WHITBY FREE r'RESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24,1978, PAGE 9 Cotà 'd minimum distance between the kiosk and any > ot line shall be 35 feet.- (7) Car Wash - Automobile Storage Areas Every car wash whether separate and distinct or in conjunction with an Automobile Service- Station, or a Gasoline Bar shail provide wgiting lines for the storage of vehieles in accordance with the following provisions: (a) for a manual car wash, a waitlng lune of a minimum of 3 spaces per bay shail be provided at the place of ingress to each bay; '(b) for a mechanical automatie car wash where the automobile remains station- ary wbile being washed, a waiting line of a minimum of 5 spaces shail bý provided at the place of ingress to each bay; (c) for an automatie tunnel car wash, a waiting lineo f a minimum of 25 spaces per bay shaîl be provided at the place- of ingress to each bay, with a minimum of 5 spaces being in a single line at the place of ingress to the unit; and (d) ail waiting linos shaîl be clearly defined by painted markings or physical barriers. (0) That Section 2 of By-law 1784 is hereby amended by: (1) Dçleting subsection (ni) therefrom and substituting the following therefore: (ni) "GARAGE, PUBLIC" means a building in which motor vehicles are repaired, maintained, serviced, or equipped and where motor vehicle grease and other related products, except motor vehicle fuel, are sold or kept for sale, but does flot include a car wash or an automobile sales establishment. (2) Deleting, subsection (zm) therefrom and substitutingthe following therefore: (zm) "SERVICE STATION, AUTOMOBILE" means a building or place where motor vehicle fuel, ojl, grease and other related products are sold on a retail basis, where minor repairs aremade or performed and where motor vehicles may be greased and oiled. (3) Adding the following subsection thereto: (ba) "CANOPY" means an- unenclosed structure designed and located in a manner so as to provide shelter and protection over a pump island or group of pump islands. (4) Addinig the following subsection thereto: (na) "1GAS BAR" means a building or structure or a group of buildings or structures designed and located in a manner so as te facilitate the dispensing of motor vohicle fuel and other related prodtîcts and shahl not include service bays or other facilities for the repairing of automobiles or the changing o olor the greasing of motor vehicles. . (5) Adding the following subsection thereto: (ua) "KIOSK" means a building or structure having a gross floor area not in excess of 400 square feet and used for the housing of rocordîng and supervisory equipment related to the operation of a gas bar, for the storing of products kent for sale relating to a gas bar and for providing wa§hroom facilities to be used in conjunction with a gas bar. (6) Adding the following subsection thereto: (zua) "1WAITING SPACE" means an area of not less than 160 square feet, exclusive of any aisles or ingress or egress lanes, having a minimnum'perpendicular width of 8 foot and a minimum perpendicuilar stations' from Section 8, subsection (a), subparagraph (ii) q1i) lThat Schedule 'A' of By-law 1784 is hereby amended by:« (1) Deleting the words 'automobile service station and' from Clumn 2, Linos 7 and 8. (12) Thiat Schedule "1B" to By-law Number 1784 is hereby amended by changing the zone designations to "AS" and "4GB"0of the lands so marked on Schedule "A-1" annexed to "hi By-law. (13) Tis By-law shail come into force on the date it is passed by the Counil Mf the Town Mf Whitby, subject to the approval of The Ontario Municipal Board. BY-LAW READ A FIRS, SECOND AND THIR TIME, ,AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 24TH DAY 0F APRIL. A.1)., 197. Wi. HR Wallace J. G. Gartshte r<V.itAMNTR"APflR MAYOIR-- Musical Journey by ig sMy 27 Spring is here and Whitby's County Town Singera have begun their llth annual series of con- certs in Durham Region. The County Town Singers were formed as a Centennial project in 1967. Having celebrated their lOth. an- niversary last year, they are entering their second decade of singing and have pre- pared a sprig concert series with the theme of "A Musical SCHEDULE TO BY- LAW Journey."y The County Town Singers, with an active membership of 85, under the musical direction Mf James Ashley, began their spring concert series May. 9. Their fmist show was spon- sored by the BXsiness and Professional Women's Club of Port Hope. On May il they provided the entertamnment for- the Oshawa Kiwanis Club's reception for the This is Schmlule I"A-1 0 to By-low No.f 690-78, passeb. d teu c il of the Town of Whitby on Apixil24th, 19 . /> / /5 A-I International President of Kiwanis, with a concert at the- Oshawa Shopping Centre. On May 27 the County Town Singers'annual Spring Concert, entitled "A Musical Journey" wlll bo held at Iroquois Park Arena, com- mencing at 8:15 p.m. Tickets are priced at $3 for adults, and $1.50 for senior citizens and children under 12 years of age. Tickets are available from any choir member and wil also be on sale at the box office the night of the concert. Other ticket outlets are Harper -House, Middleton's Book Store and Fashions 126 in Whitby, and SayweWls Le4ather Goods in Oshawa. This year to pay tribute to the 94th anniversary of the Salvation Army Corps, a portion of the receipts from the performance will be given to this organization in recognition of its community service. Tickets will also be available through, the Salva- tion Army. Someôti the musical selec- tions that will be performed are: the medley from "Annie" which is currently running on Broadway, Gordon Lighfoot's Canadian Railroad Trilogy, Caberet, and the Acadamy Award winning song "You Light Up My Life,"'l chorally arranged, by Director James Ashley. Again this year, following the May 27 concert at Iroquois Park, the County Town Singers will, play host to their audience. Dancing, .refreshments and7 lunch will be available. A disc jockey will be on hand to provide dance MUSIC. The following is a schedule of upcoming performances for the County Town Singers through to the end of Septom- ber. June 1 -- Entertainmont for the Brooklin Spring Fair beauty pageant. June 7 - Entertainment for a recogniation. dinner at the, Holdiay Inn, Osh~awa, for volunteers of the" Durhamn Centre for the Develop-, mentally Handicapped. June 19-24 - Entertain- ment for the Fire fighters' Pavilion for Oshawa's Fiesta Week, to raise funds for Multiple Sclerosis, Si. Gregory's Auditorium. July 28 - Entertalnment for the Peter Perry Award Dinner at the County Town jCarnival. Aug. 3 -- Entertainment at the Witario draw at Iroquois Park-Arena. Sept. 20 -- Entertainment for the Ontario Chapter of the Order of the Easter Star, at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. EXFLANATORY NOTE PURPOSE AND EFFECT 0F BY-LAW 690-78 The purpose and effect of By-law Number 690-78 is: (i) to establish within Restricted Area By-law 1784 an Automobile Service Station (AS) Zone, a Gasoline Bar (GB) Zone and a Car Wash (0W) Zone and to permit within the particular zone the use of the ]and and the structure for an automobile service station, a gasoline bar or a car wash; (ii) to establish new provisions relating to set- backs, lot size, parking, landscaping, waiting spaces, etc., for each of the new zones; (iii) to rezono the sites, the locations 0f which are shown on Schedule 'A-1' from a C-2, Highway Commercial Zone toi either an Automobile Service Station Zone or a Gasoline Bar Zone; and, (iv) to remove automobile service stations and the provisions relating 'te same from the C-2, Highway Commercial zone, the M-1, Restricted Industrial Zone and the A-1, Agricultural Service Zone of Restricted Area By-law 1784. SCALC.- 400* AL 1 1 âýý