Busy Beaver'es Tips Sa fety tips 1rom busy Beaver: 1. Kccp mratchecs and lightcrs from children's reachi. 2. Use an adequate size ashi tray wMen smiokîing. 3. Check your electrical cords and appli.inces. 4. Make sure your cigarette and match- is out before discarding. 5. Kecp your fire place scrcen in the proper position. 6. Do flot discard barbecue ashes in your garbage con- tainers. 7. Do n(>t store youir lawn mower and gaso- fne cans ini basements or ûrnace roons. 8. Neyer snoke in bcd. Fire Prevention (Every) Week Jr is again the rime of vear when special enphasis is put on Pire Preven ion. Titis important subleet is not one that should be considered only on1e week of' tie vear, but slîould be on the mmnd of ail citizens everv day 0of ever»v iveek, the iviole year. As Direcfor of Pire Preven lion for the Town iof Whitby Pire Departinen t, J wishi to congratu- late the citizens (>jour enunicipalit», for ihieir co-operation in (>1r nîany programnes throughou t the past vear fior prornoting andi practicing good ire preven tion. Our records shiow tiat Pire Prevenition is on the minds of the public ai ail dînes. and îlot /îzst this special iveek set aside Jo)r this purpose. With voter con îintwd co-operation, the Toivni of Wlîýitbyý ill con tinlue lu re ntain a lire prei'cîi ion ýoniisoits com- Platoon Chief K. Corner Director of Fire Prevention Eachi nighit six sweaters wîilI be awardcd lu the ]ucky winners a! îending the Fire Prevention Dernonstrations, October 7tli to the 11I th. Visit the Firc IHall,, lli out a formn, and at 8:30 p.m. six wininers will be drawn. Thiis is YOUR Fire Dc- parimenit; corne and sec wliat WE have! WHITBY PIRE DEPARTMENT STATISTIC S Jan. 1 ta Sept 27, '7_ Ail Year 1973 Ail Year 1972 Ail Year 1971 Ail Year 1970 Pire Alarms Pire Damages ( In Dollars) Pire Deaths Pire Injuries Home Inspections Commercial Inspections Farm Inspections Hall Tours - Number of People Attending WVHITBY DEPARTM ENT Invites You to Saive Livesund Propet BUILDINGS COST MONEY PEOPLE COST MONEY - 1 BE FIRE SAFE -THEY CAN BE REPLACE DIe rHEY CANNOT BE REPLACED!I NOT SORRY VISIT FIRE HALL NO. 3 AT 201 BROCK STREET SOUTH, OCTOBER 710O OCTOBER 11, FROM 7:30 TO 8:30 P.M. AND SEE "BUSY BEAVER"'. ENJOY THE ENTERTAINMENT AND VIEW YOUR FIRE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT. UN CASE 0F FIRE -ý PHONE 668-9311 FIRE PREVENTION INFORMATION PHONE 668m3312 Sweaters Awarded Nightly 421 447 144000 19851 960 80 2 e, 061 2009000 1e,544 4i6 90 1,7414 347 185,000 1,131 187 397 154,000 15325 231 55 133614 375 2265000 15128 148 109 15103 775 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1974, PAGE 7 Fire Prevention Message From Whitby Fire Department Chairman Tom Edwards Many municipalities are experiencing a trne of change i n their municipal government structure, and our Fire Depart- ment1 is no exception. During the lasi few years the Pire Departîment lias mnade miany changes, to keep abreast of the modemn and scientific methods which are developing each day, and tiiese changes have heen made (o ensure that al degrees of safeîy and protection are provided for the citi- Zwns of Whithy. 0On hehaif» of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby Fire Departmnent, I exten,da warm and cordial invitation to al citizens of Whiîby to loin with us in the .19 74 Pire Preven dion Week even ts, October 6 th to l2th.