Whitby Free Press, 21 Aug 1974, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2lst, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS FOR SALE - 8 ycai bay show Pony and sa( 1 2 Hdnds. Good with ci ren. ENGLISH AND W] ERN TRAINED. CAN JU $250.00. Phone 668-2 before 9 p.m. e FOR SALE- crib,1 mesh playpen, $15.,1 carrier, $8,00. Cati 668-6( ein FOR SALE - new chen cupboard doors, $ each. Sel] very reasona Cail 655-3534. emp FOR SALE- electrjc 1 mower and grass catc excellent condition, $65 Inglis Gas Dryer, excell condition, $98.00. An fier in rnahogany cabi excellent condition, S45 Fridge, good working or $25.00. Please cati 683.4(, any time after 6 p.ni. FOR SALE - 2 Dodge tires with rims, $S15.00.,2-1 I5" tires, $S10.00. Cati 655-3167. emp. FOR SALE - 4, 210 gali- on aquariums, 4 heathers, 3 pumps, 2 cover lighits, acces- ories about 50 tropical fishi with a red fin shark included (3 inches long) Si130.00. (al 668-9288 after 5 p.m. .emp. FOR SALE - heavy duty General Elecîric stove, also refrigerator - S8-5.00 for thc pair. Dinette set with four chairs, 540.00. Ail in good condition. CatI 728-6788. FOR SALE -- boys bic- ycle, almosi brand new, 26" tires. Asking S35.00. CalI FOR SALE r oid FOR SALE - single bcd, ddle. top mattrcss, $i10., single bcd ýil complete, $25,, 3 Good Year lidpTires, 2 new 5.50 x 12 on EST- Austin Wheels, $30., 3 com- JMP. partirnent sink, stainiess steel 2203 with taps and trap, $25., 61h x 1 Výso1id door, $12., fan, MP., 16" Mastcrcraft, 3 speed swi- 20, val, mode] 160, $37., Regai baby Icoffcc Purcuiaîor, mde1 093. 71000, 84 cups, $30., Zenith scales, 20 lbs., $19., Counter -arborite top, 60 x 2 ft., kit- $70. a King cash register', 1.50 $ 190.00. Cali 683-1058. ably. I emp. FOR SALE - Alouette 14 horscpower snowmobile awnI in brand ncw condition, will cher, include seat cover. helmet, .00. and miitts. Cost, new, $800., ient* Iwiil seil for $400. Cati npli- 668-6744. eýe net, FOR SALE - Frigidaire .00. dryer, Frigidaire 30" stove, rd56, $50. Must be sold before August 4. Cmli 668-3889). emnp. 1 emp.- FOR SALE - Slim Line" Beit Massage Machine for spot reducing. Cost S125., wili seli for $60. De-Luxe Projection Scrccn. Excellent condition. $1 5. Caîl 668- 3727. emp. FOR SALE - power la wn mowcr, $23., large white fridge and stove, $210. for both, floor polisher, $20. Playpcn, $5., coffee tables, 55.00 each. Cal] 655-3144. emp. FOR SALE - 1966 Grand Parisienne V8, 327 engine, power brakes, power stering. Lime coloured with black vinyl top. Good condition. $400.00. Phone 668-5105 after 6 p.m. cmp. FOR SALE - Ultra-mod-1 cmn Sound Systemn for DJ or rec-room, 3 portable sec- tions, vinyl covered,tapc.deckI control panel, swîche s, bog- en amp., 2 garrard transcrip- tion turn tables, 2 audio empire lone arms, GE cart- ridgcs, I15" JB Lansing. Sp- eaker mounted in theatre cabinet. New cost 51,100., 1 wili take $700. or best offer. Cail 668-9746. emp. FOR SALE - Dinette set, oval table, 4 chairs, ncarly new, $50.00, single bcd, $35., Philco B & W T.V. and stereo component set,- good cond- ilion, $200. Austin jeep with snow plow, $ 1,100. Cal 668-8125. emp. CALL 668-611Il FOR SALE - .38 John- ston Revolver, $30.00. ('al 576-8618. ep FOR SALE - Sterco Bar Iwith sho)rt wave AM/FM radio and turntabie. Must sec to appreciate. Asking S375.00. IPhione 668-2 198. cmp. FOR SALE - Black reg- isiercd îhoroughibrcd poodie. maie. 7 or 8 inonths,spayed, ail shots. SI100. Dcsk lamp, $6.50. Basketbali. $2.00. Kitchen light ixture, $3.00. Ladies white hiat. S3.00. Clean plastic shuec splashers, suze 8, Si1.00. Bathroomn taps. S3,00. Trailer hitch for smnall trailer, S35.00. ('al 668-42215 - emp. FOR SALE -21" four plate Jacobsen iawn mower. OnIy '2 years old. S65.00. Phone 668-8675. emp FOR SALE - afarab registered colt, S250.00. Cali 655-3493. emp. FOR SALE - 4 Michelin Super X Tires (Steel Belted), Size 180 - 15X - AS. Total S25.00. Cati 668-85,27. g Cmp. FOR SALE - Lloyd baby carniage -verygood condition. g$30. Hankscraft botule ster- iiizer, ¼4 price, $8. Car seat I$8. Call 668-9720.e FOR SA-LE - TrîimGymn Exerciser with instruction book. New condition. $50. Cati 655-4245. emp. FOR SALE - 2 small toy- poodies - 1 white femnale, 3 gyrs., 1 black maie, 1 yr. purebred - papers - good Ihouse pet for chiidren. $125. each. Must seli - moving to, apartment. Phone 668-7492. emp. FOR SALE - modern chesterfieid and chair, mush- Iroomn colour, like new, asking $100. R.C.A. b/w 21 "T.V., Ifloor model, in good cond. Selling - want to buy colour T.V. Asking $50.00. 1963 Arcadian Beaumont. Just spent over $200 on repairs, good motor, owned and idriven by lady only. Have receipts for repairs. Asking $350. Cail 668-4435. cmp. FOR SALE- - Tooper Goalie Pads, used once, in good condition, 27"' high, $45.00. Aiso, Cooper face mask, also in good condition, 58.00. Cail 655-3211. ep I I I CLASSIFIED --ADVERTISING m i-1 IEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS Train with the experts *Tultion fee tax deductible * Job assistance guaranteed * Weekend training also available Now, SPeClal Summer tultion Fees For application and interview write: National Tractor Trailer Traiuimg Schoot 738m3618 Box 445, Bobcaygeon, Ontario. Toronto Phone 493-6068 HELP WANTED Reliabie personi to babysit 2 smiail cliîldrcn 6 - 8 weeks, afternoons. Rotation of days off. Caîl 6684504. Aug. 21/74j OR AE- Fiiar S4.061Cep 2/74 i STOES OR RE WHITBY MICHAEL BOULEVARD' 1l1,000 sq. feet. convenient centre among new 1,.500 home sub-division. Ail uses. CALL Cioverlawn Investments Lt. 1 -964-8552 LEGAL F. ALAN LAWSON C.A. TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY I5 Coiborne Street East Oshawa, Ontario LJG IMJ Téléphone:~ (416) 723-3800 SPECIAL SAVINGS Contents of Model Homes. Chesterflels, lampe, dînet- te suites, velvet palntlngs, rugs, Al ln Showroom con- dition. ELMER'S FUMNIURE 253 Bloor St. E. Oshawa 728-3473 PAI NTING & DECQRATING Painting and decorating - frce estimiates. No obii- gation. Everyones in the groove - the big dlean-up. Cail Scotty 668.2692. CLEAN-UP SERICE -for basemenîs, attics, back Iyards, etc. Availabie even- ~ings and wcekends. Cail any- time, 683-4235. I Sept. 11/74 - -« JOE VALYEAR & SON DECORATORS Paper Hanginr, a specialty. Serving Whitbý and surrounid- ing areas for t ter 20 years. Let experience be your guide. 668-8426 'HOUSE 0F FULLER A good income cani be yours Work ful or part-time nea home. Average earnings ar( $4.00 per hou r. For informa lion call 723-0156 after 6:0R p.m. Aug. 21/74 FOR SALE - 4 piece sectional set, black leatherctte scats, $150., President Eiec- tric vaccuum, $75., Contin- entaI bcd with hecadboard, $55., 4 drawer chest, poiishcd, $45., metal wardrobe, $65., 21" T.V., Generai Eiectric B/W, best offer, 1940 Ply. mouth, best offer. Call 668-9124. Sept. 11/74 SALE 0F fine Canadian and European Oit Paintings. Out- standing sciection & bargains. Cail 668-5457 evcnings. Aug. 21/74 FOR SALE . Philips floor model sterco with 4 but-mn speakers. Excellent condi- tion. $200.00 or best offer. Antique gramiaphione, 4¼4 feet high. Crank inissing, $225. or bcs t o ffe r. Cali (068-9778. CARPENTRY lonie Repairs and iprove- inen ts. (Cerarnic vaii tîling and floor t ling. Cal 608-4686. NANNY - 11OUSEKEEPER -n ilcoun"try home for '2 smlall chlidrcll. Excliange for i bcdrooin apartiient. rnals and salary. ideal for widow. References. Cali 655-3217. Aug. 21/74 HUEFOR RENT 3 bedroons, available Sept. 7th. $235. a monthi including hecat and hydro. Caîl 668- 13497 aftcr 7 p.nm. or have just moved intoa ncw home WHITBY'S OWN r c r WE LCOME SER VICE would like 10 cail on you with 'housewarming gifîs' and information about your ncw location. The Hostcss wiil be glad to arrange your stibscription 10 the WHITBY FREE PRESS. Cal] her mornings at 655-3790 1 Free Press. Em orium DILLON JUDO ACADEMY CLASS H MÃ"VING LICENCE Black Beit Instruction in oronto-Pickering area, good Judo, Ju-Jitsu,. Self Defense. opportunity for righit person, For iien, women -and reasonabiy priced, financing children. cani be arranged with low 154 Bruce St. 725--3271 down payment. Wri te: Aug. 28/74 Box 206 Whitby, Ontarlo LOST- blackishi-grey maile poodie with wwhite markings, red coilar. Greenwood Cres. arca, Whîitby. Cali 668-.3656. FREE PRESS ADS PAN' Aug. -11/74 To ADVERTISE FOR SA LE - 1967 Piy- IN YOUR mouth Satellite, uncertified, WHITBY NEWSPAPER good mnechanical condition, CALL needs body work. Cali 6i68-3689. 6861 Aug. -21/74 686l DAY ('ARE i given iin my home. Full netiieti or part time. Any age. Cal] 668-908. Aug. 21/74s FOR SALE Igiwrner washer -- in good shape, $25. Cali 668-3189. Ag 17 H E L P W AN TE D IF YOU HAVE ANY EXPERIENCE IN SALES, YOU COULD FIND A REWARDING CAREER WITH ROBIN A. LYON. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL ME AT 668-6111 or 579-0555. TOP BANDS & DISC JOCKEYS For al occasions. Now acceptlng booklngs at Sun Music Enterprises Cati Mike Tonilinson 725-1379 CA Ep ios WHITBY BEAUTY MM U M 568,900. attractive 8 room home only two years old. Fcaturcs large kitchen, rosewood paneiled family room with walkout to Cedar Sundeck. Broadloom throughout, Pé baths. VIC MACLEOD REAL ESTATE Caîl Mrs. Gaine ai 1 29-24 am am NOTICEL TO READERS Advcrtisc iREL in the FR~EE PRESS EMPORIUJM, pay ONLY whcn yots wll! There %vill ot be any charge to atd- vertisers in the FREF PRI1.SS EMPORIUM ttnlcs thei itemn advertised is sold. Whenthie advirtiscd item is sold, you pay a commission bascd on THE ADVERTISLD PRICE as illustratcd bc- Ioq.'. Ail advertisemnents must be placcdon an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least ane month if flot solil RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up ta $400-00 2% of the balance over $400.00 EXAMAPLE: SoId item advertised tur $5C. 00- commision due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00) Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer isted as a private advertiser. Picase notify the Whitby Frec Press immediately whcn item is sold s0 that wc may delete it from foIIowvin-ý issues. Services, heîp wanted, clothing, reai estate and person al message type ids can only bc handlcd on a prejaid basis. If in doubt. call 668-6111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM PO. BOX 206, WHITBY IL w is CARE

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