Whitby Free Press, 2 Oct 1974, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS Message From Fire Chief E.M. Crouch to the citiziens of Whiltby Fire Prevention Week is 52 wceks a year fin Jhtbv, and the mnembers of t/e Whitb.y Fire Deparinienl wish to thank ail thme citizens wvho have becomze interested and preven led those naiy hours of sorroîv and grief frjom jlire by beîing lire conscious. The Fire Fighters invite everyonie iv visit the Head- quiarters Hall, 201 Brock Street Sothi, befiveen 7:00 andtl 8:30 P.M., from MoIndaýy, Oc-lober 7, uiii Fridlav, October 11 and sec for yourself, actual, lire hazards. JVc kniow vvu will appreciate anid respect t(eie maniy common l'ire hazards that nmai, be ini youir home or at work, after viewtinig these examples. BE SA FE NO TSORR Y Remeber.. Fire Prevention Week is 52 weeks cf every year. Fire occurs atany timne, in aýiy place, and can cause grief and sorrowv 10 any person. 'Practice tire salé methods, and en- joy your life. Nine out of' ten tires can be prevcnîed, but each person must respect tire and the fire causes. Failing to show respect, may create the probîenms cf hardship, that tire brings: No Home, No Job, No Clothies, No Food, and a LOSS 0F LIFE - FI RE FI RE FIRE If you value your life - things to remember. WHAT TO DO! I. Don t panic 2. Close the door of the room on fire. 3. Cail the Fire Departmnent 668-9311. 4. Keep your family with you. Stick together, and leave the building. 5. Don't waste lime picking up valuables. GET OUT STAY OUT! The Whitby Fire Department urges ail residenits to carry out their own prograrn of Care. Clean-up. and Commnon Sense Caution at ail timies. Fire IS 50 FINAL - FIRE CAN BREAK YOUR HEART! Interesting Facts on Ontairlo Fires WHERE FIRES HAPPEN: (a) Residen liai Properties (b) Farm Properties HOW (a) (b) What To Do -Fire- Preventio Visit Whitby Fire Hiall No. 3, 201 Brock Street South, on October 7thi, 8th, 9th, lbih, or 1It1h, fromi 7:00 10 8:30 P.M., and watch actual deinonstrations on gasoline hazards, hiaïr spray problcmrs, the results of' over-fusing and electrical wiring, sec the A Fire Fighter' "àMy Choice «W "No slcep f'or ne as I wit, and nighitmarcs lfor IhuiMiwen hie cornes b.ick.îhtiiiking of' the hiorror of the t'ire. He doesn't gel out of a warnbcd l'or personzil glory.. .God knows it's not f*or the rnoncy. Just a little'addcd proof- as if I need it - that my choice of long .îgo wvas n Week!l trucks and cquipment, or view a 10- minute tire safcty fil m. Bring the f'ainily - YOU WILL BE AMAZED AT WHAT CAN BE SHOWN TO YOU IN 30 MINUTES. IT COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE! Es Wife Says as Ri*ght" righ t. Hc'll bring back the sick- cning odour of' srnoke and char...his pillowcase will nieed wvashing, but that woni'l matter..if' ofly il doesn't have to happen again tomor- row night..or any niglit." HELP STOP FIRES SAVE LIVES Home Prevention Course ThQ Wiîby Fire Depart- mrient's thiird Homne Fire Prevention (bursc for adulîs will be held on October 8, 15, 22, and 29 from 7to 9 p.m. at Fire Hall No. 3, 2101 Brock Strcct Sou tti. According to the Chief Ed Crouch this course will highi- light fire probleins found ini the, home, for exampie: gaso- line storage, smoke hazards and over fused electrical cir- cuits. Resuscitation will also be taught. Any Whitby residents wishing to take this course should phione the Whitby Fire Departnment at 668-33 1 2. FIRES START: Careless SMoking Electrical Appliances WORSE MONTH FOR F IRES: (a) December (b) January WORSE DAY FOR FIRES: (a) Salurday (b) Sunday WORSE TIME 0F DAY FOR FIRES: <a) 2 -3 A.M. (b) 12 -I1A.M. WORSE AGE CROUP FOR FIRE DLATHS: (a) Male 40 - 64 (b) Maie over 65 WORSE CONTRIBUTING FACTORS TO FIRE DEATHS: (a) Sleeping (b) Alcohiol What Is?* A person becomes unconscious after îhrec iniutes in a smoke filled room. FLASH FIRE: Il happens in a flash, like a boIt from lihe blue. MOST DANGEROIJS JOB: Fire Fighting, followed by thc workers in mines and quarrys. ]Mis iaze of wires caused a fire that gutted a Whitby *;uý1Free Press1 I would wish 10 draw your attention to the fact that October 6th to J2th is Fire PrYevention Week in Whitby, and 1 would request your co-operation in the Fire Pre- ven tion Program being undertaken by the Fire Departmen t. As you are probably aware the Whilby Fire Department was /udged to be the besi in ail of Canada for munL'ipalities of our size during the last year, and I tîink their perfor- mance deserves your support. Fire Prevention is of coursg a year round responsibiliîy of us- ail but Fire Prevention Week is designed 10 remind us of that con îinuing respon- sibility in defence of human lii'es and property. I arn sure ,'hal he people of Wh iby want me to use the occasion to (han k ail of the members of the Whitby Fire Deparncnix, both fiil ime and vo/un leer, for their superb dedica ion ro the community. D. G. Newman, Mayor_ FI PROCLAMATION PIRE PREVENTION WEEK TAKE NOTICE that by Resolution of the Council, the period of October 6th to October l2th, 1974, has been proclaimed as FIRE PREVENTION WEEK in and for the Town of Vhtby. Ail residents are urged to carry out a programn of care, dlean-up and common sense caution flot for only this week but for ail times of the year. Dated at the Town of Whitby this 2nd day of October, A.D., 1974. D. G. Newman, MAYOR1 What needs be donel? The Annual Fire Preven- tion Week lias arrived, and each year at this lime the many Fire Departmenîs throughiouî North America assess tlicir prograins, achievements, and problemrs. The Whîby Fire Depart- ment bias taken a look around and have asked the followîig questions of thiemsclves and YOU the public. Whiat necds to be donc? What will YOU do about il? How can the Whitby Fire Deparîment help? We now answer these questions with beneficial and progressive attitudes, stress- ing for the gain of saving life and property. What needs to be done? Training of your Fire Figliter to develop proper tire fight- ing procedures, establish ad- vanced tire training îechnol- ogy and promulgate reason- able intelligent controls of hazards in order to achicve dic ultirnate goal of the Fire Prevention Program. What will YOU do about it? This question is answercd by the attitude;t assistance, and co-operation of the many citizens of our municipality when your Fire Fighter visits your home, sehool, business or church on his ire preven- ion inspection. The Whitby Fire Depa rtment is extremely appreciative of our citizens responsc, as only 1% of the total people visîed have re- fus,-d co-operate. How can the Whitby Fire Department help? The per- sonnel and equipment of this Department are available t'O assist, protect and participate wi th the requirements or practices that may be re- quired by any one citizens or neighbouring municipality ai any timne. A phone cail or visit to the Fire Department is the prime requisite. Fire Prevention is officiaI- ly recognized one week a year, BUT, Truc Fire Preven- lion is at work 52 weeks of every year. BE SAFE - NOT SORRY! BUILDINGS CAN BE RE- PLACED. YOUR LIFE CAN'T! WW Pl

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