W'HITBY F7REE PREISS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1974, PAGE 9 Joyce Bowerman Working, To Meet Every Voter In Onht. Meeting every voter in On- tario Riding is the goal of Joyce Bowerman the Progres- sive Conservative candidate hlas set for hierseif. Logging 7,000 miles on lier personal automobile since the campaignî began, Mrs.,Bowerman says shie ex- peets to travel at least that much again before voting day on July 8. Not all of hier movenients *e by car however. "Thiere are limes when 1 becomne al- most weary from walking our residential areas trying to reachi as many voters in a day as 1 possibly can", said Mrs. Bowermian. Ontario Riding is a part- icularly unusual jurisdiction withi its many varied elemients living aIl the way fromi Lake Ontario 10 Lake Simcoe. Tii- ere are close to 55,000 voters in tie constituency. -Ours is a polit ically so- phiisticated Riding wliere people are clearly knowledge- able of the issues involved in this election. But 1I have yet to stop and talk with a voter who lias not been con- cerned about the manissue of the hiigh cost of li»vinlg", said the candidate. Mrs. Bowerman, despite the long hours and rigorous , physical requirements, app- ears to be able to handle the tough demands thiat are made on a politician. The campaigning begins at 6:00 a.m. each day when she rises with her husband Dr. Derek Bowerman and' reviews hier hectie itinerary for that part- icular day. Off at 7:00 a.m., Mrs. Bowerman wîll greet factory workers at the local plant, shake hands at the GO train stations, honk the horn at farmers along the drive, and generally busy herseif with a smile to anyone who is up and about at that hour. From there, Mrs. Bower- mnan may find herself at a neîghborhood tea, at a local Ratepayers Association meet- ing, discussing an elec lion n ï SUNDAY SERVICES BIBLE SCHOOL - 9:45 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE - il a.m. EVENING SERVICE - 6:52 p.m. BUS SERVICE PROVIDED NURSERY PROVIDED FOR ALL SERVICES JVOICE 0F FA!'-I - Cable 6 ls&3d9 p.m. 1 t&3dSunday each month More than 400 Ontario Riding weIl-wislîers erîdorsed Joyce Bowernîan's iionmina- lion papers thîs week as tlhe hard-working Conisetvative issue withî a local group ot voters or solving a persoiîal malter for a prospective con- stituen t. "lt's a busy day for sure, but you know, 1 rcaly do cnjoy it. Actually 1 am the kind of person who has lo be busy helping people 10 be truly happy", says Joyce. The Progressive Conserva- tive candidate aims 10 nîcet cvery local voter before eiec- lion day and Mrs. Bowerman says she will kecp every bit as busy once the election is over. "To do a responsible job for the people of Ontario canididate filed lier officiaI entry with RetturniiigOfficer Rick Iluil ai his Pickering Office. Riding. I knowv that I1 vill have ho coiisiîtly miinii this kîind of' schicduîe. As 1 said before, I enjoy il, anid I lhink I ani flie kinid of* erson people can îalk Io eisîy. So there is no p)robîcr-n with being available to everyone after the election resuits are confirnied", Mrs. Bowerman said. Suie often repeals hier promîise 10 mainlain a Riding office wvhich will move wcekly 10 ail areas of thie consti luency., The strengthi and vitality of the Progressive Conserva- tive candidate was probably demonstrated most clearîy last Wednesday wMien meet- ing with a group of hardy labourers. Mrs. Bowerman slîook each of their hands (47 in ail) and neyer flinched once aI their slurdy grec tings. TUSA' Pioreer Girls and 6: d 5 p.m. TUSDY. Christian Service Brigade to 7:45 p.m Bible Study and Prayer Meeting 8:00 p.m MINISTER 0F. OUTREACE RE.RALPH DUNN jj~for 104 harwood, Ajax Plaza, Ajax, Ontario 942-6611 The eek of Juiîe 10 t0 June 16 was a busy one for ollicers ofI Whit by Detachi- nint. A totail of35 accidents were iiivestigated wliich in-. Iuded one Fatal Acciden t ,)n I1w. No. 7 aht Westney lZoad. 11l)CIsoIJs were ini- jured iii the 35 aiccidents wlich resulted iii properly Liinagc in [lie ainounit of S29-500.00: On thie general side, a total ;)1 1 14 occurrences were han- Jled by officers whiclî in- :luded 11I Liquor Control Act charges, 4 complaints of Wilful Damage, 4 Thefîs, 6 Inpaired Drivers, I Theft of an Automobile, 6 driving comiplaints, 4 motorisîs in distrcss assisted, 2 abandoned autos removed from the high- way, 4 stolen cars recovcred for ollier police forces, 3 compassionale messages de- livered. 27 occurrences in which information was taken and relayed to the proper Police Force or O.P.P. De. tachment, 1 assault comp- laiiît, 2 building escorts, 1 escort of emergency blood. 1 missing person, 3 arrests for other police forces, 33 calis of a minor nature 10 whicîî officers responded, & one occurrence involving a charge of dangerous driving which îook place over a 10 mile area on Highway 401. Corporal J. ARNOLD, of Whitby Detachment was rid- ing his nmotorcycie westbound on I-ighiway 401 in the area of the Whitby-Ajax T à v@ ne at about- 11 :25. p nA.,' on JuneI i12, Mien lie observed another westbound veh icle being driven ini an erratic maniner. CpI. ARNOLD ut. tenipted t0 pull the vehiicle over but was uiîable to gel thie driver's attention. lie called for assistance from otlier officers and Const. B. DUNHAM also of Whitby Detachment responded to the cali. Const. DUNHAM manî- aged to gel in front of the vehicle and as a result the pursued vehicle, afler follow- ing the cruiser for some lime, ran into the back" of thc cruiser. This caused thie pur- sued vehiicle to stop in the Meadowvale Road area in Scarboro. Fortunately tlîcre was no damage 10, the cruiser and little or no damage was donc to the other vehicle. As a result of aIl tlhe actions taken by this velîiclc.thie Driver, Joseph Robert CARD- WELL, age 23, 8 Rochelm Rd., Scarboro, Ontario was charged wiîh Dangerous Driving under tlie Criniinal Code. With the County Town Carnival parade set for Aug- ust 3rd, The Kinsmen Club- of Whilby is busy preparing for the event. :' Withi re-construction of Brock Street S., the parade this year will be marshalling at Dundas Street school, go west on Mary Street to Pijie Street, soutli to Dundas St., and across 10 HenryStreet, thenco soutti on Henry to terminale aI Iroquois Park. Provision is being made to have young marching groups exit atlenry Street sùhiool to ,tvoid congestion at Iroquo>is Park and thus pro- vide miore rooinat the Park in order that Il oats and bands miay ecear Hienry Street quickly. Ail businesses and organiz- allons in Whitby are being asked to gel their cilt ry fornis in early for the parade and if any entry forrni lias not been received, one can be picked up a the office- of the Victoria and Grey Trust company, the Toronto-Dorn- inion Bank or thc Hair Cure Centre in thie Whitby Mail. Graduaite Metha Verwoerd,. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ver-, woerd, 101 Elizabeth Cresc., Whitby, Ontario, graduated from- the Nursing Assistant Program during convocation exercises held at the Oril.lia Campus of Georgian College June 8. Operated ini Orillia and Penetanguishiene, the Nursing Assistant Program was introduced last fali and is administered by the Allied Health Division of tlie College. A'so graduating on June 8 were students from the Dental Assistant Program operated in Orillia and a Health Care Aide course held in Sheiburne. REPORT -...4, I4ilh ItapEiiCkasreh 419 Brock Street North Whitby, Ontario Telephone 416) 668-2508 ln these days of mass produced fumniture and artiflelal wood, craftsm8nshlP appears to have been forgotten. The rich, warm blend of fine Canadian craftsmanship and quality woods found at Pioneer Interiors wiIl convince the, most discriminatlflg buyer that al i s not lost. Discover Ploneer Interors arid. enjoy a truly different shopping experietce. PIOEE!SN-TEBIORS['c 111 Dunlop St. W. - Whitby, Ont. 668-4231 Mon. 12-6 pm; Tues.: 10.6 Pm; Wed., Thurs., Fr1.: 10-9 pm; Sat.:. 9-6-pm~ . ........................ LASSIFIED. 0 iul ý t - *, ,