WITBY FREE PREJSS, WEDNESDAY, MARCII 22, 1978, PAGE 3 -"99249 coliected The Whitby Heart Funti Campaign which closed at the endi of February was an un- qualifieti success, says Chair- mani, Mrs.,Carolyn Smth. It provçd that the personal touch was effective, she saiti, commenting on the Heart Fund's decision to do a door- to-door canvass for the first tiïne, inýtead of a mail-out canvass. The Heart Fund collected $9,249 this year, compareti to $3,243 ini last year's mail- out canvass, said Mrs. Sm-ith. The following is a bréà k- down of the donations collect- cd: tiQor-to-door canvass, $7,817; mail canvass ini Brook- in and rural area, $537; per- sonal canvass of downtown merchants, $263; business ap- peal by letter, $324; Denis O'Connor Higji School dona- tion, $103.52; Anderson Col- legiate donation, $50; and Grace Cathedral donation, The Whitby Kiwanis Club conducted a large plortion of the canvass, collecting $766.50' and the Seventh Day Advantist Church canvassers collected $424.34. *Mrs. Smith saiti the door-to- door approach will be used again next year, andi wishes to thank everyone who assist- eti in the 1978 Heart Furît Campaign. Free Press *onfIlIm to Dec. '77 Readersý of the Whitby Free Press who wantto look up news items in back issues will be able to do so at the Whtby Public Library. Last week, microfilm of ,the Free Press from'October 1975 to December 1977 was added to the collection at the llbrary, to-bring the files up to date. The microfilm of the Free Press fromn June 1971. to' September 1975 was deposited in the library in Novemnber 1975. The microfilm reader is on the upper floor of the newly- renovateti library. Microfilm of Whtby newspapers from 1850 to 1917 and from 1970 to 1977 is available for re- searchers into local news anti history. cipitation cause streamiu to bceme fast flowing watcr- courses, whicII should be a- voided by childrcn, says iservaton SUPER SHOPPING SPREE Ibis happy group took part in the Whitby Kinsmen CIub's first shopping sproe recently at the Miracle Food Mart at Dundas and Frances 'Streèts. Giacomno Colsationno (second from rlght), of 570 Farewell Street, Oshawa, was the winner, and gathered more than his $500 limit oif groceries i three iminutes. Standing, Ieft to right, aire Bill Sowerby, chair- man of the projeet for the Kinsmen;, the winner's wlfe Maria and son Robert, Mr. Colasuonno, and Store Manager Jack O'Rourke. About 950 tickets for the shopping spree were sold by the Kinsmen at $1 each and the profits wil go towards Kinsmen commiunity service projects in Whitby. Mr. Sowerby said the shopping spree was an unqualified suc- cess. Free Press Photo. Canada has- fifth lowest rate of Rnfation On a scale of one (the lowest rate of inflation) to 16, Canada ranks fifth, 'accordling to a U.S. Department.of Agriculture coun- try-by-country comparison of food price indexes. -According to flc nited States figures, Canada had a foodi price index of 190.5-the rate in Argentina was 26,271.4. The figures were calculateti Iast November on a base of 1970 equalling 100. Brazil was also high, index of 656.3 while was lowest with 142.9. w ith an Germany Other countries with indexes higher than Canada included: Australia (205.6), Denmark (213.1), France (204.4), Jtialy (252.7), Japan (214:4), Mexico (282.7), South Africa (211.6), Sweden (202.1) andi the United Kingdom (298. 1). Countries with lower rates included: Belgium (174-5), The Netherlantis (165.3), and the Unitedi States (170.2). -, MOORTONE INTERI-OR For WaIIs, Ceilings, Wallboard andi IVasonry - 0Fast, effrtiess painting a Drys in Iess than 1 hour 9 Selection ofdecorator SATIN FINISHs For Interior Trim, Doors, Wails & Ceilings -P Smooth, even finish a Soit resistant a Futly washablte- ideal l'or Kitchens Cu" Open Evenlngs 360 Brock St. S. Mon. - Fri. until 9:00 P.M. 666-1231 Sot. until 6:00 R. Uprigbt &Horizontal. STEREO- COMPOtIffAND (custom Buit) B.dgroom Suites(Sud SHOP LOCAL AND) SAVE TEAK FURNITURE WARENOUSE CENTRE Ennisktlen, Ontario LOB 1 HO Have A Good Day (416) 263-8072 $,c:io' on >t FARM FENÇINO - 13% oFF Ail Fencing . Gates Bnrb WireePosts atcï isef*7ft. Iovy fPost Reg.2'97 sPeclul 2% 7 ft. Light.Post Reg. 212 Speciol 211 8 -42x 40 Rod Reg.1 3 104Sp.cIul 11401 FISHERS FARM SERVICE ASIBURN , ONTARIO 655 -8M Go to, the bank with the flxiblerate on lbans If,,you're in the market for a loan, the first place you should go is to the Royal Bank. Our Loans Officers would really like to help you with your particular plans. And there are a lot of different ways we can be of help. We have Persorial Loans for almost any worthwhile purpose. And for major purchases Special Purpose Loaris Up to $25,000 and longer terms are available. The rates are flexible too.. So IPefore you go anywhere, go to the Royal Bank where borrowing is comfort- able. We'd really lîke to help. U g ROYAL BANK if'lralot of reasons. 'Au St1 Heart fund 18 -suceess; LTDO Meat» 1 $ta