PAGE 4. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 19'k, WHITBY FREE PRESS Market Meat Tips Before putting meat in the freezer mark each package or container wlth théï name of the cut; the nurnber of pieces for steaks, chops, short ribs, etc.; and the date, so you'll use the meat within the accepted storage timne. Carcass indices for pork (#ade) do flot.carry through to the consumer level as with beef. To do so wiuld be :1' virtually impossible due to the extensive trimming, bon- ing and varjous processing operations thar' most poIrk products undergo. When carving a roast, always cut across the grain of the mneat - the fibres wiIl be shorter, more easily eaten. For smooth slices, cut with a firm motion. à I WEt"INotHoUS LUGHT BULBS'e "0 - 0-00WT Frostedc 2 to BLUE BONET ARGARINE Coloured - 3-Lb. Pkg. $1.89 CARIBEAN QUEEN TUNA 61/2A FL. OZ. c HONEY DEW ORANGE or GRAPE DRINK 12', $FL OZ-YI NS 210'89' VIL LIQUID 24 FL. OZ.-m ALMO Assorted 141/2 FL. OZ.2 TIN BEST BUVI - 100 x 2-PLY - FACIAL KLEENEX Tis.sue 29c FEATURE! 10-0z. Jar* NESCAFE iuii:;i $2e29 FEUTURE PIE CRUST i BETTY CROCKER 18-Or. Pkg. FEATURE! AitVEX For J UNBLEACHABLES STORE HOURS OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK 8:30 am 6 p.m. EXCEPT THURS- & FR1- NIOHIS 'TIL 9 p.m. 55c 26-Or. Pkg. $1.09 Al neat entering Canada is subjected to strict checking sampling and testing by employees of Agriculture Canada's Meat Inspection Division to ensure that the Canadian consumer receives a wholesomne, unadulterated properly labelled product. Don't let the meat counit- er baffle you. Take advan- tage of advertised specials. Be adventuresome in trying different cuts. Remember, every cut and kind of meat contains high quality protein. Canada top grade of beef is Canada A, ribbon rolled with red ink down the side of the carcass. This grade is sub-divided into four fat categories ranging from 1 the leanest, througjh 4 the fattest. When buying meat. consi- der the number of servings that will resuit. As a guide a boneless roast will yield 3 - 4 servings per pound, a bone-in roast 2 - 3 servings. MIGH LIN£%R2MOI. M9, CO iSII & OIPS 9M A Fal ,Classes At Whilltby 'YMCA' ANTIQUES Mrs. Valerie Hundert of Brooklin will again this year conduct a class on Antiques. Glass, China, Brass, Copper, Silver, Wood, Furniture re- finishing will ail be covered. If you are an anitque enthus- iast it will be an opportunity to meet people with simiiar interests along with gaining many ideas and added infor- mation. The Whitby Library and the YMCA are co-spon- soring the program. For further information catI either the Library at 668- 6531 or the Whitby YMCA at 668-6868. The classes are scheduled to start October 2lst. However a preregistra- tion by October lSth is re- quired. AUTO MECHANICS This is the time of year to enrol in the Auto Mechanics Course. With the preparation needed for winter driving tires wuî thave to be changed, battery checlçed, anti freeze and winter oit added. This is an opportunity to ýsave money. Ken Burns, Service Manager, wilt instruct this: popular course in all phases of car care and maintenance. Auto Mechanies Classes are held at the Henry Street High Sehool Auto Shop. Starting date is, October t6th. For further information please phone the Whitby YMCA CROCHET The eight week Crochet Class presented by the Whit- by YMCA for the first time in three years does have a few openings. During the eight weeks crochet students make a belt, slippers, oven mit, scarf and hat, handbag,, or other popular articles. If you have been wanting to enrol in the crochet class with Mrs. Dorothy Clairmont this is your opportunity. These VIE RIEoN vIj VALUE CHECK'D - BRANDED - FULL CUT ROUND STEAK WELL TMMMUE - TENOCNR - JUIOY (BOUN) 1H> SMNID(MS RUMP ROASÎS $1.3' WIENERS"ýof STEWINC BEEF $.8OKTOBERF. SCHNEIDERS FAMILY PACK LUNCH MWATI THE ECON, BEEF STEAKETES (2-or.) 2 Ibs $1 -76 1 ,0 11 w Dî.uulne. JUICY - WELLTRIMMED SCHNEIDERS POLISH LOOPS- lb. q9< ika n imn PORK BUTT CHOP I2OZ BOWLS Macaron> ,bd Ch..... FOR BRA>SING -MÉATY SCHNEIDERS HEADCHEESE -each 78c hiccif ong.. BRAS iNGR th SCHNEIDERS CHOPPED SUET 69c each 39C COUNTRY STYLE FREEZER ORDERS ONE OF OUR SPECIALTI ES WE RESER'/E THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITI ES ON ABOVE SPECIALS lB-C. Pkg. MDOTS, 84 l 14-02. Pka. :EST$l 15 e»l qOMY CORNER )PS . L98C y - ..... --Ib.98c the Coun~try Good Y."le ESAUSAG E... lb.77 c BEST BUVI - MILD CHEDDAR CHEESE 12-0z. Wedge (RA(KER Barrel 99c FEATUREI - BLUEBERRY OR CHERRY PIE FILLER classes are co-spor.sored by the Whitby Library and the Whitby YMCA. Classes start October 24th. For further information eall 668-6868. GUITAR CLASSES The Whitby YMCA's Gui- tar Classes will -be starting October 22nd. Three classes are held in an evening. Dwight Cheek, a student from the University of Tor- onto, is the instructor. Dwight has played guitar for eight years. He has studied with the Conservatory of Music for three years. Last year his involvement was as' Director of Music for the St. Georges Church Youth GÎFôup and he has taught guitar prIvately. For further information cail the Whitby YMCA at 668-6868. SEWING Sewing Classes are sched- uled to start October 24 - Thursday nights at Henry Street High School. Eight of six teen weeks of classes will be held before Christmas. Instructor, Mary Lynne MacKay, a home economist graduate of Guelph Univer- sity will start her classes with pattern alterations and fitting paper patterns.- Preparing. fabrics, finishing garment including buttonholes, set in sleeves, zippers, coîlars and cuffs also will be included in the course. For further in- formation and pre registra- tion details phone the Whitby YMCA at 668-6868. Thought For FoodI Pasta Con Broccoli Heat 3 tablespoons olive oil. Add 6 anchovy filUets (cut in small pieces) and cook, stirring, until anchovies break into very small pieces. Add: 10 ounces fro- zen broccoli flowerets, 2 table- spoons pignolla nuts, %A. cup seed. less raisins, 3/ teaspoon crushed oregano leaves and %R teaspoon ground black pepper. Cover. Cook gently until broccoli is tender. Mfeanwhile, cook % pound me. dium.sized sheils in boillng salted water (according to package di- rections - until tender>. Drain. Toss shells with 2 tablespoons fresh lemon Juice. Add broccoli mixture and tos gently. Top with grated cheese. Serves four. 19 Fi. Oz. Tin E.D. SMITH'S* 69C FEATURE! - TABLE 16 Fl. Or. Decanter OLDE TYME Syrup 59' FEATURE! - BURGER DOG FOOD 36-Or. Pkg. KEN-L-RATION 19.19 FEATURE! - WIN A MICRO-WAVE OVEN 1-Lb. Pkg. DIOMESTI( Shotening 69C DELIVERY AT 3 BIG DAYS NOMINAL CHARGE THURS. - SAT. OCT. 17 - 19 BROWN'S FOODMASTER BROOKLIN ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE: 66554521 YOUR'D' ILY TH TIcE SE FAIRVIEW LODGE ANNUAL TEA & BAZAAR Wednesday, Oct. 23rd- at 2 p. me TiTI' Sunshae FrehPdo! FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 5 f or 59C CRISP CIURLY 10 Oz. SPIIIACH Cellobag 35c FRESH CUT WHITE MUSHROOMS 89c Lb. FINEST ONTARIO GROWN NO- 1 RUTABAGAS 12c Lb. m ""kl 1 a 1 fiamm&- 1 iti[NLý.11111U I-Ujj-uuuj m m