WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDN ESDAY, MARCH 27, 1974, PAGE 5 MOTORING.à w mu. I Labatts to Sponsor, Formula 5000 Labatt's Ontario Breweries has announced sponsorship of a third major auto. race -- a Formula 5000 event which will form part of the traditional Labatt's Blue Can-Am week-end, June 14-15-16. at Mosport Park. The company also sponsors the Labatt's 50 Grand Prix of Canada, this country's only World Championship Grand Prix which is held each September. The week-end doubleheader offers spectators two days of international racing as drivers compete in the Labatt's Formula 5000 race on Saturday, June 15, followed the next day by the Labatt's Blue Can-Am. "By participating in this third event, Labatt's are now the leading supporter of road racing in Canada, and in fact aIl of North America," said Harvey Hudes, president and general manager of Mosport Park. The Can-Am will be mun in two 75 miles and a 125 mile feature. Formula 5000 race differs slightly. two heats and a feature. heats -- a sprint of The format of the It will be staged in "We féeel the addition of the Formula 5000 event sat- isfies the spectators' taste for variety," explained Bruce Elliot, president and general manager of Labatt's Ontario Breweries. "The Can-Am features the unlimited power of Group 7, sports racing cars while Formula 5000 cars are thoroughbred. open-wheeled racing machines. The Form- ula 5000 event offers the additional bonus of seeing two of Canada's finest racing drivers -- Eppie Wietzes and Horst Kroll - competing against international stars," concluded Elliot. Wietzes finished flifth in Iast year's series and was elected Canada's racing driver of the year.' This will mark the flirst appearance of the Forintla 5000 cars at Mosport since 1970. Sînce that time thie series lias grown in stature. attractiîîg top U.S. anîd lnternationais drivers. Sorte rof thie leadingc drivers in thie series incluide Brett Lunger of' Calif., David Hobbs and Brian Redmiati ot England and New Zealaîîd's Graham McRae. Indianapolis star Mario Andretti is a new addition to the series this year. Hard-charging South African star Jody Scheckter won the F-5000 Championship in 1973. The F-5000 series opens June 2 at Mid-Ohio followed by the doubleheader at Mosport Park, which will mark Labatt's sixth consecutive year of involvement at the Ontario circuit. TODAY'S HEALTH Acupuncture Intrigues Health Professionals by David Woods You've probably heard a lot about acupuincture in the past year or so, but the technique isn't new. 'l'lic Chinese have been tusing it for more than 2,0t)0 years. But ils use as an anesthetîc in China - as opposed sirnply to a pain killer - dates from 1958. Trhe technique. which consists of* înserting needies ;it striitegic points in the body, hais enjoyed some suc- cess in its country of origin. But no- body's precîsely sure how it works, and even the Chinese admit its limi- taitions. A group of Chinese physicians visited Canada in late 1972 and showed dramatic films of comnpli- cated surgery being performed un- der acupuncture. But ai spokesman for the group said the technique is used as an aîddition to conventional forms of anesthesia. Used atone as ain anesthetic ils effects can weaîr off. The aîdvantage of acupuncture over other methods on the operating table is that the patient is awake and the surgeons can talk to him. And there arc no side effects. There's considerable disagreement among western physicians ais 10 whether acupuncture really works. Some conceded that though it seems to be effective on orientais, it doesn't appear 10 bc too successful fbr occi- dental patients. other doctorS Lelieve that acui- punctujre is mierely a version of hyp- nosis - one that works in very few sLrgical situations, and on very few patients. And stili others feel that the Chinese started using acupunc- tutre in suirgery sirnply because they didn't have enough anesthetic drugs. In any event, acupuncture is stili very rnuch an experimental proce- dutire. In an aîîcnîpt to find out more about it nine Canadian doctors and one dentist will visit China in April. Wheri they return, they'll be able to conduct more research into acu- punicture - and perhaps to teach others to do il. At present, it's a technique that's ripe for quackery: quickie courses aire being offered to non-pscin in Vancouver and Quebec, and fed- eral health Minister Mairc Lalonde wairns that people should avoid non-professional practioners of acu- puncture. Anybody seeking acupuncture treaîtment should be aiwa.re of ils ex- perimenlal nature. Until we know more about il, ils use should be re- stricted to relief of pain, and under- taken only on the advice, of a quaîlified physician. About 40 doctors in Ontario, Qu'ebec and British Columbia are currently uising acuipuncture. One member of the China-bound medical teaîm, Dr. Gerald Edelist of Toronto, says: '"Acupuncture is flot only strrotinded by myth and mis- understanding, but promise ais well. If it is inpr-opcrly tised at this stage there's a danger that we night he thr-owing away a tool that could be recally useful in medicine". Ihît -id W4oodst is a forme'r ecifor of Cana<ician Fa niily Pli: ' sician nmaga- zine', tic' lias sc'rvcd oni/wthestafl of four nu'dial publications~., d iui- 1<11 f<or .ç<'îral oiecrs j, in aaa n îliic'ritilionillv3. CARE is people heimg, people A.lb pomib y point primer n hw to lose. It's atal u ipe indelibly marked. If you drive for Ail you do is accumulate fifteen demerit points and lose your licence for thirty days. Do it again and lose your licence for six months. In this province, it definitely pays a driver to score a big fat zero. Ontario's demerit point system is designed to convince the poor driver to drive properly. Drivers who do not improve are then taken from the road because they're a menace to pedestrians and to other drivers. But the system is not at ail unjust. It's aimed at tellilig the driver where he's gone wrong and giving him plenty of time to cor- rect his faults. For instance. When you've accumulated six points, you'l1 be notîfied and urged to improve your driving. When you've got nine, you'il prob- abiy be asked to attend a pnvate interview and re-do your driving te st. At fifteen points, you'ii lose your licence for thirty days and drop back to seven points. Get fifteen again and you six months. won't drive for However, your record won't be two years without a traffic con- viction your points are erased and your siate is dlean. How Demerit Poits Accumute 7 points Failing ta remaîn at scene of an accident (Highway Traffic Act). 6 points Careless drîving. Exceeding speed lirnît Racing. by 30 mp. h. or mare. 5 points Driver af bus failing ta stop at unprotected rai[way crassinys. 4 points Exceeding the speed limit by 20 ta 29 m.p.h. F'ailing ta stap far schaal bus. Fallawing taa clasely. 3ons byeen Il to 19 m.p. Dnvîn toug mph, aan or nder traîlwa rossng ba mne rriwycosn Fadingte yedngta wayln oyel gto Fadigtaae aso sialignal îghia so railway ',-rossîng signal. headlarnp beam. Improper openîng ai vehicle door. Prohibiled tmns. Towîng of persans on toboggans, bicycles, skis. etc. prohibited. tions of police affîcer. Failing ta repart an accident ta, a police affîcer. Impraper passîng. Crowdîng driver's seat. Wrong way on ane-way street or hîghway. Fadling ta abey sîgns other than those niantioiied abave. Pedestrian crass-over. Failîng ta share road. Improper rîght tum. Improper teft tomn. Fadling ta signal. Unnecessary slow drîving. M M The whole point is to score nothing, keep your record dlean and drive happily ever after. ~ Ministry of Transportation & Communications Hon. John R. Rhodes ATC. McNab Mnster Deputy Minister Ontario CARE's nutritious meais help 25 million children to a heathier future. Two dollars provides food for 180 hungry children in the world's de- veloping nations. Send you dollars to: GARE Canada Dept. 4 63 Sparks St. Ottawa Ki P 5A6 m I. points