Whitby Free Press, 11 Oct 1978, p. 5

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e Capers ThankSgiving-Hope al of you had, a beautîful week-end. This is Urne, to hope for improvements in areas less desirable. SIGNS Driving forth along Thickson Road, from the 401, is flot the prettiest sight. The mirage of signs on the east side of the road, coupled with the haif -completed motel complex, is atroclous. Rippiing Green, Armstrong Homes, Hazelwood Estates, Vote Godfrey, are but a feW of the numerous ailvertising displays, clutteting the,,landscape. You would have to wonder if ail of Whitby was for s4le. Whitby Downtow-n By JohnRoet Today's topic is trucks: trucks that move down Brock or Dundas streets halting ail conservation with their noise, shaking the'foundations of buildings that reallv can't stand much shaking, and sureading dust in al directions. 2 Many people have said that the trucks should go somcwhcre cisc rather than through downtown Whitby. Give us a littie peace and quiet. Yct as much as I disiike the noise, I have to defcnd the trucks. They have the same right to use the highways as anyone else, in the first place, and secondly, I don't know of any trucker who goes out of bis way to make undue noise when going through town. Yes, it would be nice to have thcm go somcwhcre else, but where? Some people have suggested using Thickson Road when coming north from 401, for instance, and thenbcomning along Taunton Road to join Highway 12. But now that Thickson Road lis closed, this is not a solution. And, what about the business people in Brooklin? Wouid they then ask the trucks to detour'around their town as weii'Ï This is a problem that seems to have no immediate solution. Trucking is vital to our country's commerce, and asking them to go somewhere cisc is like asking one of your customers to patronize someone else. I've taiked to a number of truckers about the problenm and" even though they see the point ptt forward by downtown merchants, ,they- also have a point of their own, that bei'ng that Brock, and Dundas streets are the most direct east-wcst and north-south routes to where they may be going, and time is money. Milcage is money. To ask them to use another route is asking them to sacrifice a part of their iiveiihood for the sake of the few minutes that they happen to be travelling through our to wn. And this is hardiy fair. It's tough enough to makre a living as it is. Until an alternate route is establishedt, a truck route around town which will actually save the trueker, some time rather than hinder him, I have no solution. We actually defeat our own purpose at times. By putting new traffic 'iights at various places in the downtown area, we may slow down the traffic, but we actually increase the noise, as the truck is always noisier gearing up f0 gain speed after stopping at a traffic light than it is under normai road conditions. The same is truc for passenger cars. Yet removing the lights affords no solution cither, for they're i ,SPI 'ECIAL!I FREE LUBE, OIL & FILTER with every tune Up Expires October 21, 1978. SERVICE 668-684 Mon., Tues., Thurs. & FrL Wed. 8 -5:30 p.M. 8- 9 p.M Grant Menzies Motors Lmied 1250 Dundes Street Finst, Whitby The short stretch of road is certainly flot a drawing card for the housing industry or, for that matter, the Industrial and Commercial Industry. Any prospective buyer would probably turn right aroundat the Woolco Mail and head for greener pastures. Let's hope that a prospective buyer, wishing to locate in Whitby,- is fortunate enough to stumble on a more scenie route. Whitby is beautiful, but you certainly wouldn't guess if you entered via Thicksôn's Road. IROQUOIS PARK FRIDAy EVENING PUBLIC SKATING Fri day evening, fromo until 10o' Oclock, has been the traditional kids' sk ating. night. From, out area, carloads of eager children are transportedto and from Iroquois Park They thoroughly enjoy their night of fun'and healthy exercise. This year however, publie skating is scheduled from 9 o'clock until 11 p.m. For many children and parents the 9: 00 oclock to il 1-p. m. is much too late. Even if public transportation were available, 11:30 is flot a-desirable time for teenagers to be cbming home. Town fathers, of late, have been pondering the lack of use of neces sary to traffic safety, and were doubtless flot erected where they are specifically to, impede, the progress of trucks. The Planning Department is doubtlcess aware of the situation and is incorporating proposed solutions in their present traffie study. The. resuits should be interesting. But until they are released, the trucks and the merchants and the shoppers will likely have to coexist with each other under the best possible terms. What I'm saying, is that the entire question must be examined in a broatder context. We depend on trucks for our supplies, both residential and commercial. We can't expeet them to sneak up to our back doors in the middle of the night and unload what we might be selling. Nor can we ask them to just go away -- they might do it. .Then we as merchants and users of truck delivery would be in real trouble. I can't see myseif heading to Toronto, or Vancouver, or Montreal in the car every time I need a shipment of books. We must realize that-we have an essential service here, and if the trucks make a littienoise, so be it. I'd prefer to have the noise rather than to be without the service. Beath seeks 3rd term as regional chairman Durham Regional Chair- man Walter Beath announ- ccd lasf week that lie wil seek a third term of ýoffice. Mr. Beath was appointed regionai chairman, in the faîl of 1973 by the. provincial governunt, and was elected to a second fwo-year term by regionai council in January 1977. Mr. Beath. 5.9. was a representative' 0f East Whitby Township on the old Ontario Counfy Council in the. 1950's and served as Warden of the county in 1959. The election for regional chairman -for 1979-80 will be held bY regional council at its inaugural meeting Dec. 6. MIr. Beath is fthc first person to anno unce bis candidacy for the chairman's position.- WIMTY FREE PRESS, wEDNFSDAY, O(TOBER i11, 1978, PAGE5 recreational facilities. Maybe if they persue the schectules, they woid have a clearer understanding of the problemn. If thec recreational complex at Iroquois is for the benefit of the community, surely our kids deserve a more conventionai time .for skating. Are we in Whitby trying to encourage vandalismn by giving our most precious comodity, our chîldren, the 'late show' Public Skating? .... The only conclusion that I can construe, is a decrtase in, service, while increasing recreational revenue. -Now that I have that off mv chest. its back to the local news. ST. ANI)REW'S PRESBYTERIAN (LHURCH KIRK BAZAAR The ladies of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Cochrane Street in Wbitby,,will hold their'annual 'Kirk Bazaar' at the Churcli Hall on Saturday, Novemnber 4 from 1 p.mn. to 4ý p.m. AU ladies of the church participate in this yearly event andi offer a wide variety of articles for sale. There will be knîtted outfits for children, and babies, aprons, macrame, novelties, table decorations, home baking, etc. For your enjoyment, a tea room, serving afternoon tea, cookies and sandwiches would be your last stop before going home. Rememnber, Saturday November 4, plan to attend the St. Andrew's KIRK HAZAAR. CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION Corridor Capers Dance'- Tickets are available for the semi-annual dance to be held at Heydenshore Pavilion on' Friday, October 20 from 8:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. CalI1 any member of the executive or myseif for reservations. Election Forum - Wednesday, November 8 at Dr. Robert Thornton Sehool, Scott Street and Hazeiwood Drive in, Whitby. Annuai Meeting and Election of Officers - Thursday, November 23 at Dr. Robert Thornton School. Executive Meeting - the next executive meeting 0f fthc Ratepayers association wiii be October 26 at the Whitby Municipal Building at 7:30 p.m. OSHAWA CHAPTER 0F THE SWEET ADELINES Remembeî -'Cabaret Night' this Friday at the Bowmanville Legion Hall. Admission $2.00 per person, open bar. Cali Anna-Jane Sharrard 576-2358 for tickets. Sunday, October 29, the Sweet Adelines will. sing ai the Durham Region Lung Association Christmnas Seal Concert, at Eastdaie Collegfiate. Admission is $2.50 per person. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH October 28 - Westminster Turkey Dinner November 12 - Westminster ChurchAnniversary November 18 - Westminster Bazaar Have a good Thanksgiving week-end and let it iast ail week. Cail 725-8967 with news items. NOW Annual Interest for five years G uaranteed Investment Certificates VICTORIA and GREY TRUSTCOMPANY KEITH IAWES IManage 20O8 Dundas St W., WhitbY -6689324 M. McEachern., THERMO TILT DOUBLE HUNO ALSO FIRST TIM-E N CANADA! SUPDER PIVOTS IN FOR EASY CLEANING. Homeowners have different testes, different needs. That's why we off er such a varied selection of stylish designs.Alil are insulated replacement windows Ali virtuallv maintenance-free. TRIPLE-GLAZING FOR FUEL SAVINGS... TOUGH FINISH TO c;ul MAIN VENANCE COSTS* * Our triple-lite design is the ultimate energy- saver. Its triple-glazing forms a draft-blocking one-inch thermo-barrier. This buffer of trap- ped air keeps heat inside in the winter and outside in summer, greatly cutting utility buis ail year-round. With Thermo Panoramic, you'Il save on main- tenance costs as welI as energy. Its electro- statically applied exterior finish wilI not chip, peel or blister. Inside, the rigid vinyl-cladding is just as tough. It will flot crack, neyer needs painting and stays vibrant year af ter year. TILTS-IN FOR EASY CLEANING For washing ease, both sash tilt-in. No more danger- ous dangling from suIs and ladiders. Ynur windows corne to Vou.. .you donit go to them. Cut your fuel bis, your maintenance costs and in- crease your homne's value. Ail by calling or writing today. There's no obligation. Excîusively in Durham Region through Whitby Aîuminum. WHITBY ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Triple Glaze Patio Doors, Storm Doors, Windows, Siding Ait Modern Desions i I :~ ~I

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