WHITBY FREE PRESS WEDNESDAY, DECEMIBER 27,1978, PAGE S The Honourable Keith C. Noron, Minister of Community and Social Services bas announced the appointment of William Fraser as administrator of D'Arcy Place Devplnnmentai Centre in Cobourg and Durham Centre for the. Developmentally Handicapped in Whitby. Mr. Fraser, at present the administrator of the Pine Ridge facility for the mentally retarded in Aurora, wiil take up bis new position January 1, 1979. College ready for lO5th. anniversary The, Castie Chapter Alumnae of the Ontario r Ladies' College met at the home of May Storie,'Oshawa for the Christmas dessert party. The Castie Chapter gave a donation of ,$20 to the Salvation Army to be used for extending Christmas Cheer to those who find themselves in iess fortunate circumstances. The Convenors for the Christmas Party, were Gladys Jackson, Ruth Taylor and Anne Brown. During the brief business period the discussion evolved around the 100-plus- five Reunion to be heid June 23 and 24 at Ontario Ladies' College. A committee was ap- pointed to help organize theý acti'vities and programme for the 100-plus-f ive Reunion. Thcy are: Mrs. Reginaid Davis, Mrs. Russell B. Collins and Miss Charlotte Genties ail of Whitby. and Mrs. Harry Taylor of Oshawa. This Committee, will- be meeting before 1978, ends. DEATHTS IRVIN MOLE Member Of Beethoven Odd Fellows Lodge No. 165 after a lengthy iilness at the Oshawa Generai Hospital on Wednesday, Dec. 20, 1978. Late of Broklin, Ont., Irvin. Mole beloved'husband Of Beatrice Taber, çlear fatheër ofJackie (Mrs. R. Sage) 0f Calgaryý, Alta., and'fthe late Ellinor Ann Alves, loving grandfather of Barbara, Ken and Kathy Lynde. Prede- ceased by three brothers and one sister. Rested. at the Carson funeral Home and Chapel, 79 Baldwin St., Brooklin. Funeral service in the chapel. Interment Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin and Odd Fellows service was beld on Friday. DOROTHY L IBROWN>' At the Oshawa General Hospital, on Thursday, Dec. 21, 1978, Dorothy L. Clarke Of Oshawa( forimertv of Whitby, beloved wife of Bert Heemskerk, and dear mnother Of Mrs. D. watt (Marion) and William (Bill> 0f Oshawa, loved by grand- daughter Jennifer, dear Îster of Robert of Whitby, Frank of Toronto and Ber- nard of Orllia, and the late George, Eric. Erny, Joshua and John, in ber 66th year. Rested at the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the chapel, on Saturday, Dec.23. Internent Çgrovesi4e Cemnetery. Minister Rev. J. M. Smith. if An envelope Committee for sending invitations and notification of the 100-plus- five Reunion has been set up. They are: May Storie, Mrs. Eric Pym both of Oshawa and, Mrs. Fred Brown, Brooklin, When the reunion was held al Ontario Ladies' College to celebrate -its Centennial Year in 1974 the former students and Alumnrae memnbers agreed on a reunion to be held in five years' time. Durham Centre head. IBy George Ashbe MPP Before getting into the topic of this week's report, may 1 take this opportunity to wish ail my constituents in Durham West Riding, "compliments of the Season", with ail the best to- you and yours. At this busy, yet hoiy, timfe of the year rnay I, express the wish that al of your probi ems be ýlittie ones. I There are between 100 and 200 children in Ontario who suffer from a growth hormone deficiency which resuits ina form of dwarfism. The effects of both the defienc'y and the waiting .periodbefore treatrnent can be very tragie for both these chiidren'îand their parents. This deficiency, li&wever-,,caqVI e successfuily treated through injections of an extract mà de from pituitary glands. In this respect the Legisiature passed into law legisiation, which would ailow a pathologist to removethe pituitary gland in the course of a coroner's autopsy and to retain it for use in assisting these chiidren. This procedure would be followed except in cases where the pathologist is aware that the- deceased person would have objected or if there is, an -objection from a member of the deceased's family. Approximately 10,000 pituitary glands are needed to meet the dernands of Ontario patients. And although Ontarios volunteer organ donation campaign has been successful in obtaining an increase in these glands, the numbers are not. sufficient enough., Approximately the size of a small fingernail, thie pituitary^ gland is routinely'removed and studied as part of the,,post mortem exèeise. The new legisiation enables, its retention following the autopsy, for use in. treatlng cildren with th deficienicy. The new legfisiation also clearly respects the wishes of any minority group that objects to the removal of this gland. Where the deceased was a member of a group that held such convictions, I think- it very difficuit to imagine a* situation where that concern 'or objection, would not, as a practical matter, be communicated. Even though only a srnall number of children are affected by this deficiency, 1 feel that the successful treatment of even one child is well worth the implementation of this legisiation. *01 G.MAU MNM 4f TECIJNICOLOR' tx @ P A OSIUON Mco- 1350kLB CIQS!%94.9 FM is appointed D'Arcy Place and Durham Centre are both 150-bed resîdences for mentally retarded children and aduits. Both facilities have workshops, recreationai areas and varied. programs to assist mentally retarded people return to, 'the community. Mr. Fraser has been, administrator of the 'Pine Ridge facility sincé August 1975. He replaces Eugene M. Sorin, who bas, been appointed as administrator of CPRI, London- and. St. Thomas Aduit Rehabilitation and'Training Centre. Prior to, joining the Ontario Public Service in 1975, Mr. Fraser worked as the administrator of a psycho- .geriatic faciiity in Terrace, Mr. Fraser received his Master of Arts degree in Public Administration in 1972 fromn Queées, Univer- sity in Kingston and, his Bachelor- of Arts dégre from the University- of l3ritishColumbia in 1967. B ASHIe Remember the way New Year's Eve used to3 sound? There was a full rich atrnosphere that made it feel, like the greatest moment of the year. New* Year's Eve meant dancing titi fop~r In the morning to swch bands as: Tommy Dersey, Glenn Miller. Bermny Goodman, Duke Ellington..- Xavier Cugat, Mart 'Kenney, Stan Kenton and of bourse - Guy Lombardol AGAIN THIS VEAR, 9 P.M. - 5 A.M. ON CKLB 1350 AM AND il P.M. - 5A.M. ON CKQS94.9,FM, ARE BR INGUNG BACK THE NEW VEAR S EVE YOU REMEMBER0 LISTEN STARTING SUN- DAY NIGHT'FOR THE BIG BANK BASHO *1~ -~ .~2. Now right bats! the best New Year's Eve psrty . an be r>unîd iryour own homne.,'Ail you do is provide thb" Preuebd by: Pops*i-Cola of Cnada Ltd. 1100 Oum$ St. Et Whiiby m 668171 presents TH'E BIGBAND WALT DISNEYme