Whitby Free Press, 2 Oct 1974, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS SUPPORT .The meni and women who canvass for the United WVûy cach year are îlot asking for moncy for thernselves! Thcy brave the occasionial slamnzed door and the "I gave at the office " words because they belleve ini two (hings -- thcy believe ini the idea of one canvass for donations as opposed to dozens, and thev belleve ini the community services and programmes of t/he agencies parzicipatlng in the appeal for fuinds. Red Cross is a force in t/ils community which deserves THE UNITED *vour support. Red Cross in this community raises Jûnds t/le Uted Way. Red Cross has been chargcd by govern- mient w/t/z supply/ng blood and blood products 10 hospi- tais. Persuading donors 1<> give a million units of blood each year takes thousands of vo/un teer man-hours, and it takes rnoncy IQo. Red Cross is commitced to teaching Canadiatns the basic f'acs QI' water saféty. It takes moîîey- to train t/he instructors who (ecdithe chi/dren of 1/ils cornmninhy (o swim and boat' in saf èty. Itltakes ,noney to WAY buy the wool and the mater/a/ which vo/un teer women fashion into clo thing, layettes and afghans for v/ct/ms of fire disaster in Canada and to devc/oping coun tries abroad. It takes money to supp/y the vo/untiecrs of Red Cross w/t/z the tools they necd to carry out the work they do ini this community. This community nceds the services of Red Cross. Red Cross nceds you to 'support the Un/ted Way. P/case give generous/y. Dear Sir: 1 just lad to write this letter as I arn su disgusted witl the type of people une meets through life. 1 an referring ho the incident[I carne upon last week while lelping my young son deliver lis weekly papers (Whîby Free Press). I lad an embarrasing ex- perience witl a very unpiea-. sant gentleman, a Mr. Marvin of 607 Newman Cresent, wlo impolitely told me lie didn't want the paper aund that 1 was trespassing on lis property. and that le was guing lu cal the police. . Well, I did nol cross lis lawn, but lad walked on lis driveway. By the manner inii whichlile spoke to nie, I think le considered himsell' like he was some big politi-i cian and I as a peddler. Weil l'm nu peddler Mr. M. but a plain lousewife wlo stays home and looks after my husband and children. I guess Mr. M. is like myscîf and most peuple wlo1 get circulars and newspaper3 dzlivered practically every1 day. Yes I moan to myselfr every tirne une is delivered ont nîy doorstep, but then I thirik of the guod they are doîig. Firstly, somne personii s mk- ing a dollar or twvo (in mili or snow) kecpiîîg ulîemîîouit ut trouble anîd off welt'are, se- condly von Cild rvad îlîem il' you 'w'î0lîtu keep Iyou fhotu gettîilg boîed. anid îhirdly, you~ cd ,avv 'd Iiciii as I and lots iloi c do, 1w îyîing Uîerîî tip Su that oun, ilvsL'o is Czin hencf"u Ioml it tici, As t'Oi L'l theg ic oulw over a îils 1111 i hîmg lîke duîs. ailI 1 eau r liik is. ii nulami iust le Sk'k.Don,(r y'uu thifi k the if with the poiie i.mvegui flands fulliCl)eiluîtp iuclil he.îicr cruntes'? So Mr. M. îry îlot lu bc su nîiserable iii dhe future and maybe we will have a happier world alead. Oh and try reading oui local paper, I ain sure you would enjuy it, iî is very inîeresîng and it's aI- ways on lime which is more than I can say for te Oshawa Times (wliich you have to pay for), and if you slould phone the Fiee Press about your paper, you do gel a pleasant answer, whicl is more than I and my neigh- bours can say for tle Timnes. SHERIFF'S SALE CRAFTS of India - Brass - Wicl:er & Wood; Pictures, Slippers, Jewellery, Etc., Two Store Mannequins, Showcase, Display Bars and Hangers, humidifier and numerous other times f rom a Boutique . To be sold by Public Auction on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4tti, 1974, at 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon at the Sheriff's Off ice, Roomn 121, Court House, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby. Terms: Cash Morley Bain, Sheriff, Judicial District of Durham. 668-6808 Readers wr de MAI L: BOXc 206, Wtiitby P4OPdE: 66".111 TORONTO LINE: 282-1004 WHITBY McDONALD'S vs Admission: 1 think they inust have a few peupte ou' your typ)e wuorking there. N'unis truly, Mus. A. E'. Dr ive r, 927 Annes St. Whitby. I)eýar sur; When at ten ding a Region- aîl Counicil meeting repre- seniig theWhiuby Ministeri- aîl, 1 was fleased witlh the Regionafl Counicil iîj their colicci n luregulate the Re- gionti n a inanner acceptable loHI îindividuall, in ihat îley iiuvm (cd Ijoffle troi ivarious are.ws ut' unr comnitinity. l'hey were open Io 0questions and suggestions from the puîblic and ready lu conisider and discuss. I was very disappointed to find that our Provincial Governr-nent las very litle communication witl the Re- gion, sudh as land banking in several areas of Durharn Region, in thal the region knew nothing until the pro- vince announced, in somne cases, that cloice farm land was land banked. This lack of communica- tion can cause frustration and confusion on the behlf of a commit tee tlat is endeavouring ho preserve TH-E WHITBY FREE PRESS <Voice of the County Town) Hometown paper of' Whiîby, Brooklin, Myrtic alto serving Ajax and Pickering. and Ashburni MAI LING PERMIT NO. 2941 EDITOR/GENERAL MANAGER - Miks Burgei ASSISTANT EDITOR - Jum Quail CLASSIFIED ADS - Shelley crowley GRAPHIC ARTS- Marie Surgess ADVERTISING Robin Lyon F " Aduits $2.OO Students and Children t'arzn land ftèr agricultuLre. Ilf we desire to liave derno- cracy, goverrnient of the people, by thc peuple thon it is logical that the Regional goverrnmcnt nmust bcconisul t- cd wîh by the Provincial g<venment before any deci. siôn is muade by tlhe province. The Region is close to the peuple, understands our con- cernis, and is definitely the grass roots. Yours truly, Rev. R. H. James Whitby Free Methodist Church Dear Sir: At the top of the hilI on No. 1 2 higlway, above the old town of Whitby, there arc several fruit stands sup. plied by adjacent orchards. Right now those orchards are thrcatened. Council has or- dered the planning depart- ment to proceed with Secon- dary Plans for Offical Plan Study Area No. 7 whicli in- cludes the east side of No. i12 higlway nortl of Rossland Road. We have only to wait for the Planning Department to decîde whether it will be a shopping centre or higîrise apartments. Does anyone ca re? The Province of Ontario admits the assembly of 2,300 acres in the Brooklin area. u U- $1000 Consolîdated Building Cor- poration along with Marks- borough Properties owns or con trois about I1,700 acres. When the developers approached the Durham Re- gion Planning Commission, were they told that the pro- posed area was agricultural and was going to stay that way? No, the planning com- mnittee endorsed the develop- ers proposais and "directed Planning Commissioner Willi- arn McAdams to work out details for co-operative plan- ing". Whitby counicil has just approved the construction of a 44,800 square foot plant on a farm north of Ashburn by Andrews Antenna. 1 get the impression that this council won't be satisfied until every possible site ini the town of Whitby has a building on it. The north shore of Lake Ontario, frorn Oshawa to Hamilton, is an ever-widen- ing urban mass with a few gaps that are rapidly being filled in. If we are going to save our communities as de- sirable places to live, we must hait the flow of cities onto agricultural land. The time is now and the place is Whitby. Let's keep the agricultural lands of Whitby and what is left of Pickering as a barrier to prevent Toronto and Osha- wa frorn becoming a contin- uous mass of buildings. In King Arthur's day, t he situation would be saved by a brave knight who would ride out very fast on a fine white horse and prod the developers uncomfortably with his lance.. Do we hiave such a knight in our time? How about the Province? No. Sorne ministries show a little concern, but not enough to help. As for the Ministry of Housing, Mr. Handleman and his successor Mr. Irvine are the developers' darlings. "Drain the swarnps, flatten the huIs, build, build, build". We can define a Bill Davis green belt as "a strip of un- deveioped land alongside an expressway, wide enough to accommodate a high tensionE power lune". The Region or Municipal-c ity? No. As 1 have indicated there is no hope of heip from our present Municipal and M uty minister of lousing to ,plain what the province is loing in Durhamn Region. 't 1" ~0-'~) Scmvng <ver 26,000 readeri Publisied every Wedncsday by Whitby Frtc Press Inc. Bruno Harfla, Presiden Lmatd attheFree Press Building 121 Brock St Nor*I Wbitby. bUBSCRIPTION (BN' MAIL) $10-00OYEARLY SENIOR 'A' HOCKEY UN A FINE TRADITION NAPANEE COMETS Wed., October 2, 803O p.m. Iroquois Park- Arena 77 777 -3 Regional Councils. They ifre committed to the very ques- tionable maxirn that growth is progress.. Planners have to plan something, or they will be dispensed with. Right down the uine, right down to the developer who is skiiled at getting ail leveis of govern- ment to let hirn get on witl il, forces are working alrnost unopposed to pave the worid. It is flot a coincidence that I arn making this appeal before a Municipal and Re- gional election. If you don't want to find yourself living in a suburb of Toronto choose the candidates you vote for with great care. Support only candidates who prepared to takc a firm stand on LIMITS to GROWTH. Determined ratepayers have brought some remarkable political reversais in recent years. If you like a fight, here is a worthy cause to fight for. If you 'like peace and quiet, you had better join us or you won't have it muel longer. Is it selfish to oppose building at a time when so many people need homes? I arn not opposed to building houses; I arn opposed to building houses within com- muting distance of Toronto. To do su simply increases the burden on the aiready strained transportation facili- ties of that city, and every added dwelling makes the area less desirabie. If we put a stop to large-scale develop- ment, hopefully other mun- icipalities in the Toronto area will follow our lead and stop undermining the heaith. of the city. 1 do see a seifish side to it though. 1I forsee building in Whitby concen- trating on srnall-project fil-in operations. Such building is typically done by local con- tractors using local labour and procuring their materials and services in our area. When the big developer builds, just about everything "cornes from away". I hope I have given you the impress- ion that I don't like develop- ers. A parting suggestion - could we offer a short course at Durham College in "Agriculture for Developers"? Yours truly Bill Burgess brooklin-,. CIRCLE TAXI 128 BROCK ST. N.

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