been set up.« In one0f these, three man- agement personnel of radio station CKAR will challenge three of the station's disc jockeys to see who is more fit, on June 19. 1Anyone interested in tak- ing a Fit Test is enicouraged to register early, as the facility had a waiting list it could not serve, the last time 1Th e following are Whitby graduates from Trent Uni- versity in Peterborough who attended their convocation .luine 1: Whitby Graduates are: Lucy Mary Swayse, B.A.- Honors; Michael Robert Jennings, B.Sc. Honors; and Catherine Louise Broughton, ATCO "Econ-O. BudgetShelter. If you're Iooklng for economical, Instant ~7 shelte, ATCO's Budget Here's how Il works: We wilI supply you with our basic, stripped-down 241 x 321 unit, consisting of floor, walls, celling, insu- lation, and one door. You add on only features to your specific needs. Like windows where you want them, plumbing, electric- ity, interior walls, heating, etc. You custom build your unit-and save money. Some "Econ-O-Space", uses: Work shops, storage space, chalets, bike shops, road-side stands, firstaid For further information, cal: ATCO Eastern Ltd. (416) 884-M28 72-l6th Avenue Thornhill, Ontario L3T3 ATC( * * * * * * * * * * * * * *