Whitby Free Press, 27 Mar 1974, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH '47 1974 WHOLESALE CLEARANCE PRICES!1 SPECIAL'e9--iM 1974 Ma tcado r'X OH! What a beauty. The satisfaction you'll get from driving this exclusive automoôbile wilI ýnake it worth your dvtwhile to get down to MacDonald Ford, Oshawa. P.S., P.B., [Bucket seats, consol, radio, etc. License No. E2KI 56. OnIy $41861I 1973 L.T.D. BROUGHAM Low, low mileage and one owner. Feel the difference and the total comfort of a Brougham. Air-condiîioned for the HOT summer mion ths. License No. AET8O?. ONLY $3.496 1973 PINTO RUNABOUT Economny and truc FORD performance with lot's of roomn for the small or large faniily. Loaded with options arnd Luxury interior. License No. DZS566. ONLY $2.466 1973 CAPRI 2600 The Hottest little Sportscar on the market tu-day. Loaded withl options, including SLit-root', au tumatjc. radio and mâch. much, more. License No. 11HU354. ONLY S-3.756 1973 SWINGER BY DOD)GL Reliable six cyl. engine. AUTOMATIC. Power steering. ONLY 7,000 MILES. This A-I Auto is priced to clear the unly and lonely Ford Lot in Oshawa to-day. License No. HFI8O.ONLY S3,226 1972 FORD RANCH-WAGON Campers and large families take advantage of the great buys this week at your Local Ford Lot. MACDONALD FORD. This wagon has low mileage and is a one owner. License No. BMC822. ONLY S-2.636 1972.OLDS ROYAL DRIVE AN OLDS. DRIVE A ROYAL at MacDonald's Iow, low used car price's you can affofd to drive your dreamn car fully powered and ready for immediate delivery. License No. FCEO49. ONLY $2,416 1971 L.T.D. BROUGHAM 4 DR. You feel the total satisfaction you deserve when driving Buy an L.T.D. FORD's pride and joy. Accented by rich, vinyl interior. License No. EAE858. ONLY $2,169 1969 MACH-I MUSTANG Power, Power. This high performance give you a head start and keep you there. dk. jade green and complimented by a richi License No. EAE858 OP machine wiIl Finished in a vinyl interior. ýNLY S2,226 14~9 MUSTANG SPORTSROOF Looking for something différent?? Look to a Mustang! It's eye catching - lt's dependable and it's BOLD! Fully powered with an auto trans. and console. Hurry! Hlurry! License No. DZVOI3. ONLY $ 1,646 1968 METEOR REDIOU Auto Transi-nissioni, V-8 and runs out real weII. Needs a little body work but would be ideal for a second vehicle. Buy il as is ut my once offered 10w price. ONLY $56.00 1967 VOLKSWAGEN WAGON Economy and lot's of room in this cule IutIle wagon. Needs a bit of work buy buy il as is and Save! Save! ONLY $1 66.00 -'No Down Poyment requlred i you uiy ,F inancing opproved on the spot ~ FORD DOflNAtLO GIVES YOU A HEADSTARL A ERVIE TAI KEES YOUHERE (ai Thornion Rd) 815 KING ST.W.576-1800O OSHAWA- A snownmobile era will end with the current seaison iii Ontario. There is every indication tlhat siiow mo- bilers will have to live wlth new and more restrictive leg- islation in the winter of 1974-75. The Ontario Safe- ty League appreciates the strong support of these ch- anges given by industry and the snowmobile clubs. The Ontario Snowmiobile Distributors Association, re- presenting the industry in this Province, has worked un- compromnisingly 10 proinote safety and more realistic snowmobile legisiation in On- tario. New and expanded programs for next season were announiced at a recent meeting of the Association. Pickering Council News The Pickering Town Council passed a resolution accept- ing the resignation of the Town Engincdr Poul H. Poulsson. His resignation becomes effective April l7th of this year. Mr. Poulsson hias been Town Enigineer for a number of yeairs. He became a member of the Pickering Township Staff while the Municipal Office and Council meetings were being held ini the old Municipal Building at Brougham. At a recent meeting of' the Pickering Town Counicil somne regular hotisekeeping procedures wvere dealt withi. This includes the prepara tion tor the anU11Ial road main- tenance wvhichi begins shortly after ilhe Spriiig break uip. A numnber ut tenders wvere accepted, includ ing a tender of' Repac Construction and Materials at S8.99 per ton f'or the suipplv of ('old Mix Aspliaît. Thie supply of' Calcîium 'ioride Flake will be obtained front Fan Lippert Trncking ai the tendered amIOun t of' S68-24 per ton. l'le tender presented by Miller Paving Comnpany for the supply of Calcîium Chloride LiJuid at I18.22 cents pet- gallon was accepted. The above tenders are authorîzed by the Cotincil tu be accepted "subject to thie approval of' the Miniismry of' Transportation & Communications." The ('ouncil passed a resolu lion stat ing tat instructions be given to the Roads Departnient to gravel thie dniveway to Greeniwood Park. The graveîling is to bc donc "as required and to grade the driveway to the Greenwood Park as needed." The recoinînendaàt ion wvas forwarded tu the Counicil by thec Execuitive Conirnittee. The Executive Commîitîe ut if's Marc i 1I th meeting recommended that te reconrmendation of the Planning Director be adopted. This recommenidation was passed on 10 the Pickering Town Council wvho authorized that "J. Thurgood be appointed Acting Senior Plannier." The Council authorizcd the uppointrnenL of a deputy Clerk for the Town Office. This was donc and J. Myslik is assisting the Town Clerk NocI C. Marshall. The Town Solicitor is J.R. Boxma. Wood, tile flooring corne in wide variety Both solid vinyl and less costly vinyl asbestos floor tiles are available on the market in a variety of colors and textures neyer seen before. Wood floorîng cornes in randomn-length strips ami size as resilient lloor tile (V" by " and 12" by 12"). Kentuci MORE? *SA VE!! e On> Premium Quolily <s> FUEL QIL STOVEOCIL PROM PT, COURTEOUS SERVrCE CAIL 668-3381 L LUW BUY TWO SNA, Mc MICHAL ânesuiýL 'l fIe League heartily en- dorses OSDA's plan Io con- duct snowr-nobile operator training programs in second- ary sehools in co-operation with local principals,.'and teachers. In an effort to reach great- er numbers of the snowmno- bile centres wîll replace the local safety clinics previous- operated by OSDA. En- ertainment and top show personalities will make these presentations an entertaiffing snowmobile extravaganza. 0.f major importance, re- lative to imnpending restrict- ion of snowmobile road use, is the Associatîon's plan 10 promnote greatly expanded, snowmobile ýîails, through co-operation of snowmobile clubs. Thank You! A "thank yoti" is in order to those individuals and groups whio have respunded to our article in the newspaper and shown an înterest ini assisting in t1w implei entation Of a voluinteer programme in the Whitby Jail. Realizing that this was our first major step toward mnaking the comnmunity aware of our intentions, the response was pleasing. But. when thinking of the area population and the assurned qtiantity and quality of untaýped resources, xw feel we have a way to go before we can iniplement the most effective type of programme. We need more community involvemnent and we hope that irnore groups and individuals will coine forward. We are very pleased with the fact that from this group of interested citizens we were able to obtain the services of onîe volunteer to becomne the Volunteer Co-ordinator for the programmes at thue Jail. He is Larry Pooler. an cmn- ployee of' the Whitby P.U.C. and a member of the Oshawa iaycees. Larry will be responsible for the co-ordination and supervision of the volunteer effort and will assist in the screening and training of tlhe voluinteers. His first duity wilI be to chair a public meeting which will be held on Wednesday, April 3rd at 8:00 pan. in the Consumers' Gas "Blue Plame Room", Hopkins Street, Whitby. The purpose of this meeting is to get acquainted with the volunteers, discover what they can offer and to organ- ize and set out our plans for a volunteer programme in the Whitby Juil. Anyone who is interested in volunteer work in the Jail and feels that he/she hias something to offer to the inmates, pIease plan to attend. Come 10 the meeting and get community involved! ,ey Style CIiicIen ICKS GET ONE FREE! (Value $1 .20), plus 1 coke arch 27th & 28th LYNDE VALLIY TAKE OUT MICHAEL DLVI. WHITDY 8061--7511 End ,of nowmobile EfS1 ra

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