Whitby Free Press, 23 Jan 1974, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS BIRD'S EVE _JIèlf0QI/AIL Comm itti ng A Savings For ail of you out there who are workiîg liard at the Scrooge bit 1 have decided to give you some of my pers- onal tips on how-to commnit a savings because of thue ter; rifie response to the previous column on lîow to comnmit a neatîîess. Weil... îîever mnîd the response, 1J"in going to tell you anyway. Saving aîîy amouint of rnoney ini these troubied tirnesis a difficult task so you mnust be ruthless when it cornes to pennîy pinclîing. Let's start with grocery shopping. The first thing you have té do lis learn wlîat the prices are of ev- erything you need from week to week and what is a. good price and what is a ripoff. Every week the grocery stores have sales and they ai- ways advertise them in the paper. Now tlîe trick is to find a litt 'er container that is used quite often and with luîck and a littie rwnmaging you cari pull out a day old paper two out of three tries. Doîî't dilly dally with :îews of bom- bings. killings and general mayhemn but go straight for the real tragedies, the food ads. Every food chain selîs somîe goods at bargaiîî prices bo get you into the store so you'il buy other goods with a higher profit margin. Go through the ads and circie with a borrowed red pencîl the goods that are on sale and which look like good buvs. Becauise the supermarkets mnay nîot ail be ini the sanie area it will probably be necessary to borrow a bicycle froni your neighbour's kid and if the markets are too far apart then try for the neighbour's car. With your food ads in hand and transportation arranged you're almost ready to go. i say almost because the last thing you' shonld do before departing on a grocery buying spree is make yourself a meal froni ail the leftovers ini the fridge - furry or not. Go out of your way to make a part- icularly bad meal and then gobble it down quickiy, ensur- ing indigestion. If the meal was bad enough you will swear on the spot that you are off food for life. The worst thing you can do is go shopping on an enîpty stomach because you will buy ail sorts of foolish things, but after a rotten meal yo'u'Ii have to find the strength just to look at the food in the supermarket and heuîce you buy only what you set ont to buy. Once in the market head right for the iteins you 'vant and don't even look at anything else ini case you are tenipted to buy. It may happen Iliat wlîen you get to the proper aisle the shelf is bare and it appears the goods on sale are out of stock. Don't you believe it! Grab a stock boy anîd rarch him to the back room 10o get a new suppiy. If the stock boy comes back empty handed witlî a shrug of his should- ers tell him you want a ramn check or a bail check or wlîat- ever and if he plays duîîîb get tlhe manager. Let thie want at the grocery store. the drug store or the cut-rate clotlîiîg store. Most of tiiese places seil sox, undies, shirts and even made-iîî.Taiwan toques. The onlly tiîing you have to watch about buying ciothes from the orient is that thiey inake the little rascals smaller tiiere tli they do luere so if you wanî a mediunm theîî shop for a large. There are aiways bargains arouîid sucli as nionth old bread, used ice crearni. refilied bail point pens, used liglît bulbs and day old cigar butts. Witli a little practice you ean be pincinig pennies witlî tie best of themn but pinch quick- ly, I hear the priceof a pennly is going up 10 three cents. Couil. Tom Edwards'fail- e4 to get council endorse- ment of the California Grape boycott at a recent council meeting dueé to a technicality ini the ruies of procedure. Thie error occurred wlîen council arose frorn comiitee of the wlîole witlî no re- conimendation oni the nuatter wlxich autonmatically makes the subject ilo, longer debat- able anîd disposes of il '-in the negative.» leCotin. Edwards said that h etthat the inatter "had been very* successfully siou- ghed off". Speaking for lus motion, Coun. Edwards said that the grape boycott was a lot more than a trade unioni dispute and that farm families ini California werc livinig on less than S2,000 a year. Mayor Newmani said, tlat- he is syinpatlietic but finids it difficuit t10'support onie Tuesday, January 29, i 974,Could be the most important date in your ifte Oni thuat date, ait 8:00 pr.iite %Whitby Jaycecs arc holding a special "Meeîthle iaycces" meeting ini the Blue Flamne Room uf the ('onisuircis Gas Butildigi Oig1Consumi- ers Drive. fliitby'. Vf Vouu'e oeweenî the ages of 18 and 35, interested in persollal advarîcenienît and concertied about the future of' your cuiiriiîy, Vou slîouid he tiere. Jaycces is uni internuatijonal organizalion uf voung people, dedicaîted ru, sel f-ber ermiet i 'rougli coninuniity service. Jaycec îîenîbers participale. Irecof' charge, i formiai and infurnial coutrses ini effective speaking. cumin ittee manage- mlent, group leadership, goal setting, managemient by ob- jectives and nîany uliiers. This trainirng is 1ihen put to practical use i n Comnir ty deveiupmnrt projecîs whicli give Jaycee mienibers the chiance ru puithle îlîeory lu work. If yuu worild like a ride lutlîte mcclirlg. or more infor-mation abOuIthte MVhitby Jaycees. caîl Larry Andersoni. Wliîby Jaycee P)rc5idt t 668-8696. union against another. He said ini principle he support- ed the original boycott'. The subject will be dis-, cussed at the next council meeting as Coun. Edwards moved a notice of motionî to endorse the boycott. Calilfor.nia Grapes Go Sour Un Whitby Council W PRICES EFFECTIVE MON., JAN. 28 TO SAT.. FEB. 2 KOEX. 48's 1Z99 REGULAR or SUPER ~CORCIDIN D COLD TABLETS 24's SUGG. LIST $2.19 NOXZEMA 2 x 4 oz. SKIN CREAM SPECIAL SUGG. LIST $1.79 FLiNTSTON ES MULTIPLE VITAMINS & IRON 100's SUGG. LIST $5.09 EFFERDENT DENTURE CLEANING TABLETS 28's SUGG. LIST $1.05' CO LGATE TOOTHPASTE 150 ML 1.m29 83Ç COvu'RTIC%*f-AWN I.D.A PNARNAyj SHORTS I.D.A. PNARMACY Ili kide st. N. 6w82* 4 WRMITUBY 65 adwi. St. 655.3M01 ROOKLIN I - __________________________________________________________________ Annual Ai 20% Sale VI erchandise Jan. 21 m-26 EXTRA SPECIAL 10.95 - 7.74 12. 95 -9. 95 5.95 - 3. 95 14.95 - 11.95 *Onîly exceptions Suîîday Sclîool Curriculum - Hynin Books. Many more items at greater tlîaî 2017( off No Charges - Phone orders- or Mail orders BOGK SHGP I 104 CONSUMERS DR, WHITBY (Off Hopkins Ave. in the Scripture Press Blcdg.) BEADERS WRITE Dear Mr. Burgess: Thîis is to advise you tlîat the Dr. Joseph O. Ruddy Hospital Woîîîams Auxiliary will be lîaving Ilueir Annual anîd Geîîerai Meetinîg on in. 28t1î at 8 p.m. to be hîeld in the Cafeteria of the Aîîdrew Antetina Co. on Beeclu Street, Whitby. >Would you be good enots- gh to make tiîis announce- ment ini your- paper prior to the event. Tiîaîkiuîg you iniAvanîce for your kindness. Yours truiy, Diana Piikington Public Relations Chairmanl 1 iî'ing Bible Lerdmnzzs Ilandhook Iothie Bible The Neîvinw irnat jonai iVew ,Testament The 1aralle/ Bible We build boans cut to measure Whatever nay be your neeci, whatever niay bc your capacity, when you reach to a i ortgage, reach for the sound, friendly imortgiiging counsel of the people who haive been custoni building boans for- people like you since 1889. Your V and G miortgage brings you more than the nioney you need. It brings you the conficience of knowing it has been expertly cut to mieasure yotîr requirernents. Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation VCÏOJMan î2GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Lorne Reed manager 308 DUNDAS -WHITBY 1 - -- 1 m leu

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