Whitby Free Press, 21 Aug 1974, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEFDNESDAY, AUGUST 21sf, 1974,_WI-ITBY FREE PR~~S Your m opinion Free Pre8ssaede wwey ln es""sin how wM, et tii. WHITBY FREE PRESS, ca. bring you the. wekly readiq ng utral you most prefer, we naed youopinion. BeT1 0f110lW some questions w. .sk ysu to consider. Simply clip aur reeder surv.y and mail to Post Off ice Box 206. 'g SUR VEY Birdseye View (Jim Quail) Kaînins On.......(Alex Kainins) Starscope (Marje Rutter) CLASSIFIE D: O ou read the Classified Section? Do you read the FR EE PRESS editoriais Would you prefer to see more guest editorials? Do you enjoy the Famiiy Page? Would you prefer to ;we more councif and politirai orienteci stories Would you like to sec miore articles on travel'? Would you like to see -i weekly tustorical feature in the FREE PRESS Burgess Girl ut the Week Would you Prei ta see this feature continueci We have in the past featured a speciai photo page. Do vou enjoy photographic features vuuld vou like to sec week% :roSS%-urd puzzles? CI. e Do you feel our weekly sports coverage is GENERA L NEWS i EMIS4 1 A.re FHEE PRESS nerela nr mssw ,l- Of the newspapers dý,ivrprr r y ho mp, reacu itw k Ioino Piea!ýL statb nicwýpaper. odr fprif<on: 5 G v v lhai uc you enioy m=~ about the WHITBY FREE PRESS? lhat do you dÏstike most about the WHITBY F REE PRESS?' W a sex a d age are vou? Whaî is your marital status? wiWhat type of work are Y'ou in? Your name is not necessary. Please send to: m WHITBY FREE PRESS, POST OFFICE BOX 206, WHITBY. BIRD 'S is needed I r RECIPE Dutch cheese and hamuiroll-ups N ec] lan icýirh ot in aicNancc anid cicklA substalntiail Snack for hunizrv f anril\ý' iciip ,hredded irnported Fiel tond lamor (.owd> itaiesp)on may on naise Cup filowî C îixîxîî uît 41 figr uod for your niext part\-? lai Rl'~l-Ups can bL, preparcd deep-fî ied just bcfon2 serving. Ihun2r"l\ Lucsts - or cveil foi- a gethier. RünmOv<e Crusîs front breod, flotten '<I ces. Spread eâich siluc of briod and ieîcl 'lictetfhani .iîh chee mix- tLurc. îPlace (one I ice (ofhar,, J<Cý,-sùuLP upeacih cheese- '<prcetd slî<.e ot' hi <d. Roll: t ucmn up t îgh tP s1 eLtir* With u hliif udiiC Roiltheinin and mlIîii n xi îihx Àioo î<'I iîdîx teep nliqhdep lu; pan ou li-C ('IldiCO I > iiion papeu1 i <imi, Ith <liPx IIe.rrts I{o Il-f lk' t tIlt 419 Brixk im-et Nolh Whîtby, Ontario< 7elephone (416,1 668-25W 1 ~SUNDA" SERVICE-S BIBLE SCHOOL -9:45 arn. WORSHIP SERVICt- - i1 a.m. EVENING SERVICE - 6:52 px. BUS5 SERVICE PROVIDED NURSERY PROVIDED FOR ALL SERVICES TUESDAY. Pioneer Gis and 6:15 p.m. Christian Serice Brigade to 7:45 p.m Bible Study and Prayer Meeting 8:1K>p.m IVOI1CEOF FAfTH Câbe 6 sl&3dSunday each mon th MINISTER 0F OUTREACH REV. RALPH DUNN, hot m~:~ia'- for tiüst'<ts ut tam iI, t> ca. be 11 prepa:retl iinoAvance st'rvîn.I, I)utelî (lievse and lian and quiekly deep-frit'd 9 i EYE 's- -JP1OU QIiL Quite An Affair As 1 predictcd last Spring 1 have once again been caught up in this Sumîner madness peopie insist on going through calied, "miarriage". Evcry now and tlien wîen l'ni to attend a wedding tIc bride and groom will ask mc to bc tlic officiai photo- grapher aînd take ail the pictures. It was in tIe capacity of both faiiy fricnd aînd phiotographer thaf 1 attendcd the last wcddding. Iwas fa be at a Cafholic church 50 I was anxious f0 talk to the priest f0 find out if flash cameras wliere for- bidden and whcre 1 could stand to take pictures frorn and what 1 shouldn't do. Affer a quick four flirougli fli back of the church 1 couldn't locate tlic priest 50 I wandered out front and noficed that flic wedding gucsts were ail milling about and nobody seerned foo anxious to get on wifli tli business of geffing married. Affer a dloser look if became dlear f0 me fIat titis was a prevîous weddîng and flic bride and groom had just corne out of fli cdurci. The guesf s for my friends wedding were extricatcd from flic previous wedding and aIl were finally herdcd info flic clurch. The priest told me later lie lad donc four weddings fliat day including ours. Wondering wlicn we were going to get on with the weddîng 1 siipped back into flic churcli and flic priest was not only in thec church but lie was robed and ready by flic aifer. 1 didn't want to give him a - pssstf! - f0 get lis attention and taik to him about pictures because lie iooked about ready to start wlien suddenly as 1 was pondering flic problem lic spotted me. To my liorror lie turned fa flic wedding guests and said VIEW RESS out loud, "He's here!" and then he gave me a big wave and toid me to corne on in. 1 hesitated, flot wantîng to go riglit out on to the dias in front of the entire group of wedding guests already seated in the church arnd waiting but the priest waved me on again. As 1 walked through the curtains from the back roomn the priest took a good look at me and yelled out, "Aye, with that beard he looks just like Jesus Christ himself!"ý There's no doubt in my mmrd at ail that I must have turned scarlet and I'm also sure that some of my friends seated in the pews were just delighted to see me in sucli a way. Stili trying to be discreet 1 whisperedly asked the priest wliere 1 could take pictures from and if I could use a flash and the priest - once again loudly - replied, "Sure you can use flash, do anything you want me boy except don't swing from flie rafters - the iast photographer that did slipped and fell and uttered a terrible scream during the service." By this time the guests were laughing lieartiiy, haîf at the priest and likeiy haif at my embarrassment at having the priest standing there with lis arm around my shouiders yeliing at me like 1 was deaf. Finaliy as the service was about to start 1 positioned mnyseif at the front of the churcli right off to one side and tried f0 make myseif disappear into tlic woodwork. As the bride came down thc aisie the priest gave me a nod wifli his head toward fhe oncoming bride to make sure 1 wasn't asieep or anything like that and 1 got busy wifli the camnera carnîng my keep. Things wcnf pretfy smoothly from there on excepf wlien we got to the part just pasf the exchanging of the vows. I hiad faken most of my shots wifli flash but 1 took some wifhout just to make sure that somefhing would be sure to turnouf when suddenly fthc pries t stopped spe aking and- there was a deathly silence. The priest turned his head slightly towards me and I was baffled for a minute untîl the groom looked at me with begging eyes and it came to me that the priest was waiting for the camera to flash indicafing I1liad taken the picture before lie was going f0 go on witli fli service. 1 liurriedly pushed the flash, -the priesf smiled and the service went on. Ah I1 can say is that if was quite a wedding. Tlie newly- weds got the best pictures I've ever been able to fake and my nerves wcre shot. Looking back thougli I flink that anybody gefting married by fthe pniest af fIat dhurci must have a lot of fun and isn'f fliat wliaf weddings are supposeci to be all about?? nn unai raid tha fnilnuu;nn

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