Whitby Chronicle, 18 Oct 1877, p. 3

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ou$ artis ýntsed«0 lor - f""'ruM' dis"li' ý h ' (ie dattle, ibo and Tbongb f r vas eenin natuIn-sl 0thse pronan, pige, Competilion ei n yéarî. ýa0Cept ssob & reluV4,11t iug Cols, vbiciindiontes lmprovement Muslgisl b. quesUon.gh41f in tlba,boil c f thea townshsip. ,GcFain'Gênes-ai wotalclfuel 43bls iroot, and veeisles oré ooa.The ue. anuot bo. lsMa o butter âde a 1e istabJ te)a oo. in, r5i& Oftise PoPition, norme.ë sulte' s'a4a afluedispay;alue I lucs lya s P irot Mlûl â14 sa Wal- hb. lie edircore li opea5.0to sdo;10 lileet a 6 sé,1411 boeabla too-ffer sa ucrpae iunaber of 'Oea0sotainted as o ayb prizes in, -thié-dçpartmentt neit year. ýtisepaqing Ã"! i Grapes 415ewn 1 y Mr&. BHhlguer vere e pr jý io ar2C, islhlyc~mneial&, he udgs satig roma'n active synpsaehy wli5h., îisey vera tisaboast th#y!oves' miv part>', yel ho houea duty tons~s~ gravai no (ar norta. Tise kfollgÃŽ tisa Country' snDdîha:e,w -is.« tlic f mère Party cf Knsuesis bise so-tlat s large iuliiberf -Mena iîolzsro. ~~brs are labesinîUnudera efbritd 2adTho. ennn.Pose tisai hé eau feel ut libertt a=n. Drogh brme-lt Petr elî,mon te liii aid a liuse viio]~I~o 2n Tou Serda.Inrional>' se af&Cited. I 1 f a-cb Oeieaiplrppeable Ihiat npon a rev ia.:?tI lsebla bic)eruot, 2d no.Enterff casee, and of tise sanualuneosaity isa it iaaposed tapon tis Lgilaînre Isat 2n én Whteys"onf u5ho# neael4sstl-Wcud -b Sadle orn-lo r' 2 a bgîiy isapropes- b permsit stielî a'I~ to1prpeeod t 4si ia h.iape.i nainlIatés ai it ho supposed 1 yurol flll o f;4llig- utThn.theisah o i t eté Cognizauce of tié i tiestle of affaire,'eing tsa Parliaeut i e ascompaileS 10 bake Foa of187 lo Ja. foga, 2ilaction in refereuce te ilp If tiseds queios' aac Col.be dlsecaots. cAHtuàe i hsy viii <b. fling,,j;tl~ a~ .Duham aRd blil-ý e.: thé lawl, and ex*.pogiug tisensîest r'holison, nd ùterKely. vftlie"which fow viii care o 0lîozardl. bli- 1t W , Bultn. _ý7Ifacting under a sanie of obligzatio-,ý Cow u& WliBculon.tbsy declîné to attend, in thsat case a Ileier Clf-ý lot Wm.Boulon. lar,,er nueuber et clletitueiseleso will 42 t G-pritcrierahîy disquified'! TAispsitio Cdw ý<Ip Ge. Bulon.Ioa a ritseal one, andeau conl amet V e la ItI~ t hte dut>'Y of thè,(6v Blil Cal 16f Wi, Bul on. ernitrut le recommend chba dissolu- Grde Yarin blijg Gd, Iia.tion, eauatise',4oora aareof' lise xioting disabilitAes, sud vare Par.- liasleboCise Acthr 0"is aleis fae n Twoy-r ldliifrý-io D I. se. sesien offtndsaag ua[sCîevrmees éd. b 8woo e'cs - r - E LIST Ont-d a Tio Lesanon.Don IA Tisos Bliern-. r Onr Drawing Boom,>) Thé Yorlcvjlle Baby paris-ng Case. VERtDI-CT Os'Znrui Jay. aDurh~an9udloui lt Qui' Pl&lionspemn. let ler ç f ottîs-. BltWuoul- ton. 2ul MCli slT ilapolon ES-GLAND AsN SsEseieA-gsa coin- naîsication issis lie-n opsneil hetavesu EIsglsenil ani Sibs-rin. Astesmes of sixt>' bors pays s-, viihs ift Hull Jil>' 18. a-ais-rd t Toisohsik, Siberia, Sep. ts-îuiss-- 2)tl. Ss-suppst4Oue ns' ruESLAvp TJtADE- 'F'lue 'Sultan oeus' ii'rseiha-l soanizinz a fors-e os ' )(00<nos-rn eold lOrrslte PCas-mpl asifll MeuQrtili-liPnry Y iflie-s ariel n Cal loupz ain, for isnesuppression os' thse slave taes-nul uhitas doii-iona. 1" Notices of irik, Maiages, and Dealflis charged 5:) crnts ece. 1 I3IRTHIS. *;OTKs'rN.-Â WViiêjv ou tiuf iii,in.t..Mn. W. Il. Jdiinston, of s SDEATIUS. BURTON-At Cuîlumhup, on Sun- day Oct. 7!h, Elizatbeths Giace Allens, %if& of MIr. N. Burton, atgosl 263 ycars anI 1.)montis. WH'ITI3Y MA1RKE3TS. CIMONîCfej Orvîcr, Ont. 171th, 1877. Finir, psr br ............ $7 00) $7 50 Vll Mwtsrt .....s;........ #1 101 J..1 25 Spnisag $iei ...... 1 00> gSeli08 ""rly ................ G $16 5 l'auP ................... . @ 'Oits .................. 840 p Cornt.................... 876 3 2 Wool z............... ,....11 50 3 54 0( PWtaon................. 30 (8. legs, -ors..quart....... .. $50< 5 $ 5 Butter'.k..n................à)go 52 0 7 Wod , - ......... .... e50 (1 s1602 vol:....o................20 @2C SbcakInke................. $1 511C $ 5 Lt'ipe ..................83i .u...e p................ 8 s c 1'.ppies, ...............,.. 150 10 flaek Bye Pas .......... p 0 5 O llovee ed,,,.i..... >07 0#8 00 The inquesî on liae iaoiij-c-1 Jolis, Slinw, ltas cuiill wlsî ied whila-under' fise Caroe os' Maflîda Ev-sfleîd, vas cou- n'tiamnsd last iglit b>' Coroner Philbric. idjThé Cos-opel r begun h in charge ites jus>' >'am4ing tliagiuladismis rous tais uitîde ail saagio rîedaie i.rcsuliinizfs-om ift;qnablie l mong neigis. hqs-s;. Tirsacteulqisite rigiu>las lusi P_ ;iiawlseu tlîcy bsouglil tiiel- in plaint before thae policé. Bets's- goiug d tua-tiser, lie nsiglit su>' tiaI tise-s ase naîiiiug.-inu, the vîsole avidonce "taein lliete Ms-s. Blsowiilee, wiso 1impi>' s-a aideS Ses tisesaine hanse las Ms-e.Evera. fieldI, and rseesdes-ed ler occagionai ns- sistane. lHe next ssluied ta tiseps-a. lIe ofpntîig ouitalsills-cu tocdry- 'rnurse, slaling it vas for tise jury to decide wisctiiis- Mrs. Eveittfie'ld isafl tukon upon liersslf toc groat a raspouci. biliit os- ual. Rpgns-ding thie es-leues su t la ùîaropes fàoad, ise slsutn tIsait Iis wolld'in aiH likiihocoa, cause tise hia- i"es or tise Walls o! tIsé elomacli, a PyrLsptoni fonts-inluthé bod>' o!thie« ellilAl. Mixeil aov's inilk, wlhîilî, il vos; nilaegeîl', Irai be-eu admnini*les-eCI, vus highly iîspnspes food for n chiAI of' dsyCePnîed'S sue, ho rAse estion coaOtit Ai' -îitAr- Ms-. e-el l aiiguor- autiy, ud li-rfrs cspabi>', as Iss-a i, id--aes teo weiglity se rerponsi- liiliy, artsllni.ilréd improper foodi, or vIieýher- tistai bC eugis-en vils dé. IiiIertiîe intenzt tsigl ti os' tisé chld. Tl-coronrira it Aroceeedal t cLpitu- loistis ieel)-i(esf Iointii lu tiaaesiseuce, cosîsieipug lntîoug terine wiîi Ms-s. LPteefi5.IcAIs couducî in neglentiug lis liel the~ chilil fs-oinesiglit o'cAsck lunlAie évéking until lise lime os' ils deutis ut mt- sos- tkvt)ini lie mos-ning. undi l n i ises-sI iotiiiig flt ise titpiiissîca ateh li-:hlbos-sonu tIse ps-s-iou n l>. 0 'flicjus-v tAseta setired, anS aflez hav. uap besis absent for upwairds os'un lions-,N re'tuîrisil wills bie lbllig verdict : W' e je su-y, hssssing dîsî>'considss-ed flici '-d 'is iii reard tetise dents os' tic '5i-cetstdi Jolin Slaaw, coma b teh corielueid i tisai lite decscil Joln Sha'w eins' ta fis dealh fs-sanswaut oi proper fond ahil cas-e tlaroilagh ignoranice on tisé pas-t os'Ms-s. Mutîda Eves-efictil. TIse foiiowing s-ier wae appendel te tise verdict t Wr, tiae jury, cersure Mm.Eves--i fiels] mes-t seeî(rolV, aud lisink sdiSe nItr thiens-esper poreonutaeliave the cure of DÂŽccomss OF ItfOOSi.HçrE o~ lu(liaik;, tnmcd respeeiis-el>'James Toney anud Francis ýercsnv, vers hut- sula moope su tise voode nus-Lakeé F Ilosepigusih, N. S, recttl. Tise>'vert ceaaelfs-ans s-sds alitedsri ere caling fus- asinpi)os ailthtiserîmo im2e, IOfis heas-hg ai resupo-ansd beliivic n il to cu.ae'ts-m a usoose. One os' Ihés, Jeremy>, islsving obtaiiepl a g1imnpse of' viiAttlie ÉÀapposs'1iS al'o R Moose, tank aisn sud fis-id. Catsinuasrly lie sps-aes fos-ward tes seeuîre bis psire, when -taAbigls- ps-cal lesroi and diismisy Se founîl the r prasîs-ate 'os-m or hie crsmrssadp, morusaîly6 %voundosl. Ths ,ansorbunté l ei n linzpe-e until Monsia>', vien he <ied.an Tise poos- Indin WIofis-ed thiasfais]qu sisot is -repos-ted ta be usa-A>'iseart- i lesoken villa grief.T Aged ro- -lot bîghislcars-gn Sl rli -us- loi sud 2esd Wtin. BauIltou iteM anb- lot NVns. Boultes, Qud Jas. Ma>soasay. Agi-I ove laI sud 2ud Wru. Boul- seauliig rliva-lat Michael Thomp. son, rId Wns. Boulîce., yew Laab- lot Jamea Muahaus>', Qad Best pais' as'sieep-iet Wns. Boul-j ton. - Sa-làt D. R fi. MtonaiI., SPring sov lit und Qud Peter TAis iipm, n. 1 i- )Ot.-g Peler Thompsou, 2nd - Fi W lsetfit Jois O0' Donald, bprinag iii t - icI A. Rtesus, 2n'l W. lisi kOsa-lat Jeso. Rîstlses-s'at, QuI Wîiîite Oeta - lot Jua. hlUthesfn-t, Qi Mas-tin Usas>. l5a- loit Jua lîutlerfos-t, Sud 1p. lirAi>'. 1- . ns-Aey. lit John -Bules-fort, 2Issu Jisa; Dale>'. * Inlisu tCas- - lot Jnu. Iluithes-foît. 2uI D. I. MeDoîsalîl. DIl>ar i 'onucea. IliolBulles--let Ms. il. Wlsltrsrýv, 2ud JîsaItoutlîerforsu <i blira. P Tîîoepîon., Crocke'i3ts-lst Jus. Alwtîl, lu'î Ber-nard Dufi>'. Early potatoei-hst Ie otne,2( Jno. rFox, *~ eînr n LaIs ;olalo,s-lst Vm. Boulton'2àud Slitirv wVlitney. Tnirniîs-jsî G6o. ]oulton, '2nd 1), * Crrts~ ¶*tH.Whitney. 2iid D. il. Mangolti WtrtisV.lst George 1BOnl- ton. etARisuif .'5oEs-ÂDaLE - Cabiag-let F. Heituea, QndiL. Duffey. Cauiowr-lst Jua. Rntbic-sos-î lieds- lhîos. XWarrenu Qi Jn ' Dsiiil. -Csss-uî-lsî l1t. Wiînrvy, 2u1 Davîl OioIs ;iciJao. Aiweii, QuI Davii ApPTif-s sIJue,. Foux, 2nd Jueo. AI-. vrAI. POULTRYL Tu Is liJno. Fox. Oue la lotJohn Alvl, Qud Petes- ])uelea laI A. Bsave, Qîsd George Iloultt'lu. v1lovs; ciP R cl)ounld, QuI Oo. Ilaulton. -Pais- bssroiws ; 1at W. CocU. 1-'iA clat is icITimotisev 0'Leos-y. Itatinet ; iLit Wui. Boulton, QuI Miclosel Thoiipson. FIRiusuaisi; lai JUa Itutberfoilt, QuI -Jno AIîs-eli. Cousîterpane ; lut W., Molhee, Qui? A. P. MIeDtnssd. svois; ;'lai Jno. tutLie-t'as-, 2usI Mita a isi Jno.,îtnîhefrfas-î3nd Mrsi. W. 11'Pliae.ý l'eusy utuedile Ws'sk ; li Miii. Aun> Iuiii'y luuhiug lit Ms-s. Jaitnet. '21) uoA isA. P. uîhiaad- liens- - u-us; ts-t Mas. Aneu- tui-Mc ) sul2nil TbIa-. Au isisliiti lDouuîlil. Quut ;1~Jno. ilihierfas-t, QuI Jna. hsag usatlit IrJuo. itutbcs-foiît,2Uni JIs. Alwê'lO Cisoela t assule ; lit Jnio. ltnthes-fos-î, 2iusl 1,'. An,'>' 11,.-ss T 'edlifie<', 1 i A. 1). Melnaslsi, 2nd 1Mie. Ausey ILs..s% P. Wieetoss- IJa". Fs-sl, 2Du1 J. lls-nî lt Ms.B. Dnfllý, QuI Oea. PArIAiSaOaF.-WiAlisemT. 1filenan, ut' btisFas-sîca, was tuillsosg Cli'ai lis-s 11NY(Il is e eluI jurtuer. Eslwss-d blti ll"<eitrso-n, as' Ns- v Bs1oruI, wlirse "4lie a n poi fnlaw iii ti- main," s daielIls. Coean,isi u t Ssiha exceoded <i'asîsua I touer A<aew lu ingpvoloasex jp(-slieuts for Rsui-bpanilclliss-. lunlîsase sînys I vas a Ds'mocrat i ussuhi, as a Ihiejuu1'bileuu, (jt is oy le110- ai, 'Colee. iiîu,îî, bave yous-cssii-obe îe ye<s?' 'Not. yet,' I1s-piéd.*Wcll1, ilie sue vebsen aitt. me,' lue saI. 'ansd lis-y waneat meo ta siee500, sad h tlidlis-ni I wuuld.' I lookeint Itlla witli lstAute aasazeMOsit. Thoneslie idlýls-s a 32s, r t'ld tiseni tIs e P--na- "riNs oUl't)rijuscte500 )froni you, -undî 1 us ahs gin u ir o,'? Se0asinil yoa stick' to tii r-uugrnst. il liSe al ltoise i)ae tsi parties, sud il Wnu*t co isel ies- af Ui& a cent."- ,UDTroît's DaAvr.u, lIn apra ae ztic for Nousmbî-r. GsclalÂ<A NS âttFÀii.uitc. -Tise fiiurè 'os ilarge béo. nie iStsttina Oeusuy, lias-caisdaids unuassual dra-psieon1 tAei-. * t TiîsuDkiueieusAÇTt BY-LÂW-DYiEilArusn 15Ciiai.Tipolitititi tispdu te Danlu C .Aef t I mIa t ceion-g6 s losdya. tsisb si tisa rieqbos-ui o' ctii-upt ' îlesw, lIe ae cf ,thvetb s eaîuàýhwluug an*_ itrs-eirlsbble 'majoity ef 177 agalnsîig VAtinRlM GE8S, 5UGGIESj 84EI Hf8and OUTTERS,; SATUR¶iAY, 27th OCT'R, M-.- 0'.D 0O-N 0- y*N5 ,4 2,herse Carriega, vithTop. 1-Rolil a Albert P i is Top. l Psn1 Rondbcngls hoe y Ru n d-i3 u g gie s . 8 BossU iteiluggsaugis 25 aesllliug- st-Canaes. 1»flme Doe- $ tleiga 8 Patent Front (Cuttes-s. iRokaviyYi~ I SiS. Seat ÇArrlg Top, A d tlend gCIHanse, villipolo ana, soafi, TEI<MS -12 months cesIAI ;ntérait ChAý" £omda o sl.if ntAIA hn due, due. ~ ~ L cfsaf neiwae Wiitby, Oct. j18, ~7 uc CREDT ALE CF Tise itbcsbebai beau lustrueted b, Directes-s of tisa MUDGE de YARWj MANUFACTtTrRIRG COMPANY, te PublicÀucîciou, attise Organ Factory, Town of Whi, PRIZE LIST Br6ud mare-lot Éoter Thomp«son, 2cd Thou. Lennon. Drought bormeo-lot 'Peter ]Kellîl 2nd Thou. Sherfflan. Oeiierai plirpope b1cbermott, 2tid Jno. Ittitlierfaf. Carriage. liorses--Ist 2nd HécV 'Wbituéy, Saddle borne-lut P. J. Griýtiu, ýnd Henr Wliitut.y. Thy ,.,0@ earold fijl], or-gAlding-lst Arthur iieffl, 2nâ -'R. MOI)MÏM ' I yeur old flilly or W41iling- lut Thon. Letivan, 2nd blikiael carrium*n. Foal of 1877 lot Jas. flogan, 2nil Ancrow Col. y znat poied me of g that, ýO tàkë « ie dis. of the lace qi vos to met tif 1 par. 'OUP )XCUS. j e [se. Joliti ( inder ý con- )rick. T 0 the D froni . dise eigh. n Lis -0 COLW ping wil, ÃŽ.- T, y, r6. verit. I ne. )rac- (Iry - wi to Ff ence mis Ilin. 1, a the wal; Who 1 of 7 0 to nor- ]av- ané Usi. ut i , or eac de. E riq. 1 to moý t1j'. eig, i at T lint WU3 the sale Stat ON. av- mr' Wb 0 red l of the alw per ffie A will ture lot refui of Dun wo les 2t- k. Se ýre le, FL( 121Z in gi M, of mk 31Z iiig U lig. Lile , ip grow ]y .5 ye in Peaci d Cner anà f quan The 1 Gard vricei )Y tise rOOD ell b7 ,tby, 877 witia 'loy" ma- rs, Ey ered r 2 Igan for sou. larp lve- rng tail- eer. 84 ORGANS, -witis one, one anS-a-hall, Ivo, tva-asi hait, tissee, sud four Setts cf Readi, oic te seven setops, su.$)1"OhanS FI Fiiil WALNUT CA MES, au- firgl-claseg tes-lansd vos-kmausiip. 12 MELODEONORGAN' 1 PlAN O-FORT] and 7 iSECOND.liAND MELODEQI Purs-haies-s eau, if requis-sul, have Os-O sud hteiodeon-Orgmue boxeS sud delivi ai CithSr iiailway station at Wiitby for encis, os- Pianos-forte for $4. Instruments ou exhibition daiy aI or Farses-y, lu theTownuc etbiy, anS salé, iSELOW COST, up te di>' et Aijti Salé 10 comnieat 2 e'elock pi. eha TIIIMS OF SALE.a-Cash, os- twe mouillas e-ttIou appruved INoteissai eight per- crut. isterest per annuin. -Thie Whiltby, Port Peri-> & Lindsay Re va>' wiUtissue 'Likete 50 parties attendi sals troin Lindsay, port 1e'ess n statios i os-lia.te Witisy iSIrstnrn, L. FAIRBANKS, WhiLby, Auctioned Octobés- 161h, 1877. 4iu- Clocks, C/ocks, Clocki A LARGE ASSORTMENT of thosse as cxlîlbiîel at tise lesit Sentis OntariloFar will b hofele-elfor saléetas- Slov Manulac- tus-re'pris-es, as tise wboAe imuet Ai soiS vihout Sets>'. No ressouablepsicei viibe refuied, et Chu l'amI ulndPsper-isanging W. H. HANNAM*, Dundasîst., Wbllby, (opposite Poit Offie). Oct. 171h, 1877. (31-.48) FRUIT TREES, FLOWERING, anS otises- Sissonbssd iu gréaI vas-Sel>'at thé Coiemen GardSen, Kent Street, WAitby. LJTERA TIONS about to Se maSs in tAis .i sabove gaisin, rendes- it necessar>' to ý'i u lrgofatiy iGrapé Vines of Lhe oicet kidsfrein 8 te 12 yeas-s groartll; a nuinisîs-of Pînin Trees, tram 41to i yens-s, emiîsaciug Golen Gags, Egg, Poaci, sud tAis-e vas-léSas cf Blua Pluin; Cnéri-y, &s- , &vs. Aise, 8,000 ehoico Double sud ISingle' Tulip anS Crocus Buibs, sud a qusutit>'of l'es-asAsd Trienial Fhsves- Plants snd Buihiés of tise fineel deascription. Tise hole yl Se Lofes-el for sale aitAihe Garden for about liss-e eeka, aI ver>' loy psides. -. lest see tiou vil bé aba >'calA- ang sari>'. %Yhi lb>', 17th OcloSer, 1877. Sin-42 TICKETS! TICKETS. I TicîssI., for MECI.'sNICS' IINSTITUTI olltt131c"tes- thé ysa ns- sisg Nov. i1> lbte7r, as-s' uses fou- sale attise Librus->, aI usý oisiael Ari e$51.00.1 1Two I'Ansrsdoloas-s vos-A thofnsbocks -J L. FAIRBANKS, Oct. I.7tla, 1877.Actuer To the Farmers. Tise Subacrlbcr will exehazage Whoil 'h cents p DMnis 1 pared inA " same .size, -weight iand quality last year. Notw *tyýJ jQsgll'Pwllat miild weathéer'foi of yea, nceys aw in14 dis'osed offridl-h aà for that eftet i igl ale ]*;P. i ( tE"W ADVERTIBEMENT8,. C'-Irnpatfghn oïed FQERNADVERTIS4 iWEEKL Y L IBRA L' Reduced Ps-le fe-*e"Ull' tO' v Subses-ib r -Hi -v ërTe- geiïis. Tisa FIfléensu u'astcami agu of the 'nov undarftâhilMva -Huicïe&.Oa-ons I-biscanvasa. Pleuty-cf s-aom for 1,000 mnoréigut. :Oaur tos-i b vgeul andin-ss deaentwitle s*ibb- fZr e fosa ini Ln, ug et nytoing yeipgms-S 4-Agieuus-i ops-ment by W Y.Cmars-k. 5--Teacelas-sDepsstseua-Be&t in Canada. 8-Laies'MFshtonanSKiteisan" aoî"m. 7-Moite, pletus-es clas, humer, ste. 8-'ull base b.Il cricket, sud sportiug nevsa. 9-IonijlateTempes-an,;.Record. iO-Ba"Ib4landu copions Market Réports. T1B 5 O 878.--$,1 ,with s-v K-'eLibes-el tsm eagens o ree sampie copies, or ful l structions ta, agente, aSSs _ * JOHN CAMERON &CO, 8) A4eert- fse t cLondons, ont. A UCTI ONý SALE OP VE Ryý TOWN OF'WHITBY, Ini lhe Count>' of Ontario. Tutesday, 3Otlz October, 1877, aIl1 o'clock lu tise afies-noou, at the ROYAL HOTEL, lu tise Town of WhitS>, b>' vistue of Pors-Of Sale centained lu a certain 'Mostgage wbicb -ril be produced at tAie Baie, tise fal lu1 i o rt ndes- Mort- Towni Lots froan Numbs- Sixty.ths-es 10 Numbes- Seventy.four,ý botis inclusive, on tisheut sie ef Brook Street,,lunlise Town of Wlitby, lunlias saiS Couuty et Ontario, acces-ding te a plan fileS in thaeIlegistry> Office of tiseCasanty of etmtrionmade by JoitsîBiter, P.L.., cf thé Easl halt of Lot Twassly-seven, li 1he Second Concession of tisé Township oestWbitîsy. Alec, Lots Ons Hurs-d anS Sevsuty.four te OuieIs-ondreri and Seventy.uine, hotU inclusive, sud Loti Tvo Hundréà anS Tva te Tvo Hundred anS Se-van, bols inclusive, on tise vel Bide of Brook Street, An tise said Town et Wii- S>', acces-dIng te saiS Plan. Ontlie propss-ty is erected a large sud isandsome, tva-store>' 'modes-n bs-tckiesdeuce -vus ail uscessar>' outbauildiuan sd dises-improvemeuti. TERMS a-Oue»tcnîh et1tisepurebase mens> e be p aid Soyas ou tise a),olsale. Foryaine, urmo viii bc made kuavu at For futns-lor partieniars appl>' le JONES BEOTHELS, Solicitors, Musante -Hsul, Tos-onto. Os-to JOHN B. FAREWELL, Eaq, wilEû>' 8treneth for the Debilitated I PHOSFOZ.ONE, The Os-ual Remed>' for Indigestlon, Weakness 0f the Llmbs, Torpor of thie Liver. -a Th isAistoy of thipreparatiou le simpi>' arecorS et unintesruptel succit, sud ps-o- SasSA> no preprielar>' article vase-ver recoin meuleS 1te b publie cf an>' ceunts-yS>' Encis a large number of Plsysiciaus vise hava endos-seS, lithe meut usis-served and uualedmannes-, tAis celebi-aleS medi- cAe boly> ail Druingisîs, anS prepared in tise Laborator'ofethtAe Prepristore, Nos. 41 and 41 Sti. Jean Baiptiste-sit., gonts-est. CAUTION.- "Myrtie Navy. Tobacco"9, I8 STAMPED r 1 1--w None other is Genuine. - ODD F LLOW , Ri t . hei NE DVR'SEMENI'TS, Otober, 1877.- OD PLOW~H AWT whioh thoy are Offéring ve) 1w -lanuc ing -the arrivai ,ofhis FaIl Stock, the undersigne d 'udea tentionpr~clryt the LOW PRIOE 8 at whichFIS-LS GOODS are, iii0*,-being offered. WARRAWTED GOLD WA'TOHES, from $35», Fine" Cold iChains, .English, make, unusuallY pretty patterns. SIGNET RINGS, GE'M'RINGS,-ý KEEPER RINGS, *18 Kt. WEDDIN-G RINGS. Charme, Studs, &a., &c;Silver Waïches and Ohains, Colored and Bright Gold Sette, Brooches, E r Do & loockots, &c. A'lai-gcly_ .inereased stock of ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS, Crilets, FPiei rames, Cake Baskets, Mugs, Napkin Rings1 Butter Dishes-, Sugar Bowls, &c., &o. -. NICKELITE-Table, Dessert and Tea Spoons. Dinner and Dessert Forks. Spectacles to suit ail Sights. cTAS- JO IsoN Mardi 27, 1877. Practicai Watchxnaiker, Brook Streel. afiD MEDICAL o -and. hc uaJ.l theepr reries--.epr win ma-kes their ébtock of Dry Goods 'mb e Dparpints-~Usual Stock of Gro- Chep,-alland Examine.,lss- W J.HJOKIE &, Whuby Pi,é MeMiluu' Blok, rock-st., ______ is-nüw M' Stock L of Very Special Inducemehts to those STARTING HOUSEEEÈP'I>NG. FuNDtokBfTAsketCinOs'adal Fthl Stnko C3aske-inths ins, and ail A WELL.-APPOINTED HýIEARSE.- Whitby, October lOth, 1877. 42 (DOOJI SOUTH 0F GOLDSMIT'S ALL,> . -Brook Street,* jThe unldersigned has much pleasure in informinig you j lat lie las pu.rchased thé DRUG J3LSINE SS o! the le IMs-. Jats. Byrne, sud in s-einruing Ihanke tas- the libos-al paîronago ,c hicis lias beeii exlended la libi well-kaaowas old establiment is tise pasl, hopes b>' close attention te business and carétuily ioakiug aftes- the inter6bts a! hi. customers, to retain yous- confidence aiid a continuation o! lhe former libes-al>' beslowed patrsoniage. I shahl keep a complote anmd welI-asses-ted stock osf Pus-e Ds-gs aasd Chemicais, and a plenlifulsuppi>' of ail lhe popuiar Patent Médicines o! thé day. Tihe Plaas-anceutie'sl Depas-Imoulcof an> business viii receivie an> constant porsonîsl attention, sthist I eau gsuasantee scus-c> and tise quahit>' o! et'ry article used ini modicinaol preparsulions. 1 shall continue la mauftacur-e set-es-ai p'opsieîas-y articles of mes-il for tise Toiet sud Siek Boom, whici duÉring tise lime of niy le predc<ssor eslablislsed for themn- selves so dleservedly gaod a name su e-vs-y famil>' un tise camanunil>'. I amn now receiviaag a fresh suipi>' a! gonds csf sd'>' description, and pan-pose haviîîg the lai-gest and bast assos-led stock of Drugs, S&c., in ibis district- aI al l imes I amn detes-miued to compote favorablin ti ock, stylo sud pricea uvih the las-geai Ciityestablishîments. Trusting to receive a tihare o! yoar patronage, I have thue honor la remaisi Youis respecîfuily, THOS. G. WHITFIELD., Whitby,.Octobcr l7tiî, 1877. (t!-48) HEIr-CISEDITORS et IIUTTON STAIhR, TlaIs of lie Town i Wlitby, yeoman, yisa dieCI ou or about tie Sis a> of Auprut A.D., 1877, sud ail oliaers are isereis> notifld 10 senS lu thels- aims apit lie Estte of tihe saiS vils vonéhens annexeSl, te Mus. H. SrAsus, tAie Adiinistratrix; os-to D. OsîsIaSTO, ber solicitos-,stisée TOWN of WHITBY, '6t7î Day of November Next-, aI tiséeexpisalien et -riseS ime thse ai Aulainistrals-ix aili proceed ta listribula tise asset t ftise saidtlBîate amengît thé parties entileS Iles-eto, bavin, eg as-CIoui>' 10 lisecdaims of vbicb tise said Administra- Irix sisaH tissu iave notice. AnSdlise saiS Administratrix vii unon bclisis for thé aesets se distributed, os-au>' part ISsu-sot, ta an>' pesso is osé laims elle zhslinot bave bal notice aI lise limé cf such istCsi- bution. ' AnS 'al pesas indebted to the said Estt are nolified te psy the saine te lhs Adminittsatrix os-thé usndes-sigel. TAis notice is given under uTh Statuts 29 Victoria, Chapter 28, Section 27. DatedstaIWiitby, tAios8rd OcI 1877. IV T.I P. WH-lIE RIas reaumed couts-ol of t-hé Major Mille sud is prépareS te pay [THE HIGIE ST PRICE 1 I 't e.J e at Drasper's Elerator, for God BIlackè Eye .Peaa, dlvred at saine plaie sud slow twenty cnsper bushel differeuce. ROERT H. LAWDEII. Whly, l7tb Oct.> 1877. ISS TBIPP of Dunbtne tlu terni tiseLadieas-t#oln, bege lu 10 ûýtaarmea LAD' OMING4I Di WItC lES" at 25 cents per oz, ,rt ni, 0o14 l8tis, 1877. 8lu.48 ,Steee Stt'ayeds. one yaroAA steer - »'olr tit,4sudtarcu oùrà;em ad il h scl ndueacorsaof la tc dafraych as G U B EGlI xB« IA J OR'MILLSL Imý- A dm in18 tra tor's delivered at thie MillinluWiitevale.- Re wui make eves-v effort te give Putire satisfactio. t0 thosa Who aomy patronize thae Mill villa tbsir GRISTING. FLOUR ANO FEED of lise Beet Quality, anS at ileasonable Ps-tees, wii alsé be ep constaaally on baud and 4for ,sale. Wisitevale, Oct. 10, 1877. 42 Farm to Rent. roRENT, Parts f lots Nos. 3 and'*4, ..BrokAa Front. Plicksriaag, contaiuing 176 acres of good, cleard InS in a bigla state of cultivtton. ' For terme, &o., apply to JO3HUAI ICR1ÂBON, Wlitby P.O0. Whitbv, Oct. 101h, 1877.ý 42. APEDLERI to travel in thé' Townshaip lPikrn.-To a od, rible G. 1H, PD4 Oct, 4,1'77. (in-42) Oshsawa. Ontario. Ladlels'C'oIIée rI'TE MNDER&IGNED iiMïireeva ema- .F e d Tenders fr tise fohlousia, 10 b. deliverea sodrdup ta sept. igt, 1P78. BEEl", MUTTON, LAMB, l aPORK, by lias pound (best cuti;), quarter & carcis 30 Toqg Coal--Cisenout aisfi teve. 40 odA Dy arWodMsm pre- Tendgwersrauved Ul! 10 b. 90h luet. NO ýý Ueloamquy seapted -Os'-; Sale. Pamn tokadImImns. The subscriber bas been instructed by James IR. Matbewson, Esquire thse adznnaaiif. trsitor of the estate of the lats R~OBER~T MATaIEWSON, te offer for sale by publie auction on tise 22nd dail of October, inst., on lot Number Twenty-six in the seventis concession of tise TOWNSHIP OFWHITBY, tie follOwing valble farin stock an ian- plements, riz:- 1 1 GreY Mare, 10 Years old ; 1 Bay Mars, 16 years oACI; 1 Bay Hoe'eigl; 1 BI.ack Horse, aged; 1 Colt, 1 Ye-r 'I; 1 Sufk- 1ing Colt'- 1 the year od]Bul;l JiCows Sun Caif; 1 hafer a8 am old; Ïi Heiier, 2 year old - 3 ieifers 1erod avs (1877); hep arn a; 8Pige; 1 Breed io; Lumber Wsggon; 1 pair of Trucks ; 2 pair of I3obsioighs; iIren 1lough ; 1 Courtis Plougb; a3-se of Weed Harrows; 1 Iron Gasng Plow oSuffir; 1TP Double Buggy; 1 Siigle lugy; 1 Turi TDril;l, Sewu'gMactne; 2 lota of Double Harneas; -1 l o o .SZ e .'rn es s ; 1 B aU ' O lo l eap - ingMahn-1 Breadeast Seedr Fanai. ing Mili ;i1 dutter - i Cutivato 'iWeel. baîrow; '1 Land liller; 1Gridetone; a quality 0ofCotton B ae; H1 0 ak;1 Grain CradlAs; 1 LaSSer'- i lot fW~pe trees'i Neckjce MyaL'îCross- eunt .aw; 1 race and Lits;2 Loggino Chatua; 9 CaIlle hains; a qunity of Turnips; Spades, Shovels, Eosa, Raes 'Porks, sand other articles too numerous to semae lime lise flolg aulle parcels ot land - viz '-Part 01 the north hait of lot " L;wenly.fsve in the seve»th conces- siou of thse township cf Whitby, contatning by id measurernant ferty;one aocs. A part of lot nuniber twenty.six in thse serentis concession cf Witby, eontalr8iug by aS measuremeut Sfty acre. ALoc about elevenacrs etflot oumber asix In tisa third concession of the lov/nhlp of 4eacb, tontlng on thse BrookroS TERMS AND CONDITIoiO0F A . 'Forltarin Stock ad IMplelunts, iiisuif under ton dollars, oash.-For ail SUMO overc that sifount twelve mouthe' credit viiibe ~in ofrnlilng approred joint notes Intertiet 0baagea from ýdate il Wsheu due. 1 Tarma and cnditioné4, E..sala IMPORTEiD COTSWOLD SHEEF SIIOflT-IOIIN CATTLE, AND B3ERKSHIRE. HOG-c at auction, at 1TugdEENWooD FrM187 Me§srs.. Birreil & Joinston, 0F GREENWOOD, ONT., vill ssii b>'public suctian, vilisout rases-vss 1b ImporteS CetswolS, 2 yaars and i yeas- olS, (rama.) 1n Canadiau-Ss-eS CotevelS Yearling Bains. 24 Extra GoS Ram Lambe, fs-cm ImaporteS Priai Rame sud Eves. b0 ImporteS Brseding Eus-e, rauging fs-en, 2so 4 yeas-solS. 20 Purs Bs-eS Yearling Eves, aise bs-eSfs-cm ImporteS Ewes sud Rami. 40 Pus-c-bs-ed Euse Lamsub, the geIt Import- éd "Sierobes-t," oui cf ImporteS Eweî. 20 Pus-s-bs-ed Berksire Boas-s sud Sove. 150 Pus-e-bs-elBas-k Bramais and Partridge Cochin Fovlî. Beaidés tise aiseve. tises-e ali Se solSb>' tisé sains fis-m t thé sains place anad limé, a Herd of Shiort-hlorn and High Grade Cattie, and some s TERMS 0F SALE :-Eléven moullai credit viiilas gi*ven S>' parties tunisiag approved Jointl Notes. A discouint of 10 per- cent. per anua off tfs- cash. ta' Greensood Pas-m is vitisin 8 'miles of Duffins' Cresis Statien on ths Grand Trunit Raiîvay,-2() miles Estl etToronto -frein vbich plice lease iiicouve>' par. tL. s-so csre thé sveig é ores d er ri h rd oiie. I -Pjeý- ot 1 - L AIRBANKS. Greenwood Farin, Sept. fts, 1877. 88.tdi. We show the Largcst, Choigèst, and HUGHES BROTHEIRS, . GOODS IMPORTERS, TORONTO- Our Depurlanonta are Comphao-e, aud replenus]îeid by1--:i-wcek1ly. shipamenîs, In Staples, Eancy flress Goods, Silks, Manties, (ail the OIOur Woolen and Merchant Ta*iloring Department unequalled. Canadian Tweeds a. Speot ciat. ernis Libra7 . HUGHES BROTHERS. Ts-ente, October 411s, 1877. 41u.41 DI MR.JOHN. jERGIJSON I8 NOW IN Tl-18MÂLIRIT «W'ITlM H IS ~'AL &WIMSTWTIa CxG0D8, \Vscifrqaity anti ps-me tvill 1eu foimld isîsurpatsefi. -00---~ MiL(DrI I .jr- M2Lad'e ip in the Latest Styles and oit Shorte8t Notice, OVER-COATS AND BUFFALO AT BOTTOM PRICES. INA TRE,--- FOWliISALE ROBS,1 100 Tons Bar Iron and Steel, 100 Boxes Canad Plate, 150 Béos TaPlate 400 KoesorCutNails adShe. Auctioùeerr Ores rnteTadsoliCite. I ics-otoale -SNEYRK sIEwNER MACHWINSG IP YOU WA'TT TO BUY A PFrTST-OLàSS SVýLWN LiM ACHINE, ATTACHMENTS, NEEDLES, THREAD, -&c., FISHINO L. FAI RB ANKS,' --AT ai- BROCK-8 T,, * HIBY, I7 1 o l(i ASILY ARNED IN lsstmebt I eau be made m iao otaby amy oue of 77eitier se, iu sy p art of thé Country, whois wiihingto vos-k steadiiy at thé empicymentliait ve furnlsn. e66er ek lu your ovu lcwn. TounoneS ýawAy tram borne over ýniglat. You eau gsveycur wiaole lime tb tise vork, or only yours ar moments.':W-9 have agents who ar m - % er20perdày. Ail iaoen- gage At 'W 'ennage At once eau mae mouey faut. 'At' lb. zrsn lime money cannot be madese 3 Ca Loas Cal O forSal WHITE COi&L O1L.-. 4 Imperial Gallons, $1, cash ; or 30 cents single gallon. 03F'~ The Largest Stock of Sheif and' Hleavy Hardware in the County. STOVES.-Best Cooking and Reat- ing; Ohoice Patterns at HATCH & BRO. D-OMINION WARER'OOMS. Beg to inform their customérs -an d the publc tt'thNDy arePL eDRYo.a.ui sooS Clothing, MiilinrbaCp, Our-whôle stock aLtr~oi~aidCae egivi LEAVE PORT HOPE for Lindsay', FPeas- bore', Lakedield, and intes-maSigte po!iîs ts,5M88a. an,10OA. m., sud 4M8 PMnand fo th Georân ay, Wan- vautiie» nd ntemedatepoints, a1 10) a. m. Trains asriva as folloviua PROM Lindsay, Peterbero',lsud Lakeflid, At 8 a. an., 12.80 p. m., and 8.55 p. me., anS fron tise Georgiau Bay, Wanliiu- ebene, anS intes-medlata pointe, at 6.55 P. . For fus-tiser par-tilare ses Poeket Time Cas-dm, te Se baS ah miiStaioiens H. G. TAYLOR, A. HUGIEL gupss-intenaeait. * Presiâént. Tho.Eut allf etLot No. 1, l isathe ls Concession of Uxbridge. 100 acres. M0aces cleared;,thi balance hardycood, cedas- anS in; weon vatered - trame bars, ; log bisain; fs-ane stabls, itis Wgbouse. Ap otops-epsio- WM. HARBUON. Kinsale P. O, Pickes-ing. Sept. 2ist, 1877. .2 -40 Tw1 Fir"-l a Bric Hio is i tes Rnt- uts-su roome cacis; wellfliihed;- geod ceclar, suan ilneessaiýycouvanience. ,AppIy les. J. B.,POWELL. Whitby, Sept. 131h, 18777. 8 Farm -,to Rent. T lmFARMlat ccupedyMs-. N. RayLot 6, l con, tV - Ceai- tassas 190 ase-s-iSO clenased,su aniSzwer culiviation-Good HousanS buildings, lar-ge Os-Sas-S, &c. Bigila>'situated, irm- anediately outide the limita efthlie corpora- tion.. Apply to- FIST-CLASS FAR?*! TOIR E NT For a tes-met yeass Being Lot No. 5, iu lise 1st Cou, ot Rùach-200 acres, bsing lise W. H. BROWNE, Septemberigt, 1 - 'ý ColumibuP. O. ONTARIO FARMERS'l Mutuarln8urance Co'y. HIEAD OFFICE, BRO0CK-Sr., WIITBY. rpHI COMANYininres Pas-m BuilS- JL igsCcunr.ýClurcisés, Scisool_ Roumss, sud their Contents at ratas a ns atAseoan>' well-eatabiased c'anapauy in lucanada. JIJS11 ISSEg l>ROMPTLY- PAID. J. L. BIKELL, JTOHN wILLIS, Pr'd-esisiut. Vice-Ps-esidsnt. -lRstes et Insus-suce se bu isdaI 9,r5 cents us-tii iasa-c îlOtsfor tteZre mc.as, Mhilb3y, Oit. lit, 1877*. -41 A ALJTIN cd' DT0'7q BIECt infos-os lie tasmingrcommnty ts-acts fer tis e-mo-si fstanas andStiumpm. 'The Stone Es-tratas'avasidgl> secamn. anenli(eS ai Ibh lati) aitypissud le espalie eofinakig l9tas-aIi>' And essii np ta flfteeu tons. CSar-ges mods-te.- cApi> 10T. LLN, or te- L 0kélevObv, W. DOWN 01. 1, 1877. (41-ian) Oshavça P,. O T.,PORT PERU de LiNDSAY Y RAILWAY. CTIME TABLE No. 19, Taking effeet on MouSsu>, !Âug. 211h, 1817. TORONTO TIMÊ: DEPsXAIr. u4xpo e. Toronto, via G.T.R. 7.00 san. 4.37 p.m. Wbilby Inu. G.T.R. 8.45 1"- 6.25 ci tWhiISy-....8.55 6.30 -" fiirookli:a....- . 6"(.47 Ms-tAe...... 28 7.00" Maaichester-*«9.45 ' 7.17" PrimeAlbes-...9.55 " 7.25 -" Jort Pers-y ...10.10 lý 7.85 ESs -e-0 10-5 «' 7.b8 M ..... Masia10 M7 8.17 - Marpoa~~.11.18 U8.5 'fLads. - - .a-ive.0.4r, 9 fMLindsa........... 6.28a. 6.8 tPort Perry........ 7.W3 Prince- Albert ...... 7.o8 t Manchaester... ... --.. 7.15 Snymit ........... 7.21" Mj'rte............ 7.0 e froln........ 7,42 "ý tWlity........7.5 e *WIlbyjni .T1.800 WIKITBY 3UIÇCTI01q TrnnkElRsy for aU Wcist. No. i Ex1pressru nection villa sar y morn and West. PORT PERR Y witLt Utica aâidUibriage, BzÂ&onvz-For Sainfifeld ar MAanLL-For Sunderiand MAuiieosa-For -Oakwood, Valeuftia asud Port 9U01 LiND-SAY-W1th vicod 5.no. 83hAlL., Mi. 2.20 pe. 2.45" 8.18 DM.25d 4.18 il 4.50" 5.18 di 7 07 d on bignalonly. FOIL AIZY QUANTITY NEW 'YORIR Wanted, . 'MEN, My sfôck ýý of vakable HAL"L> uý HUGHES BqOTHERS. 4in-41 -HATOH- & BR'O.1 .&LOWES * PO'WELL E am -- 1 1 1 1 - 1 Sy, 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 lý i 1 il -ON- iIYESDAY, NOVEMBER 131h, L -gr4 Gra Pinoi'e tre to lie Ieu eti s llbay tbictautin 1weda, ct. iGth 1877. 77p rea Piano 87 caIofte vI bs underiiucd finsh ardceivintrucllton latest improv rein os nwato "TeSârme ü iX AUBe on ieO8 ou h insecton fvsNovemer f 6th, '77,io a t P an 1olaeal7 tv, ftevr Property, DRY Whitby' 1 Whitby,.Cýetober 17tli-, 1877. (tf-48) FAIR COMPETITION -W-LTHOUT PROTCETION. l A dministrators Notice, 1 ROBESI EACE PLUG*-OF TIIE IN GILT LETTERS. milton, Sept. 29,1877. *

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