PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26th, 1974, WHITBV FREE PRESS fami îly pag e Brookli*n Bylines Hi! W ell we're off to a good start this week, with; a special invitation to those children in the community who attend either Meadowcrest or St. Leo's'schools. Have you seholars got your report cards handy - and do they show that you, have passed your grade this year? Then take yourself (and your report) down to the Brooklin Bakery on Baldwinr Street and choose a deliclous, FREE donut! The community minded owners of the Bakery are, standing the treat, andil think that it is a great idea - and a generous one. Hope you guys appreciate the gestur 'e. Tonight, Wednesday, the 26th of June, at the regular meeting of the Brooklij Horticulturai Society, Mrs. Grace Coe and Mrs. Helen Baldwin wiil present a slide iluüstrated report on the annuai Ont. Horticultural Society convention, held June 12th - l4th at Niagara Faits. Mrs. Coe,. froru Ashburn, was very successfui in the province wide Hortie- ulturai slide competion, winning It and 2nd prizes with her two entries. She also wvon a third piizeiti the water colour competition, with her painting of a wild rose. Congratulations, Mrs. Coe! Tonights meeting wili be held, as usuai, in the Brookiin Unîed Church hall, starting at 8 p.m.- remember its the animal Rose Show too, and promises to be a very interesting evening. The holiday season is upon us, and i guess that many readers (and organizations) are off on Ilîcir vacations - hence the lack of news in the North Ward, 1 presumie! 1 sincercly hope that you ail have a good time, lu the mean lime the Bylines witl be adjourning after next wcek. for thie month of Juiy at least. If yoti do have news or information l'or that montii let me know by Friday, June 28th, for prînting next week. I've enjoyed communicating with the North Ward - botiî over the phone and in the paper - during the last few weeks, and 1 hope that the feeling is miutai. If so, 1 know that you'il be back on the phone corne August - perhaps offering congratulations to the Town Council for our lovely tennis courts!! Before 1 close tio', l'ni afraid that I have to mention a rat. Not the four-legged varieîy, but the two-legged type! There's a widow in our area. who, on Decoration Day at Grove Side cernetry - approximately two weeks ago -' took some box plants for her husband's grave. As she found no spade or lrowei available she thought she'd leave the plants beside' the grave stone, and return later. But a few days lter when she had the opportun iîy to relurn, -nol oniy had the plants gone, but aiso the pot Ihal they were in! Take Your Camera On Yo .ur Vacation, Whetlher you are planning a short weekend at a nearby resort or an extended vacation tour across Canada, a camera is a reat necessity. You don't need a complicated camera to gel pliotographs you will be ýproud of.ý There are rnany inexpensive easy-îo-operate auîomnatic camera -models on the market. If you are a beginner you might try a Polaroid instant picture camnera so. that you can sec imînediately whether you have captured the scene you want. Lif thie fîsti - now sm-ile - hold it - CLICK! and another good- picture is recorded for the farnily album. Sounds east? Il is! But chances are that unless you give somne thought 10 what you want ini the picture before you press the shutter the resuit will be disappointing. You can easily avoid corning home empty-handed or wiîlî pictures thiat just don't miake it by planning your vacation picture- taking before you Icave. Good pictures are seldomn the resuits of accidents. Plan ahead tu "picture your vacation" and youi will find it difficult not to bring back goodý vacation photographs. Start by rnaking a pictuire-takinig Iist. For instance, thc boys love to fish- remember the big trout they caught lasi year. Why not plan to capture the action as they net their lirst fish of the season«? Or perhipas youir young son is anxious to try hiis haind ai running tie boat - plan to gel a picture ol lîim behind th c whel. Jot down possible story-telling picture sequences. Con- centrate on the highilighîts of' your trip. For instance, your youing daughîter is looking forward to lier first lîorseback ride. Your sequence mighit be tlîis: (1) picture of stable;, (1) capture the rapt look on lier face as shte is introduced to thie horse; (3) show lier niounting the horse; (4) scatcd and proudon the saddle:.(5) show lier dismounîting - capture that look of acieiveien tshe's sure to be slîowing. Generalîy, thie hilîiglits of your holiday will produce your m-ost interesting pic ture situations. How low can one stoop - to steal trom a graveside. It would be great if next week 1 could tell you that the thief had. made reparation, but I have the feeling that these days hope is "pie ln' the, sky". i' feel so sorry for ' the lady concerned.I also feel depressed that the undesirable elements in the humnan race seem 10 grow stronger ail the lime. Maybe 1'm becoming 100 cynical - prove me wrong by giving me, some good news ....cati 655-3750. T 17 Although there are many rules for good picture-taking youneed only be aware of a few 10 gel the kind of vacation pictures youwWill cheiish. .... ..First be s ure>your camera is in g'od working order. If in doubt about ils operation, re-read the instruc- tion book or visit your camera dealer. If thecamnera is new or if you haven'î used it for a long lime, shoot a trial film before you start your vacation. ......Keep your camera handy. Don't miss an opportun- ity fo that once-in-a-lifetime great 'siot. .......Think before you shoot. Composition is the key. Decide exactly what you wanl in your picture and frame carefully. ......Keep the background as simple as possible so thal attention is focused on your subjecî. ......Get close to the subject so it about fis the view-_ finder, but not dloser than the minimum distance specified for the camera. ......Hold the camera as stead y as you can. ......Seek unusual points of view. ......Have your subjects do their own thing whenever possible so they will look natural and relaxed. For example, gel a shot of Mom perfecîing her golf swing, or Dad barbecuing the hamburgers. It could ail add up 10 making you an instant hît in al your vacation pic ture-taking. O.H1.S. Convention Frank Bennett can help you kee thsepromises you 've made to yourself. That's why Frank is Manager of Whitby's Royal Bank. He is there to help you. When you've got an idea that grows into a promise you mean ta keep, a Bonus Savings Account will help. It pays a healthy interest rate on your minimum monthly balance and there are no cheques 10 tempt you in a weak moment. And to make your Bonus Savings Account really work for you, Frank wilI tell you ail about Royal Certified Service-a complete package of twelve banking services for just $3 a month. That means il's very simple for you to.figure out where you stand with your money, so you know exactly how much you can afford to save in your Bonus Savings Account. So if you've made yourselt a promise-come int Whitby's Royal Bank and talk to Frank Bennett or any one of his staff. They will help you keep your promise. Phone: 668-9358. ROYAL BAN K serving nat serving you Send your dollars to GARE Canada, Dept. 4, 63 Sparks Street, Ottawa, K1 P 5A6. of Brooklîîî Horticultural So- ciety wvas ably represeîîîed at Durham rhe Garbage Disposai Site for thie Town of Whitby W ill be closed Monday, July 1, 1974, due to the Dominion Day Holiday. Normal Juîy 2, i operalio ns 974. wilI continîue 0on Tuesd ay, R.F. Richardson, P. Eng., Commissioner of Works. Town of Whitby Garbage Collectioln July lst, 1974' Garbage which wouid îîormaliy be picked up on Monday, Juiy 1Ist, wiil be picked'up onl Tuesday, Juiy- 2nd, 1974. R.A. Kuwahara, P. Eng. Director of Public Works. tic annuai Ontario Horticut. tural Society convention by Grace Coe, shown here on the left and Helen Baldwin who were cliosen 10 act as delegates. The convention was held iiiniagara Falls, June 12 to 14. In the pro- vince-wide Horticultural stide comnpetition, Mrs, Coe's two entries 'A Ciouded -Sky' and 'Midniglît Becomnes You' won first anîd second prize. The convention, -attended by 800. garden enthusiasts fromn across Ontario, featured, as weli, a water colour competit ion; and in this, Mrs. Coe's paintin*g of a wild rose Won a thîrd award. Mrs. Baldwin, on thie righî. tîolds lier new garden'- tools whichi she -won as a door prize ini the lucky draw. The ladies" slide-il lustraîted report on the convention featuring vicws of the 'Faits' area and gardens wili be pre- sented this evening aItue Society'.s regutar meeting aI the Brookiin United Chiurcli at 8.00 p.nî. Tlhe Society' -weidmes ail visitors at their meetings. MONEY - WANTED $500. 10 $50,000. TERMS - 2 10 6 months Equal monthiy re-pay ment. Revolvinîg basis avaiiable. Effective rate - 20 10 26%. Selection- of quaiity paper. 668-6888 Regional Municipality