Whitby Keystone, 15 Jun 1905, p. 2

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TAL(OF I~LVA~/O -1 If Indeni-ëty is Too Iligh it W*0lI Payi Russia 10 -~ Continue the War. M. Delcosse Fuiled in Effort to Link france .With Britain and Russia. Smali Body of Russ'lans Repused and Made to Fiee in Confusion. A St. Petersburg cable: There is a significant change mn tone on the part of some of the Rusaian newispapers, libre the 'Iiovoe- Vremya, which neyer heretofore have even admitteil the possibility of the conclusion of hostilities until Rkussa had recovered ber nnlitary prestige by a vicr.ory. To-day the papers discuss calmly the advisabiity of ending the war, if japan's terms are reasonable. The pa3'ment of a big indemnîty, they dedare, would be toô humiliating. The Novoe Vremya says bluntly that if japan acka-too much it wîil pay Russia to prolong the contest indefimitely; while the Russ Iargues that if representatives of the Russian people are called 'together japan will see herseif confronted by the whole nation, and she will readily agiee to reasonable telnus. "Evcn flhc î-<-oltionists' the ]Ruse adds, ire not traitors. TIhcy are fighit- ingthe]î present rotten biircucracy, and net tihe-riother (ountrv. They %vould not to-a-ttc a disgraceful 1àc.' Uxic cstlgret is expresscd in ,af- ficial r<-ijle's nt the retiremett of _M. Delca-c, mtil rec<ntly French Minisier for le rcig A f fa irs, Ilie as' retrided as .a truie rîd <f Riiswas a jwrisun- al fsiv e f Foreign Mn~ r Couinc Larnsserff, a nid %iiîs a sincere and un- eqîn ' ut-ai supporter of t he-dual allianice. "\*Ve kneow lbe teIoapprecltelc tr*ue friend-, \tchave sonie or tliiin." "ltie Ruseanmd th e Ivo tonsîder M. Pelcasse te be t he vict în of trving te lav thc inilosic iole cf coiîîictilng in k bctwc(t-n two rivais- usansd Great Britain. 'l'ime Stovo says: -M. Del- casse'ipolicy m-iz sever diroctott to- waids tihe iSoAit ion of (Ger:naîîy, but lie foigot that an alliance %vith G rcat Britauii wotîld ruin anY 1eliticlea sy-steni ainied ngnin îst C(ermaîv.'lTe Britishi ai- liance liais iset hclptd liaituce ini \leocco buit itlia!, enibroiled lier with Germiatur. M. l.casse pays tic penalit y h ret iring as cîplcllos ieîîn 1 sier nvoidcd witt ihsn ent of the Cabinet, and ii retiremfent il iont effect the dual al- liaiîcc." A Russian Repuise. ToLie. cablt ipt.<cipteilisays: Imperiai nirny vitset1ssrtters give out folio\vitg! "'At 1].10 Onlock on th itioîrning oif Junv t- ih, ab<î< v Aif Illissiaîass. Sollic 160 strong sivi rîed frojii the dir-ection -of Surnia0ti. siaboit namile and iil (tIlarter o-f eist of -\ un uîsseîîiiieîî. luit were met and repitlmed î<:N'lis onan emtiunece lviii nortlî cf thnt place. The enciny f!P.d ini confuiin tawnr<l Nienyfing, seiren miles nortlîest of Xiuipiennmcn. "(Oue solitier and two sstddlcd herses, wcrecacptiir-d. "W\ith flie exeption of skirmifhes be- tw en-ou-t s on e sistes t heîrfi_; ne chai-igo te report e«wlcr. ASKS PEACE -ÀERMiS. Lanxsdorff and Wî-1tle Watut toEKnow japan's Terims. A Paris -<ahi.: 1h is di'f;nitely kunovu thait t-licRasueimn 1ervIgui .ismster, C-oU-t Laîistorf f. secost(ix-< by M. Wite Peii- dent of t-lie Cemnzit-te; cf NMini-itera, lias initia ted o4-rtuirc t liroiig-'.ithei Russian re'pî-centuutiveR abroad tu-o i a pa-ua disposition andl ternis of pence. 'fliee cî-ertîire-s. It ïmi<aid ber., began tltree- -days aage, ani were the cause of t-le-more tuoefaIl ie-w wlîckithtle officials began to ahave. A-t tlr&<saume timie it wa.s t-ten a-nd sit-lJ1i8larecoguswd (lthnt Coint i»udorff anud M. WiVkte represgent the rîeaee <le- sient, a-ad it i. net relt lax li fular thbe Agre on Pgace Vtews. A Bes-lin cmii. Tiie Interview$ Bar-on Speck Von Stçrnburg bas bail witi Ps-e vident Iloosevelt suid t-be table corresUpOn- dence bet-veen thse Aîd'*îssados- and the Foreigii Office lierr entiuded il tliv Pse- aident ail thié En-t'esorfifidiug t-bat they badl ideusical ceaon thsesubject of peaee-easiti vver--euily e'-o! the s"me opinion o's te tiic meth1od of- ils-ng Riui.-l aud -.i1asun lt-o wegtl&a4s .lie joint-vimw peorlýd-té lie that. otticrtaijncluding Fiancee ana> reut Bsi- taini cughit fil &-cleft ost-t b"îfaUme te b.- sure of ls eommmifîuty . f 'ienWg amnp &Il wvoid 1,. as slow 4Md cu;ub.,ermv» business itanid-ruulillio iess lisaaas tmling on tî aatro! eut-ile ps-es-I aure.i1h uow transpfires t-at Aabaa- or eyer's audience o!f"£,m ror ithio.- tIibad b been préeedel y fmnlyeun. ,ci et Tarko' elê t ich It 4 .ae- peed a iecision vae reached thut. wc. Was entertal.Rbtm If JQuanseondftýIepq ,wèee itot toc unnsoitebte. ROOSEVELT CRITI 1ua~mn fevaapeA mapym 't 4 States. Thie Sbip ,ai Xasilà. A St. rëergburg obe I~R~1i prs. îotably 010 N-uwvoç Vr . 4 u tube Rus, Ille latter freqlleMtj.y reltin th vtew-fsvsof thbe For n (4t<kïp l * iia*f<- ~*5 111Vf~t&*haâ degged t.he Russia.n fleet frem t-h. time it Ici t Cronstadt, and fur trying t-9 force ail the powcrs te accept lier interpreta- tien cf the. ruies of neutrslity. the -Ne- v oc Vremya deciares that Prtsident Roosev-elt," contaminated by Èngiand',& exupte, as-bit rarity interprets bïs own rul4 ii a sense favorable t-e Japan, add- ingý -ý1r. Roosevelt t-akes f ull advautage of tite fact titat Russia in heiplese andl peweriess t-o do more titan prot-cat. '£he Ja-panese bUnist.er ia reportedti tebave hastcned tu express bis gratitude t-o Arn- crics for this act cf êntpgrtiality, vine-h is partial te JaDan. We trust Mr. Riboce- veit la satisfij with us *suceas." The Admirait-v. it can bc stated, in reconciied te thle itîternmnentof the titre. Russian cruisers nt Manila, but it op- poses on principie thc raie that waisbips injured ini battie eau repair their ma-, elîiîery and boilers at neuitrai ports. The oficiais add titat friction over this mi- ner question ivouid be cxceedingly un- fortùnate just- at the. time that President Rosevelttin assunîing the. delicat. roi. o! Ronset-eit ta bring the, belligereints to- gethler. GEX. BATJANOFF Says the Army Càn Stili Be Victorîcus on Land. A (htnpahu Pss cable: Cn.Batjanoff, commander ef third Manchurian army, addressi ng thle troops yesterday on the. occasion of tue Eniprer' birthday, toldj tlîem Le hopcd soc,> to be able te, tele- graph tue newa of a Ruasian vietory to bier inajcaty. Later lu coWiversation -witlv ttîc, correspondent cf the. AsSiated. Press'tii. General deeiared that the. de- fent ot the ficet vas a Sad ad bard bloiw, but it would uet<affect the morale oft he troops. vito %vit.Ê hei doggea1nessi of the Ituissian soidier were prepareil to figlît on se long a.4.tthe Emperor. gaveJ tli, word.- *f Uithe ttisin t' e sdded, "«Rua- J sia eaui stili b. victorieus-on land. Pece sîzîllesa Japan la -rent;onable i& iimpossible." PRMESET SOOSP.V]LT Acting lu the luterests of Peace, Wltb -Prospecta o! Succema A St. Petersburg cable; Presideut 1tRee.strkviue vithltexoellentPs-os- p'eMt561!sueesa toen<d the var in noiv tîhe central figuire of the wortd'a stage.: Ou. cf the main objecta. it seespa, vil be over one botIi lj ona " ugosia have a,-irftd to ac,,S;t bis gnw oad S l ntfo The. belllgenets are e*pectid to-be 'able t4i arrxff ge i.peace ternis direct. Tii. Prealdenu't la beliew-ed to' $haro wltb EF.M. périr William the view thut the. beiget'- enta shoulil Leiloweil to ettle the uscteal terni-iwîtboUtý outolde interfe>- Ilooei t bas oceresi thse mu , nt o seerl otînent-al pover%. ad thet ut' the proper tisa. they Wlil appear at les back. rensa "bananuecbetum. t 1i LA, Palia oble: D- ompar,4,',t irtoock A"uasu4or tp stI41 eiri tite viii Of tb. Aliighty success vJs net destined te creva your endeavors, but yeur boundicas bravery will alvsys be s soureet pride te tth. country." "t wish you a Bpeedy recovery. May Ged console you ail. Thi. peculiar wording of tIi. message it attracting attention, The restriction cf the. Emperor's tisanks te thos hiour-r ably doing their duty is.fauuing the,usly taik regarding tite surreisder of the.slips sud tite condiet of some of the crews. The messages cf AdmiraI Enquist anad Capt. Chagin, o! the Russian cruiser Aima:, did net centsm a-ny intimation of mishehavior cu t-he part cf th. effi- cra or crews, sud added that the. offi- cra and miena may b. ccnaoled by- the thouglît they ' performned thelr sacreil duty.-- PAMD WITUI D19CORATI0NS. Sbai of Persia Not Actio"sble i00* Fs-ch iCourts. Paris, June 12.--The court bas de-cideil tiîmt tii.lShah of Fer8aseaunot Le copielto pay debta iucurred lu France,because he il a asoverei"np sud ýtherefore not amnenabie .te FrencIt av. Thse architeet whco reevth ie Persiai> pavîion at thle 1Paris Exposition sent a. billteot-be -Siésh sois. tim e-ango -d resv4a, * eeoratiou for b hnseif and medals for theii o-men'u, The latter rejeted, the medmis aul demanded cash for their labos-. They. sued the%, architeet, vlso vas comapelled t-e psy tn.m. 'l'bis causeil lui.bmnkruptey. Ile aub- seq.nty apîlilto the couirt for au- ,hr y ta-d4tistn the. Sliah'sbaegage on bis !osticolug visit, buýt- b. court r.fsedteIsse a~hau es-des-,decidhsg as aLove stat4mL - ,,TIE-NEW SPEAKER. TORy ai CRAI U R -THE FU= UOa...Juse . ýur'-. Jupon Wîîam (.* ~oCorMttve>., D"sty Ispeaker and éliabu et the Oobltw o n - Wa-Ysbol wa8 alarsneda uapwould netl Al t ni- esn anu sie sîisî.ig ortaie tumuuarme - eut cf lier aight. Mrms Diantonq eom- btoat A-1.,e!ft Porttsnîuth NMazeh 1,18 lagt ptained cf bs-ring a bitter tanteo lu ber year as Uic resuit o! being ru,> 4ev» by. mont-h. 43.tween the convulsions the __________________ teun life, tsud rhis sbod m ut ae IOK tG toussgve ndtid be us u st ava1ie N Ràd1'I T ICOLORO put sozuething lu the. saits. Inspecter John Murray ls h Te on the ese; aud- developments may Le PLOATS ]PROM PL :.... P'8S131 looked for in a few <lays. PLACE 0Or. THE mNon LAG;. IMMURED FOR LIUE.f A Christiania, Norway, câble: The" Norwegian tricolor was hoiated thia Young Cbinsmau Su! fering Front liprosy- motning. oves- Aknutuus Font-and Sent-to D'Arcy 1sland f tlrougbhout the country in place o!.the Vaneoi4v.r, lIC., Jte 1.Sig:aChi- Union- flag. The substitution -vas at; naman, lZss j ast. becil takeu"te b)"ArCy teuided by grat eeremony st the fWrt Irianci, in the. Gui-f o! Georgua, from I Wbcre theo inembers-'ot the -storthingý wbich place Lie tan neyer esegpe &live. Ns-eatutaiedbl, ana ~,0 of tbe pu>blie Sing ls:a alepor. li. la the t-buudld s"ui- wïtnesaod Vi. event ronspointa o! Vaat- ferlng frein tisat dies'axe te be, takzen mgo. ThW garnisn v" paradeil lu front Irem this eity to the lazar*tto,ý'W1iesof, the quai4m 61o!tile commiandant cif no steamers, «ave tise supply -boul, calt,, the fort,, and the oom4~ndaat rend the, whe.rqstody lies bit a few otber A-raolton-! h-to-Ing dsoWn t *W*- vinmu; heevt tb h a YsunonxwitiiSwedea zee a us.arpy vl -d~~tfl As the elock lu thse toven e!ftthe forti a. glcw-e-omznug dea - MuSing Ï8 - ut 21 obiil ton the. Union Ilag, vwhichu bad and-thbe disese se lîapreseût ,ou ' ignii»1 floatei ther. aince. 1814. was hauleil -ýbut a sr,-td forut, 80 Ibat lie ia;iuge aovas - the. troops Pmr ented l uri, the for yettrs living 4 1if. in death.';«- baud played the patriotie air.- Sont of Thse ciiîannoutwvardiy -beft no ormvay, jma after oaly -am uomrntary man-il tbat would surs-est aperial ' att-A-n- inerini. he-firat guis et .tozsalt tien. 'nhe youug Dmon doies »ot,î know be.med, the. flag- vas broken op*i ad wvbot i le t-h ater wit.b huimi, andprolbthse to a pn ented arme. Ii. ably eoutiders that bols ssuferluàg <-r e o Pjetie jnte sOee aloierdy injustice in belug gent to the. iiopely terbeit! dn d ti. eserwldo- sala-n i n ¶- But the ROtinia s talasn ,by play In the lpopulmIr "r neeesaay fe:xt plrot«etiOof 1' enYj4W.ve-lïigL rOO - -. k and tuQt: s- etook sup._tii. worila of -» hk .ftoe_ the ý m& liasCûw j RU paperi ma-, create, an imprestIon that la onary to faeta. Xévý Xi, Radley-Ilrite tO apointo01 order. - Th resol-uton males àau accu- satio la inuoýrder wïthout any nams.atached? to It? - lev.,Mr.,Uuxtable-l hope -the resoha-. t n ot going to b. discussedIn thla conferoeuee. L t is altogether out of or-ý - der. If,'men bave'done wroug thngm suinisters or' Jaymen -let a speifl Cbargt e >made out )and give themn> an opportunity to detenil thetus'eires. (Louil The hairY a nii.=ot allow a -dl&- cui5Qi of tbls kind luinconferenco. Cries of 'Wlthdrê_w." ltevl'Ir. Burke-1 Arn. not prepared, to witbdTaiv things whils lknow to b. true. The -Ohirman refusoil to auow ixrth. FOR TBI lIGHER CîRncs. liev ?ork to Rave.a Rof Gardon. -am, aKpupLçn luev&z p'pat '- - -- -IfTf> %f~ T U luglu l~'h a a P tI.p. BëUe're, 3Une .-In the QPÙOpn"Iî-w .III V tImias~is ioen tiori C f te authorities ià -tii i I ,JWft U ~ cuMstancs s4nte point to 'thae X I in u Cluusion Ba Ms arry Diasaui, - handiome young niatron of tha pa Tolo keports the bejulme e! More ru> ~~r ~Three Explosions 10 -~ liti Atack. lied that -hedeath aà Ceansed by S eFu A Toklo mbe desPate: Am ybeed- ittYCliile- quate. h-v gvenon. ti.fobwn~:J The humbanil of the you-ng aXit q n ..A d.taéMiet of!ourflorcss ýwbihan<..sd ber! mother-in-lo.v who vois the vanceil from, Là"naawcnàa-u two ;mîtes Ionly inmates of the dwiling esde.,Circumstances'Surroundii, Comnpany of foot 'and fifty -borie of Uie at the roquent that. there vas ýOpo i- S b eie-o enemy, holding the. hills nort.h of thtt, son in the house to their kn"!ledge,- place, and at thre a'clock on t.he muorn. and that neither Lad ever pugrvhased *eue@ ..o..:o :e; ing~ ~ ~ , ofJn cuianoMnziene cast anjy. - The husband further testlid of Chapengau nd lfur miles lforUicat 1-that his wite Lad never bougbt ýny, tq A Plymouth cable: Subisarin boil cf Chenchengtau .-his knovM'edge Tis neptbèd '%ho bère- this mrig h xlsosa "At 6 o'clock on the same niarnÎng the bypothesis that the poison miglit have foeah onere.The exaloonsoart enem atemped a ataoJ o! oufug-been. purcbased by oue of them M SOMe tac, ten miles north of Changtu1, snd on pre)ious time, plused in the ci*%board, ber regular crew andl men vho qere iu Ta.otun, five miles- northwest of Changtu, and accideÉtally taken by thé unfor- vere drowned and the othm ers er picke and on Shihtiuti, two miles nurth of! Ta. -tunate wife iu nistake for smit&. - thVe. wu"va proceediug te sea--for pro tun.Ailattokswer reulsd."lu drec cotraicton e te'%tory marine boat ad a torpedo boat Three powc.r by the transmission t.broUgh their cf Amr. Win. Diamonil, Ibe mother-ini-- reprsenttirs atUicbelligerents' re- , laî the testimony of W. J. tkins eocu n or -i AS"vlc f apective capitals that it is the 54AtIeni druggist, of Madoc, who -sweare thâL iimedlately proceeded tte e ceuq. conviction of t-heir respective Cievern. the wornan purcbased sufficient atrychi- --------- mentes that the tinie bas arrÎved, for the nine f rom -him te kili two perrons. 1 :sz- oê -es-------*oo warln contiestococlue enc. i! This purchase was made thitee yeaJrs1 The. sub-marine boat Ites ln eightem n President's cf fer aems lfimited to bring. gftom cfaerTefitinmton ui Uc leipt.niaie c Jpa aa It wns on Feb. 28th of this yegr thàt I Ruýsi-a togetiier to arrange the prelîxu. the trgI <ccrrd. Onthe Ilv of the disaster camne from the. boat her- imary teri for the conclusion cf à tragdyeccrr. n e self, signalling that &he was submergedl ited armistice, and thie selection of a previous Hnry D]Yloud coxnpllled, and could net cohie te the sutrface. A placé- for the future itegotiatîons, and theta awsntfeigwi,~n i signal was received, shortly before noon lilenipotentiaries. in t.he opinàon of thle Young Nnfe prepared a dose'di ats~ whieh imid: "Al riglit up to the près- dijonitswil tae te uxt ore ~ for hui. He declared that saite did, cnt.." is net beiieved that Japan W-ll it iliuge net agi-e with him, aud took soete il Dîvlng parties immed:ateiy procceded, lier t.erms untilthbie pleuipoltentiaries instead. The young wife saisi sha to, the seene Those who were samed meet. would tsike' the salts in the minlfg I ere standing in the viuity cf the con- - - lîréeif, and that Uic vould place them ning tower at the time of the disaster, THANKS FROM CZAR. i in thbe pantry over night. and vere- pieked up by passing trawiers.i -The înixed- cup of saîts prepareil for They vero Capt. Candy, commander ofà Rojestvensky Praiseil for Ris, Bravery in the htîsbilnd was Ieft in the jpsntrY, Ithe ,Isat; Sub-Libut, Murroci, a pettyE theF'iht.and in the merning Mrs. Barry Dia- offjeer and a seaman. The-1ost boit a moud drank theni. She ate 9. hearty abo4 3W tons dîsplscenient and vas A St. Petersburg cable dcSpateh "sYs: breakfast afterw-ards, and abogi 8 laun4thed inlU 10t img message t-o Admirai Roe8etvenbsky: husband assittedi her te bced, and TIN. ulnklug of the l3ritiali submairine1 "Frem my heart 1 thank yeu and al1 Shortly afterwards she vas attacked boat A-ý-8 remalt the sinking of subnmr-N the officers of the squadron who have, witt convulsions. The. Young husband lue boat A-5 off Qneenatown Feb. 16,t henorab-ly doue the.,r duty for yeur un-. wauted te go fer a dortor, but bls vifs: as the resuit of expleoss on board t.hat 1 selfish work for Rusasand for me. Bv --- - 1 --.à 1. *I t-:- -dwt . At-lý.9ft è câ* ^ - "Ob C. P. -R oupnyAq ErN EIMOWNED Place; on Boatrd,.Before üderéda oqn t ze aSi nkwnqof Other ats Rec.l.led.. Lt "À-8" vas log off the breakwçtter e sald te bave occurred on board be- eJghteen officersand men, -lncluding. àtrabdU.g Fou teen -of the number ced ip.- 'Iii. diéaster occurreil whilo ast ce acomantilby another sub- emeotons vote seen f rom, the shore Idenly dlsppeared. Tugs and divers a seamr hil te sbmain bot-was submerged, b The. explosion on board the A--S waa describe4 a& being do violenat that it, was heard- ten nïiles away, and shook the sut- marine's convoy, the Huzard, from stem to stemu. Sixk meei bost theirilves andl twelve were seriouaby injured in this ýdisaster. The dWetser -to A-! wa.even 1more a~alng. She as submerged nearth ÎLtaghtip, off Portsmouth, vuhen she was run down by a steamer of-the Don- a4d Curie lin,> and. ail on board of ber, eleven officers' andme, , ere drowned. The los. of tueý submarine boat wasnet knownl-or some beurs after thé liner ba" reporteil to the manoeuvrîng fleet tha.t the had stzuck» i torpedo,, and- alter a long seareh the Ii-fateil submarine boat wus ditooverel. [t vas presumeiltzhat the àteéaaner, In fstriklng,-tho submarine boat,, upset ber, apliei'the gas&oline *lu the tanks, andl rendereil hpr 'heiplese The erew -were battenel down andl *ere suffocated by.-the -fumes o!1gasoline. -~ i f -Ï pectinà of' She~ tltink i By t ed on - couple not V" - touchi -bhat peopie, eought Jean -PUZZlI Jeanne forýa n * with a .docs nt vic a îhe bal 1

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