KALNINS ON.. uncl e Steve' s -Village Restaurant My favorite court reporter Alan -Anderson told me the otlier day: "If you have a bit of extra time, stop over at Uncle Steve's Village Restaurant and sec if "Zorba Uhc Macedonian" is silil there." "And, if you sec cops coming out of his place, take a picture. You sec, Ihis place liasn'l been raidcd for almost a week." As instructed, I stopped over at Uncle Sîeve's tiny second-floor restaurant, but nothing was happening while 1 was there. As you may have lieard, Steve Necheff, better known as "Zorba tlié Macedonian" is liaving some problemis withi the Liquor License Board and its liead, former Toronto police chef Janies Mackey. In a nutsliell Steve lias been demied a beer and wine license by the board memnbers bc- cause îe's not observing the rules and regulatîins of the alin -iglty LLB. In fact. lie is rebelling. And, 10 gain smne publicity. Steve lias been giving away a frec botule of hecr for ecd two-dolîar mieal ordercd. This way. lic canulot be accuscd of breaking the law;v 1 Wlier I arrived at Steve's place. thc so-called diingii room vas almiost emipty. Steve. a broad-shouldercd fcllow wlio spcaks with a pleasant Macedonian accent, asked nie to join liiim ai the table. "Sorry. 1 cannot give y'ou a free beer", said the wild- looking proprictor of the Village Restaurant. "Howcvcr. have a cup cf coffee". Ten minutes later, Necheff announccd iliat hie's closing lus place 'tiI mext nioriiing. "*Irenie!" he shoutcd across the roum "go downslairs and lcck Uic door". A big, fat woman rose froin her table and did exacily wliat shie was îold to do. No questions asked. Ohi no, not at Steve's place. '-Now you can have your free beer', said Steve. "You are the first newspaperman b. gel fret beer ai my place without liaving ordercd a meal". Nccdlcss to say, I Ièlt USED BOATS Whiltby Mar*ine bI lwy. I12 ah Myrtle Station 655-41 Frank Bennett can help you keep those promises you9ve made to yourself. That's why Frank is Manager of Whitby's Royal Bank. He is there to help you. When you've got an idea that grows into a promise you mean to keep, a Bonus Savings Account will help. It pays a healthy interest rate on your minimum monthly balance and there are no cheques to tempt you in a weak moment. And ta make your Bonus Savings Account really work for you, Frank will tell you ail about Royal Certified Service-a complete package of twelve banking services for just $3 a month. That means it's very simple for you to figure out where you stand with your money, so you know exactly how much you can afford to save in your Bonus Savings Account. So if you,'ve made yourself a promise-come into Whitby's Royal Bank and talk to Frank Bennett or any one of his staff. They wiIl help you keep your promise. Phone: 668-9358. ~ ROYAL BANK .5 serving Ontarioý servIng you 171 Oum a I 1m*1 TPm Vam YMLMM Honda XLTO L*ist $52900 We have now acquired the Dealership for tlie World's leading manufacturer of Street and Dirt Bikes. Corne on in and sec our display. 1 Miles North of Whitby on IIighway'No. 12 <14/!LU'. £ tg£;IL go-ffad t ?haCfz R2 . # 1, Brookllnr Ont. Phone..655-4749 tom a-o- m - *#eb m «m -om- - - 'Im t , As the evening progrcssed, Steve rcpeated his said story about is drawn-out bat tic witli the LLB. Frrn what I can gather, the LLB so far lias donc a great injustice to this man. H-e is trying to stay in the business - the only business lie knows, but LLB spans lmi like a lit tic boy. So what, if tlhe place is not as tidy as,ý perliaps, it should be.- So whiat, if lies opcrating a restaurant without a Metro license. After ail, it is not is fauli, that the license liasn't been issucd on limie. Steve lias donc biis best to keep liis head above water. And Iet's not forget that lie lias been in' thc restaurant business for 35 long years. AIl in ail, lie lias been an asset to tlie comimunity at large. Tiierefore, Steve deserves a mucli better reception fromn the membersof the Liquor License Board. I hope lie gels luis license soon. And, if lie does not, Fi' sure there will be more questions askcd. One is almost îempted 10 suggest that chef Mackcy must resign, if he's unable t0 Iook after business inîcrests in tlîis province. The LLBO mnust operate responsibly or il mnust be abolislîed. In otiier words, liie is running out for tlie LLBO and ils old-faslîioned miembers. lue a in, ySlnU V-W P4rt9-00 CAL L ,<>. I V> 579-2504 >VT ALUMINUM, FIBREGLASS FISHING BOATS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS MATERIALS a WI-ITBY FREE PRESS, WLDNFSDAY, JUNE 19, 1974, PAGE 5 Iroquois Park Design. Contest- Winners The judging of the Iroquois Park Identification Designs took place on Tuesday, June Il th at 7:00 p.m. in the lobby of tlie new Iroqulois Park Arena. The twenty-three designs Qntered in the contcst were judged on symnbolismi, originality. eye appeal and suitability of design (size and durability). The resuits were as follows: Ist Prize Winner of $250.00 - Mr. Lawrence J. Forrester of 413 Perry St., Whitby, for his sculpture of the Horse and Indian. 2nd Prize Winner of $ 150.00ý - Mrs. C. Kao of 4 13 Peel Street, Whitby, for lier design entitled the'Olympic Toi2lh of Excellence"' 3rd Prize Winner of $ 100.00 - Mrs.* Shirley Batt.en of 500 Coîborne Street E., Whitby for her Totumn Pole. Ail the children under 1 6 years of age wlio entered the contest wiIl receive. a crest from the Whitby Recreation Deparînient in recognition of their effort. The judges were representative of Whitby Arts Inc., Whitby Town Council, Oshawa Recreation Dept. (Cultural Dept.), Wlitby Recreation Facilities Committee, Anderson Collegiate Art Dept. and a professional engineer from Whit. Whiltby 'Y' Off ers Tenniis f or k*ids The Whitby Farnily YMCA backhand along with the is offering a special eight serve and low to play the week course. in tennis for game. This is an opportunity children. Tliey are held flot to miss. Monday nights at the Henry Because of the popularity Street High School Tennis of the aduit classes more Courts. There are opcnings instruction time is being ar- in the six o'clock and eight ranged for Thiursday evenings. o'clock classes. Tennis stu- For further information and dents learn Iîcw to hold the registration details phione the racket, the forehand and Whiitby YMCA, 668-6868. le t rs o*t e a.it * ,b x 0 , h eb