Whitby Free Press, 26 Jun 1974, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26th, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS REPORT Duning the weèk of June 17 to June 23, 1974, officers on traffic patrol at Whitby Detachment investigated 22 moton 'vehicle collisions in w»hich I person was killed, .7 pensons were injured and *pnoperty damage amounted bo $1 51600.00. So' farin 1.974, 7,personý have been killed in' as mnany fatal motor vehicle collisions. For the saine period last *year, 5 persons were kilîed in 5 fatal collisions. On Monday, June 17, 1974, aI 8.10 parn., a single car collision on Highway 7 and 12 at Greenbank clairncd the life of Nelson David WILSON, age 24, of 124 Albert Street Nonth, Sîou- ffville, Ontario. A 1965 Volkswagen, driven by Wil- son was southbound whcn it failed to negoliatte the curve and struck the hydro pole at the four corners ini Gneenbank. A passenger in the vehicle, Daniel CHOWNS, age 23, of Markhiam. Ont., was taken to Port Perry Hos- On Wednesday, June 19, 1974, Mr. and Mrs. William J., Grylîs of 816 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby celebrated their 45th Wedding Anniv- ecrsary. They were entertained by pial' Constàble Gerry G113- SON of Whiitby Detachment investigate d the collision. Officerson general duties at, Whitby Detatchmenît, in- vestigated I' break and enter, 7 thefts,* 1 assault, 1 dis- turbance, and I malicious damage occurrence., 6 per- sons were arrested on out- standing warrants, 4 for im- paired driving, and 7 liquor violations were investîgated. WARNING lO BOATERS In the past week there have been several reports of thefts and minor damnage to boats docked in slips at local marinas. If youi have a boat which is left in a slip frorn weekend to weekend, a few simple precautions could save you a great deal of rnoney and trouble. Remove al valuables from your boat. If inconvenient. you might consider îinvesîing in some type of locked box for your equipment. A locking device for your n1otor and if poss- ibe always leave your boat tarped or closed. PM OUTLINES TRANSPORTATION POLICY Prime Minister Trudeau last week outlined in Cornwall, plans to improve inter-city and rail transportation. He proposed to improve inter-city service by the introduc- tion of a "super-bus" between Canada's medium-sized centres. These buses will have fair and, reasonable fares and wil provide better termiinal anîd on-board comfort and service. "ON MAKING MINORITY GOVERNMENT WORK" NDP.leader David Lewis is eager to reassure voters that another minority pvernnent will flot necessarily mean another early election. He said it would be the duty of members of Par- liament to make il work "flot for 18 months, but perhaps for two, three, tour years." A Toronto Globe and Mail editorial of June 18, condemrns the NDP - "It forced an election, flot on an issue that was con- trary to the principles or stated aims of the NDP, but on a budget that had concedéd a great deal - perhaps too much - to NDP thinking" The editorial goes on to say that the NDP pledge is hardly reassuring - "The average Canadian did flot want this election, and particuîa.rly fie did flot want it at this lime of year. Tens of thousands of' Canadians will be disfnanchised by the timinig of the election....", "Ail t"-s the New Dernucrats knew when they voted to force an election which - if Mr. Lewis saw his duty then as he secs it for ail members of Parliamrent now - could as weil have been held off until the autumn or la 1er." CANADA - BEST AT HOLDING DOWN PRICES M A report of the Organization for Economic Co-operation their family aI a dinner party and Development (OECD) shows that Canada's rate of inflation held at the home of their duzing Aprâ was considerably Iower than the rates of price lji- older son and his wife, BÎII creases in other countries. and Dorothy. leAr rces f.%i h aainCnue rc S The couple were present- ThApi crsef.7iithCaaan osu rPre ed wiîh lovely gifîs and a Index compares with an average increase of 1.1% among the mus*ical evening followed the Organization's 24-m ember countries. The United Kingdom regis- dinne r. ters 1he hîghest rate of inflation, 3.4%;Japan's increase was 2.7%. Continued From Page 1 Patrîcîa Hennelly; Mary Anne azzola; Martha Canzi; Marc Verrydî; Steve Brackenbury; Cormier; John Dcbosky; John and Ron Huinink. Downs; Harold Forbes; Hen- Honour graduates are: ry Goverde; Theresa Gray; DeeAnn Aprile; Brian Cor- Will iamn Hubers; Paul Hurley; dick; Linda Deeks; Sharon Bernard Jetten; Joel Kaiser; Deeks; Kathleen Fitzgerald; Betty Kroekensîoel; Debbie John Griffithi; Patrick Kan; Laturski; Jayne Mackey; Pat- Dorothy Linders; Frank Mac- ridia Mackey; Paul MacLellan; key; Marie MacNeil; Tom Denise MacNeil; Richard Me- McAllister; Ann McAneney; Ateer; Theresa Mclntyre; Ma- Catherine McMonagle; Pat- ry Patricia Morris;, Deidre ricia Norris; Peggy Poison; Newman; Terresa Ng; Cath- Ken Reilly; Armand Robit- ryn Norris; Robert Ouellette; aille; Maini Sherburne; Jenn- Debbie Polson; Sylvia Robert- ifer Shields; Otto Silîjus; son; Margaret Sciroer; Tim- Janice Tobin; Ben Van Ber- othy Sullivan; Darius Vaic- kel; and Bert Van Hout. iunas; Nellie Van Hout; Ste- Secondary School grad- ph en Wahl; and Robert uates are: Anne-Marie Bar- Wood. doul; Blase But ts; Carlo Camn- Dean Sir: On behaif of the Whitby Firemen's Association Hall No. 1 (Brooklin) we wish to thank the Whitby Free Press for the front page covenage of the Fireworks. Also would you print a notice thanking the Durham Regional Police and the Pub- lic'for their wondenful sup- port, and to Captain Ro n Hawkins of Whitby Fire Hall No. 3 for his supervision. Thanking you, Yours truly, Dave Owen Fire Hafll No. 1 Brooklin, Ontario Sec. Tres. Town of Whiltby PUBLIÇ MEETING FOR PRESENTATION 0F THE STUDY 0F TIIE ALIGNMENT FOR THIE ADELAIDE AVENUE WEST EXTENSION ___ ____ The Administrative Coniiitee of thc Council will hold a Public Meeting on Thursday, Junc 27th, 1974 aI 8.00 p.rn. in the Dr. Robert Thornton Public School at Scott Street and l-lazelwood Drive. The purpose of this meeting is to present a sîudy prepared by Totten, Sims, Hubicki Associates Ltd., regarding the "Adelaide Avenue Extension" from Anderson Street in the Town of Whitby to Adelaide- Avenue West in the City of Oshawa. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., CLERK Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitbv. Ontario. I I Il BIBLE SCHOOL - 9:45 a.m. BUS SERVICE PRQLVIDED IVOICE 0F FAITH -Cl 9 p.m. 1lst & 3rd Sunday each moni FaA11hBapIislChVurn 419 Brock Street North Whltby, Ontario Telephone (416) 668-2508 SUNDAY SERVICES WORSHIP SERVICE - 11 a.m. EVENING SERVICE - 6:52 p.m. NURSERY PROVIDED FOR ALL SERVICES fl TUESDAY: Pioneer Girls and 6:15 p.m. Christian Service Brigade to 7:45 p.m Bible Study and Prayer Meeting 8:00 p.m th MINISTER 0F OUTREACH REV. RALPH DUNN DRIVE-IN EVENING SERVICE JULY 7th, I4th, 2I1st, 28th and Aug. 4th. Come as you are and sit in youn car. PLACE..The A & P parking lot, on Brock St. N., Whitby. TIME-...6.52 p.m. Gospel Music and message. 1 July 7th ....... Hisey House of Song (evening service only)i Mayor Des Newmnan and wife. Marje dancing up a storm aI the Whîby Yacht Club -Free Press Plioto Town of Whiltby NOTICE RE: BROCK ST. RECONSTRUCTION FROM HWY. 401 TO DUNLOP ST. In order 10 dcquaint the drea homeowners and the general public wiîh thîis proposed reconstruction project, the Town of Whitby îs seîîîng up an information centre to be held on June 27th, 1974 at the Town of Whitby Municipal Office, 405 Dundas Street West, from 9 aà.m. to 7 p.m. R.A. Kuwahara, P. Eng. Director of Public Works ATTENTION ALL HEARING AID USERS NOW AVAI LABLE IN OSHAWA I-EARING AI DS eBATTERIES o EARMOLDSe o SERVICE & REPAIRS. REPAIRS CAN OFIEN-BE MADE WHILE YOU WAIT. IF NOT. FREE LOANER AID AVAILABLE. Homne Consultation by Appoint ment c; Y 73 KING ST. E., OSHAWA 725-1951 45th Wedding Anniversary9 THE WHITBY FREE PRESS (Voice of the Cou nty Town) Ilornctowfl papcr of' WVitby, Brooklij, Myrtle and Ashburn also serving Ajax and Pickering. Serving over 26,000 readers. Published cvery Wcdnesday by Whitby Frec Press lac. Bruno Harilaid, President. Located at the Free Press Building 121 B3rock St. North Whitby. SUBSCRIPTION (BY MAIL> $10.00 YEARLY MAIL: Box 206, Whitby MAILING PHONE: 668-6111 P'ERMIT NO TORONTO LINE 282-1004 2941 Editor/General Manager - Mike Burgess Assistant Editor - Jim Quail Classified Ads - Kathy Martin Graphie Arts - Marje Burgess a

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