Whitby Free Press, 19 Jun 1974, p. 2

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I. ~ PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1974, WHITBY FRE E PUESS Election Day is July 8th, a few short weeks away. fT( date al appears quiet in (bis arca. Oniy anc ail candidates meeting. It seems that no ane is interested in what wili happen on July 8th. The impression we receive is that saine candidates aren't warried whether they are elected or not. For that niatter anc Party lias waited until fôur weeks before that fàtefùi day ta norninate a banner carrier in the Whitby-Os/îawa Riding. The boundaries for thus Riding are fron Cochrane Street, Whitby to the eastern boundary of Oshawa, which includes ail of the City of Oshawa and a good portion af Whitby Town. Take note; Whitby residents and voters are in two Ridings; Thte Oshawa- Wlitby Riding and the Ontario Riding which. means there are two sets of candidates in thùi area for the electors in titis district. Watch your'boundaries fellows! How can ane persan meet mare titan 100,000 peopie in that short period of tine; four weeks? How can one persan or even his workers go around teliing everyone in ane particular area t/te'size of thte Oshawa- Whitby Riding about thte "goodies " the Governmen t is going ta hand out. * Goodies?" Is it reaily "goodies" when thte Prme Miniser suggests the way 'o fig/t inflation is for the senior citizens ta, eait peanut butter on day aid bread? Drunk Drivers Kili Thie'Iisuirante Sureau of Canada recently estabiished tce resuI's of a survýy fthey did lasi' year and anc of thc questioni asked onm thc survey ivas pertaining ta the groiig nutuber of drunks wvho insist on getting behind thte wheel of a car and iaiming or killing the populace. T/ze statistcs on auto fatalities are rather staggering ini that mnore people are killed by autos t/ian wvere kiiled in bot/i Worid Wars and stili the slauighter goes on. Every Remembrance Day we boiv aur heads and remenîber t/ose who gave up their lives sa that wve might remain free. Perhaps it's turne we started îinking about those who unwihîingiy gave up their lives ta the drunk drivers who weavcteir death machines over Canada 's highwvays daiiy. Budget Finalized Whtby council fmnalîzed a $7,668,1 17.69 budget at a meeting last Wednesday thereby increasing local tax payers' dues by abput $70. The new miii rate of 67.8 mils, based on an average assessment of $5,000, is 10.6 mils higher than lasfi year. But Whitby Treasurer F.N. McEwen says it's difficuit ta compare the old county miii rate with the new regional rate because of changing responsibflities. In the urban area the av- erage separate school supp- orter's taxes will increase by about $5 1. In the rural area, the separate school sup- Service The Whi tby Kiwani sClub have elected the new officers: President D. Lawrie; Vice- president C. Cyr; treasurer G. Mifflin. Directors are: R. Thiebaud; B. Reid; E. Ninacs; P. Stover; W. Chang a nd G. Aleong. Chairman J. Fudge reports that 3,009 geranium plants were sold. The Wit ýby Kinsmen Club have elected the new officers: Drunk drivers have ieft chiidren without parents anid wit/out futures, they have ruined businesses because of the ioss of te manager or awner and t/îey have cust you and I >housands upon thousands of dollars because of the necessity af /irîg policemen ta n-y ta keep themi off the roads. Is the problemn getting better? Absolutcly Plat - it is getting worse evcry year and every death. The oniy cure is public awareness and we applaud the Insurance Bureau of Canada for t/zeir efforts a niake bett'er knîownt this disaster whuc/i. atitks present' proportions, could be caiied a national probiem, or better sll, a pationiai sickness. h/e need the cure. CARE Canada Dept. 4 63 Sparks St. Ottawa K1P 5A6 porters wil increase by ab-:::::::::::::::: out $45., and public school >ýx; supporters by $63. These estimnates are based on aE ec o $5,000 assessment. :7 ,- The Fire Department's budget hias increased ~. $182,000 over last year to allow for (amnongst otlier ex- penditures) the addition of nine new fire fighters for PM UNVEILS HOUSING AND TRANSPORTATION POLICY the Brooklin hall and a sec- retar forthe hef.Prime Minister Trudeau lias unveiled the Lîberal Party's $1 5,000 lias been allocated threepoint housing pragram which is intended to make lower for landscaping and parking and medium priced housing more availabie. lncluded is a $500 at the Brooklin arena, part grant for first-tirne house buyers to offset the 11I % building tax. of the $200,000 allocated Msr. Trudeau foilowed this up with an announcement of his for recreational facilities in party~s transportation policy. The thrust is to Put People and the Brooklin area. national interests hefore profits. The Liberal Party is committed Clubs President Evercît Dcflart; Vice Presidetît Pat Harilcy; Vice President Ralphi Bell and Secretary Peter Guttin. The Witby incîte Club's new executive are: Preidnt Linda Shewan; past-prcsident Mary Barrand; Sccretary Mariaîî Reid; Treasurer Mar- ion Newans; Registrar Sheila DeHart; bulletin editors Dor- othy Heath and Gaîl Hughies. Shaw Nominated' Margaret Shaw was nom- Oshawa municipal polities' inated by the Oshawa-Whitby and is currently a regional Liberal Association at a meet- councillor. ing in Oshawa last week to Shaw won the nomination seek the federal seat in the over William Menzies of Oshawa-Whitby riding. Whitby. Shaw has been active in Rak Runs Agai Russel ak wiIl again rep- resent the Communist Party in the Oshawa-Whitby riding in the upcoming election. Mr. Rak, 42, an auto-. worker at GM, ran unsuccess- fully for Oshawa alderinan in 1970, and in the 1972 federal election. to the building of a thoroughly modemn railroad system. "Transportation is what holds us together... national policy must work to make sure that where distance divides us, trans- portation unites us," he said. GALLUP POLL - CANADA CONTROLS INFLATION BETTER A Gallup Poil conducted during the first weekend of May asked the question: "Compared ta other countries, how do you think Canada is faring in its attempt to control inflation - better than most. not as good as most or about the same? " Nationaily, 32% believe we are faring better than other nations, 50% said the same. and only 9% said not as good. PC FREEZE POLICY CHALLENGED In New Westminster, B.C., NDP Leader David Lewis de- nounced the Tory price and wage controls and Robert Strnfield's proposai ta make the freeze retroactive. "If business increases prices in anticipation of controls, he would make the freeze retroactive, he (Mr. Stanfield) deciares haltîngly. Can't you just imagine millions of Canadian house- wives sending bils ta Tory headquarters detrtanding retroactive overpaynients? What nitrnarish nonsrnsu! Retroactive ta, when, ta what and how? " Mr. Lewis asked. In Calgary, Manpower and Immigration Minister Robert Andras said Stanfield's price and wage contrais poicy wauld be 44absolutely disastrous- if lie can get bis party ta go along wi th it."- Newly appointed Minister of State Bryce Mackasey cam- paigning in Manitoba, cammented that Robert Stanfield's wage aund price contrais paiicy changes by the hour and lis initial freeze alternates between 90, 120 and 60 days. Mr. Mackasey said the PC poficy could oniy lead ta seriaus unemployment in !Canada. After ail, if it hadn't been fbr t/le senior citizens pulliný ini tlîeir beits, iiterally anîd figurativeiy speaking, doing îithout, going througlî t/ete de when jôod qnd fuel were rationed during thte Second World h/ar, where vould t/he junior citizens be? T/he Senior Citizens uf Caniada ivent througlî a Depress- ion, fought ini a Second World h/ar tht wasn't of ther miaking. Telling t/tem ta, eat day aid brcat andi peanut but- ter is like saying "'we don't care what happens ta yit as long as we can have aur cake and eat i tua. " IP is likeý saying, "we don't, need yaur votes. " After ail the Junior Citizens of today are aur Senior Citizens of' (amarra w. Despite the hardshîps of Depressian Years, thte, War Years and thte gaing withaut during the years fulloiving thte Second World War, many Senior Citiznes prepared for their retirement years. hits nottheirfault their retiremett funds disappeared. It is nat wholly beyond aur contraI as saine bright, self ambitiaus Junior Citizen cries out "it is ail due ta World, Inflation., Eat Peanut butter on day oid bread. " We wouidn't have inflation if the falsely created short- ages, food shortages for example. were stopped. Yes, Inflation can be broken ai' home. Give the people the right and encouragement ta continue with a World Wide trade, by permitting them to own their awn ftzrms. The expropriated Jarms and farm lands in this area, ta be used Jôr a superfluous airport, has for many years catered ta -the Warid Market. Thze land is expropriated, the owner who inherited the land and production of' the resources that has had a World ivide demand fô>- more (han 60 years, has had his livelihood and that of the people who help hlm witp t he wark of providing this World wide resource, taken away from them. People have ta, eat ta live. The expropriating of farmn land, leaving it ta, lie idie and naî producing food 15 creating. an artificial shortage. In turn creating inflation. Peanuts have to be imported from other coun tries ta make the peanut butter that is ta, be spread on the day old bread. The bread contains a certain amount of sugar - another imported product. Peanuts and sugar cane are farrn products comingfrom other coun tries. One wonders if today 's Junior and' In termediate citizens, the Senior citizens of tomarrow, wouid appreciate being (aid ta, eat peanut butter on day old bread -in an effort ta reduce the cost of living. What we are saying is exercise your preciaus right ta vote fQr the candidate of your choice. À right that the Senior Citizens fought for and worked hard ta preserve for the future generations. Croxali &So nLtd. 93 Winchester Rd. Brooklin 655-4841 Council Briefs A left turn lane from Hopkins on to Dundas St. E. wili bc provided by the region's works department. But .because of lack of room there ivili onîy be room for two cars in the new lane. Whitby éouneil gave app- royal for the closing of Brock St. S. from Dundas to Col- b orne on Aug. 3 for the anual Cotîn ty Town Carnival pedestrian mail. This is subjcct to approval by the nîinistry of Trans- portation anid coniniunica- ti (irs. The Town of Witiby wvill give S*250 as a prize for the besi float ini flic County Town parade, and another $500 if' il is entcrcd ini thc Niaga ra Grape and Winc Festival piar- adeý i S Caîlîarincs in Sceibe r. Comncil igréed 10 support adraft bv law raising lC price of dog licences by, live dollars providcd AjaLx andi Pickcrinîg do tdie sanie. Prescîîtly dog licececs arc $5 for tlîe tirst dog and $10 for each additional dog. The new law would set the price at $ 10 for eachdog. Tom Fitzsimrnons, vice- president of Durham Sports Enterprises Ltd., informed council tlîat the organization lias a franchise to operate a senior A hockey team in the senior OHA league if sufficient ice time can 'be secured in Whitby. This wou4d bc the first senior A team since the world champion 1950 Whitby Du nlops. The 316 acre Paramount Developnient subdivision pro- posed for the area southi of Rossland Rd., between Brook and Anderson, lias rcceived Cou ncil approval of the draft plan. Countcil lias asked for an agreenie ut frorn Ite develope r for gencral landscaping, ar- chltctural anid site plan control on ail blocks. THE WHITBY FREE PRESS (Voice of the County Town) Homnowtnmpgper of Whitby, Brookllni, Myrii.enrd A*ibur; .1.0 nrvingAjax end Pickering. Semving total of appoxlm.t.ly 2.000, rade s Publlihd eweiy Wodncsdav by.WhLtby Free PreshInc. BrunMa uriWad, Presidint Looeted at: FmusPress Building 121 Brock Street North, WMmitby MAIL: Box 206, Whitby PHONE: 668,600 or 668-61 Il TORONTO LINE: 282-1004 MAUN PERMIT NO. 2941 i Il Exe rcise Your Right Editor/Gen. Manager - Miîke Burgess Assistant Editor - Jim Qyail Classified Ads. - Kathy Martin Graphie Arts - Marie Rutter E ci 1

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