Whitby Chronicle, 19 Aug 1875, p. 3

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Uior4mof th la..s . i For'Superior Clotlâinig sintable for Su me w artry th é clothig Stre and M erhant Tà f- ormeg. esaiblisnment 0f 'w & aIu - 9O ei -Mardot ngi~ B@i.y barna to andhmauto. Th.y fôwadÂgul17. a91ad a. wasa tori, &nau fd=sil thrst adhdforard ,o vas bthe ON 187 "'a ougla lemoulbar toa.dpt, hmiid Il v Oas d 14hh, hoh, GUiwu7tb, SEPT poi.The mc her os.I dthe lIztJ, boys OPENTOALL. wlh.re a nov homno aeît her ga. uf aI lb. Boèreiary' 0Mdaah ber lutait on,. lb.heboys ai lb. frcm lthe Secretaries of Ciller br. mthe laid saS dovna tbioircof hot teté, riPaovInie. > w&c DOWihtebbbaid fallen. i1rtee. e.lving eh.ritr o Theb. o p.&U ili WR a eh. HOMe Ry ohefort bli tas tschallenge II e &ra band #cm -the. Ezball to Paul de C .Oasnao Of OGu coaflI t -G UIO,~ Frech iawpteci n',u a, ýSecretàaa7. pregide.' Prol1 sîurl 82The latter Guelph 'îgre.d tli)aebut deciood vlaen ho 0' 8fo. I4 boemae e r. ilAé Rocohefort vould miel biin no other way but villa Pistoie, and 1h. deUtsonly 5v. pao.. &part. DÂRTNELL.-At Whitby, ou F3 daythe lotîlis, î ias if. cf J.u< ana .n lagme~ Darnill, of a daugialer. NOTICETdy OTATR BIISNMA ElE .4 Al .aj Sealed Tenders addre.ed eîtheSecotsry1 BODiN8O.,MAN....AtAl SinsOf Publio Works, and endormed «ITender for Oluoa hlY, On the 121h fuel., by lbh Laobl anial," vil b. receivef ai Ibis lthe13ev. O. B.,1Bel], Inouibent of St. officeuuur eh. arivai et te.Eastern andc Jon',Oburchit, , Mr. Gea. ". e' sr4ils ou TBasIDAT the Bùfenfh Bobîüonac, c ' oc f Trdo oS#pmbeflumbor the enlar ement t T 0oue, lean , oeilCin dl Of ithe idalgsd daugher cf lhe late James Manna, of deeniug oÏ the oa=glfrinn are.nd basiny.sait ci . anl forenear îiLsxe, t Welllngton SIrrive bridge up RIDNËY-CAINER...oR the dili zbracàg theostruction of e ooia Inal., ai the residence of the brie.Si rilsdgCos e l k an Mucîlar, Whiiby, by thes 1ev. . .dowu snd rebildlng thre up Pportions lof Gibbo, Mr. William Kiilney te Mliss eersetlock ai eheseiples:bidia Cainr, ll o Whtbveirs, oulverts, bridge plera ; te HanloiL. ahirailcf hiiy. COnstruc oo f a nov outrance lock ai La.-ai EAYESIFPOB.....>. th bine, sud the jloruihiiIOf.eta Channel and alWT. l, ben'the uila or rver*side of the exialý. Gb 1ev S T* îeuirsnce.0 eralnlu et ii.16 orks vill b. lu ma!scions oflb.h C Ml FunyGliord repective lengihs Ini.ated n am_ -.l R~ÀLESTATE. Theriril býgoic by Anobil uon, bir lir Lek'airmù, e R&gg'&CroW U .frWaY 17th o S.t,17, &tgo#cOok ý m.,thefouw4 auf which vii h. Produo.d ai lime of.="f~ an prt of th. original aliovano. for roibeteen$81 JO,-Ud lndibelng.l5s. Crlbed as folios. Thain 5oIOff o=men, lng on the no auun inoeof * lot 2fo si, 'Sl te. Zopll.v.si angle afibtheDistalci 8Ohool us on thé VUb4 Myl, ehene in a Souuasray djreoion pgasi, i5,the utNrern lino f w »i1t.Tore or elong iho .s&4U crlburulin, More or lets to lb. gravifled, road, on sld lot No. 20; lb:eno herly te.vesterntleuof 6h samýfteeM ý ore olit h >trU lne.-of sà' ltN 0.theuc Yist lflb es ao 6 olif.etlois n u m e r 0 & a 2 1 , o r . o r I . . . , 0 h . p l a c e et begiunlcg, iii b xcplno ncb portionîeeofas ve,-dw dd 1 cher parties byý one Jobia Tho~m ansd lan c0pvy byîbthearly tfe, h. it pari -aerelo, lê Division oi. 81 c f thé*Boue cof 'Temuperat. AlzilaU sangular thal other par o amidlois numbors .10)-aud Si, and o! the original ailovance, for, road b.. tweeu laid lois,'- as le jpuionia ead de* cribe lu acertain "Deed et Càunveyance thereof, made by Edvsrd Ban stioknev ta M the Pa i the lfrai pari bereio, (the Mort. gager) aud coutai8a aOut Pour âcres of laud, I on vhicqh la erecied a new and oommnua si )welllug Houa, viib eceseary outbuild.8 ugs aud offices. Ther. la a good garden h and orcbardonthe prerniseli eisocked ii wit frittres, aUfeucd, andf la avalu- For paiculara apply tleP W ILAICBEA LU , ------, -15-C a large stoknof =heetfadtheIf-dme l * liu~~whlcn t J ~ '~ ~..mp O' eue - -- Oshawa, July 27,'1875.GE.G R EM scaw y nh n. À e-intgte i, lsadspeolfi- 8 Sio-. DEATHS.ction of Ae vri~onsrks eau b. seeaiu U B PO8T.-.Aî Pickering, on 1the 101h éli OIS, ond utibeLaolue Canal Office, BNo unto r ereW oé ote, n Sndafter-a rnr, the T hrnStr S trd y netFa dp-c as orcsh - WBneil0tenin0h odrlK - m junMr Gerg1W.P.l.da f tofmber et aeher of bich INSURANCE C M 4 N ' on P. . pay to O ldof mis- Rui nfa nlýî o of Mr. Alu Cameron lie. free edreub b < IE T H E on for 70c. 80c. or $ e ,and cfa eS Bok, Mse i.,da u of*te kiE13n . CntAl Poae e4reflteWarinailbynePondofoAnre A Dl oneagd 5 t ut sareni etqe sdteri n m OF Lî'VEPOOL & LONDON. National Portrat Oallery o e a h n s m a a e e a itr fe._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ monîba. - * mu~~~~e iriily inuscordace vit lb prined *- -po d$1 T a cry tonue, sud-lu ihe case et armes exCep CAPITAL, $10,000,000, We wiil also present one to every cash purchaser JONBS.-Âî Oshawa, on Sundlay, tbe re'.attachedt the tac ignmiatures, theof1b.Cfe,2s 5c.Taor$Wthf th ôllç..Hrit eoddauglater nature oethe Ocupation andrplace of re. flAMKEii: KEDWcÂX. Aviex]a: LONDON: of2b. ofe ls O.Ta r$ ortho of C. A. Joues, Eeq., aged 2 years and eldence of eaci member e1thle samp - and MOLSONS BANK G. . AYE8rEQ.lMD.C'ISFLZ'TTR i ALIN Whimbnthe.Fn. a cceptafho&it oar,, couai-go Juin Thequ.li.y and cheapuese of our Teas and Li- G O - - 7 muî~e. n acepesban chqu ot.li 'Head OfEce for Canada: 391 &193-8t. 'kon teini Jaes Street, Montre ai. M n lV E l m C aîv e rle y , a o n u P a n y c a h T e d r e c o d g t e t eT e q a i y n d h a p s f - u T a n d L -C day ISîla bafus., William, infant son cf extent Of von OU tb. section minace- FORBES * MUDGB, Chief -Agent$. PORTRAITS qos' e]bu ed hswth the idea vahTnewicb sbll beg forfaieS B. H.v LAWDEB, Age nt, Whilby. OF UREI NTM .= c Mrninlia aS v ay, g -neitlé Party enciering decllueor talla to Auguejt 101h, 1875. ly-88 oitoueou e oegnral otepbi __________d ___________-entenlt cntraoteor the work vhen caîlod C U EiETME. t itoueeu eamr enriy otepulc> Uotedo $0, aI iherates tâteà lu the offer The Riglai Hou. W. B. Gladstone, M.'a.lti tndo t eis WHIT.BY MARKRT8. The &Mount required ID sacae vn bS. VNT LWATDThe BiglaI Hon. B. Dioreli, M. P. C stated on lthe rniof Tender. s ilh A good servant girl vaul.d tevitoin good The BiglaI Hon. John Bright, M. P. CIROSBY'S OLD STAND. >. - - The choque or money tbug sent lu, vin bea wageonviilb. given. The Riglal Hun. the Barl et Derby. -0- W CImeoaqcnu Orpres, Auguatle151h, 1#751. ntunea tb ithe respective parties vbou, Apply le-.The Vaui Wieai ..... ...... I 18 j #1 20) Teniders are nuta le ted. IMS. , S, CLARBKE, Ti. rclabiehop cf Canterbury. .514@018 atisfactory aeeurity vin b.a requiredon neuaniWhitby, Augnal 91M, 1875. yr8Sret.LËor ChiotJuSic e e Wolsee, K. C. Bay............ 0 0 $085 estaie, or by deRoalî of meuey, publie or B. - -- Clover ................ 5 00 15 25 municipal securities, or bank mtocks, t0e eTeR ln h aio higuy Tlmoibys ............. 0 00682M &on51 ieo en ntebuksm f C A B D 1Ttio ameouni aot f iv reonlb uikeuat -A.o vp-e livloleaaeelbiimne sduîobidnsd Fas.........7c07o teTersoi b. ceuald.red a put. A Clergyman, wvil. resldiug lu Souiathe ilIHu anRmel .G ,,y~0j5 d cemmerciaIaelraaamoîegnoroui, Bhic Bye Peam .... 5 0 @ SOc Nle ercent niyfthie pr;egrgm ei.- erie, as misionry dlcovýered'a ait, The iglaI on. Lord Calmas.benr.rai d u r-fr aed br geu, udlftS By..........5cO70 mtsail psi le pîitien oland sml remedy for tee Cure et Nervous The Biglai Hon. Bal Granville, K. G.beutoug th ok.WamnEarly Decay, Dlseae of teH.RI I he H ofCmrig, .G upintems Ou$ .... 50047 TLo .5db Tender muai b. attacheS te lauinysSeinalOgau,-sd lb. vlaohe -B lbof a eemridMgeoug in.heG. Bay è .................. 12 lu14lceumlosinateresefiabieresudzifaeanonabled elyle, brequal le bauyeffl a-claie Wan gg.........le a Doc vlllltgb OLe Burettes fon the emr4been curad by tisnoble retuedy. Prompt- M. P. helag Botr........ ut ofIbeme conditions as veil lb. due e deair tes litte M dadJohn Waltero Esq., M. P. Wo........... ~ romic ig 10e truae çtefr T Ra lrr e mdiugdcnai. ylclSo r r m n e t o r k s e m b r a c e d l ut el b . c u a i n l n l , I v i l s e n S l e r e c l o P r " ' T h e i g h t I o n . E a r l D u ff o r i n , K P . ~C r a e e d o h W o f .. . . 1.. . . . 0 0 . r t.p arin g an d u in g iis m d ic le C a oe al O n b s . an i a sa c o m d t o C o a l, p r t o n . . . . . ..5 7 o pT h is D e p a r m e n i d o e t o l, o e e r o n v e lo p e , t e s y o e u e v b e u e a i lr e , <eu T h o m a s C a r ly le . i t h n e I e d p l n h n e u l a i g Wood............. 4 00 @j 0 1 ieif tbaccept the loen or any Tender. Cag. A aau, EVD. JOSB H i.W. I Smith, Ba., M. P. '*Ge euS frel fQena , vuSud Wood pn vi...... 808<( By Order. INMAN, Station D, Bible HouZno. The Rev. W. Morley Punehon, D. D. The oter d' cueoinvlaIbsHue P r p rc t. ... . .8 0 88WYork City. 22a er d C h i c e u is p . . . . 8 0 a 4 0 0 p r p a i r D a i m I u b t i o W o r l , } e c r e a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i r c , b û t A r y om. Pi lc, e , ..T R C ,- 1 5 E u D Y ~2 Duokatua0cc140 o/Pi,1875. 1 anTih. Portraits ana tnom receul bho. tro( Turke, per lb.î ....1 10N0e'H N E RY h ulser ae p neexpensa Apple, pa butel ...... 608 M F R Slu 1lb.heProduction Of a volume noqaled Choss ..............15o017 P 2for aritslob.auiy villa a neliabe record oi B~fbudqurer- ~The ulscrib.r oefert for suieleenorthi URSUANT te an enier, beaing Sa te the asutciOUT coain e.l u o. lmnLs Behdqute.....I@#6 essI quarter et LoI 81-, lunlbheSîlaConcee. D TeD'kfa.e'L oplt n n »I E Béat, fore quarter.....0,5 ce o seon ofthie Townshilp otWhuiy, cete ant lt dyo aymadeiadsodol b ui n - 6inCmmril Clèe Cherisp e Ill, îc e * 0 are, udlu godelte o tafleing 1875, adsae s aseeinluhlb ourt f u1, u mh ritbysbsn io.T O O T Cheriesý pr pu ... ....I * 0 H6 ume,berd irea go Ibe oremisesta.ood ary, vberelu Svitzer Convay -sad 1%6aent villcauvase whtby abouté tious.~gpe Lees...rî. hersudreDnitvin ouiga e, md a ouva are plalutife sud Janet Bat- the.losioe September. T0RONTO Il , 11fato-ýpbpi cocn. ode, ar, nd riingRs g an Oab oUlff, Rache e arimn, Thomas Perrmman, ilyî21, 1875. 8 fa nicomiorilgî #yatoog :-ung ....'e . Magaatîcurtis, Geerge Cutila, Elizabetha kSe the at y l aws lb orug For furlier Part clr PÉ e Gu, FraudisGant, Thomas Kerr ad setbibd 81 ad is ow themost pplradetniesh lbisouenatiens of digestion and nînlîlon icuLuraapRIM Roe ,,.'< re dBurnet+ thea;ànhainthe Dominion for the Education of Young Men, Middle-aged Men, and Cl adDa ael liai o-hfieAuguel t, 87. Aabburn, . 0. sol wih lb. approbation oÏ Zaoheus fui Wsesabiho l 86, n j nvth ppla sdcienie oho PE R S T IIpotilesoe eseecîed cocos__1_______Esquire__t_______ yof nani vi surrgbe - l h Ii rI. B,. oys, incommercial branches. estinn Mr.__ ___ __ ___ __ __ Co o egs to intmaehoet e nlibiant otWrtbma d sr- ca 8 dS1 our breakfas ube ita o f he .éofn -(Whlaahe 1hn deloîtely favored beverage) Il lma JIMES & McM CouTert e ien aaaof Autioerer Br tsCCoie Spociai attention is given te tho science of Bookkep ga lid edilg lIn do Reu ayme et suitrartbicles" e t diedeecribedY,'b v.eaiairli viich inay MUBTBY, realta repy Geeuîa. ive ot tie landeof TeieafanerComSeceo; >oane bh iola' aIo uc rtce o ie tJudgeChirun, Court ouse, uI thomotes0 i OdGrovth k~at a conttioun ay ay lie llbuil POPRIUElOiti OFCnOenY'e Burnett's- O ocoaine PEACTICAL PN SICOMMEECIAL AIEFTO OMR de nyte ieasne.udrstSe eee mutenl. Rbe uckîPm TOWN 0F WlifTlant Gr-Ciy or tic<y. CIAL LAW, BUsINEBs COBRESPONDENCE, SPELLING, te.Inf - n p c nare so t n g e o u gla u s re s et ey t e n. vt h i ux 0 2 l ck . M , n t eB u n t ' o c o a b i e I s g ra d u s e e a re c o m p e e u a c c o nu a n t a, a d a r e fo r y m e n o b u ns a n SdV . L . L E B Y vberevrîbeor, Is s vea en i. ,W. May (EXEMPT FR09 FROST AND RÉQUIRES NO PRIINQ., Louves ie Disagreeabao Ode,. buiesmni, atohlpfr l atsfthe Provc. esaeM are f atalaObéicmt ay eitaka alebore 9oeoop eo lt url ts .s t b c puren a atl baibl keepnd Oa FOR THE DMNO ilhDAYC COE,17, Bunt' ooîe titen. are ne vacations. Stndoute may enter at auy lime villa equai aSd- N w Uoeyad.PozinSoe a properly nocnisited fam.-îservice * h TnFeltnh5cec.adton!lefolloWiinksdoansd preiie, namely BoSele Efrcylai -Ne 08bol. o Thead 5Bac ditodB udenBtacoyRar emealaber-tiiele s foulcoursé commiercial echool, sud connecteS villa forly(o1 TeSoult hait et Lot No. 5, lu the 7îla 9urnett's O ocoalne others localeS ai Mozîrcai sud lte principal cies of tb, UnitedStSates. Where hiensokepeertnglthtn. bla a nueaO4osnce 01lui ming cesu. luIaCotyoOroctilng by Sacîbes tue Ziritaied cal>,Skln. Terme reasonablo and lover Ihan mou etolItheallier echoole luntthe Association. R oe h underal toi atooheibose 015of Ontaino, filleS. Towumbip persn e gtleir naie nesd addres sud nlsgsiCetintapo thmelh eigMcie n raeSl easeremeu eaeresumoreS resmre orf Brnet'lOooaeceive by reloru mail a piece ci Onnaintai psnmanshiip, specimensof tien to buisness, bmn sm fpblcPbong.l enlecea l osumi opo _y P.lit.IMSithealilahll o thesaidLot ' udna vicit r£,mniy depena upOn bereditar .) fewdsgtMachines unS Organssilnesslesa, aime tand Cacreseme luieces ucnsmplnsud sdrols - Pe Ot. oC.w: ôHIMESetthe NrtBHutA TEACHERS CLÂSS WILL BE OPENED DURING THE M,'etwYS i A ~o~I L Y or arete resait of deprived nutrition,-trin A. McMURTý Bveuvll, nfole,. ofmtlLoe nclu i olidea-l Burnett's Busin at ees Pwres.ehpTud iruaA iC c ai i selWaou teeS and impoverta. J sl a soth mvoul.for7dereélvamielvueyu-'- ',uc a în dree ah o nc h md le - Unlesa ibm digestIve 1r00c55 Ist-81 grees, smutte a take there planteSt, thon 5nu i o .aIvr bats comploe, maierl la Dot ipr. f0re tnnor "TPiid foi hé,étlintis amnd ;re nour î> SEAM TUG chaîne, thon seoulsixteen degrees eaut, Durnlett's utteroâPaners' nielti tom enal n heslaate tveuty chaies, t10th. centre of the sailuto, Kinga Dandrum i27 ODELL &TROUT, Toronto. cA al l swegpeffyslotd r s u lo n fr . p m e n a l S d ni a , a x r u . st' h s l u m , S e ; a s w e tP T R S I H lieu; in0icu Iostitutiona vigor is 1,5- 1 ~~~. e unheeiyorege5 u vuy Burnettà < o a ne* Ff vg B on" cfdinueiine oni. it elu k-tvenly itane,;more or 4o es Cept of <ulves New Lite toe lBi. QPI IM.ALP ABLE low, U"IigWi &i eust i ssla DrWhlmeCopu - b gning. B neiet Caébla Dre lëaayi Sinn - ,,Ther. are oe u anred sera lered, lteé B unts CocoaO , AL einatua lie xfracnalu~> nutritive- i, ' - - emti<s veil limbered vill a brdvood sudReinaLlgtluEfl.O R- etlem itextr» !4ouci tfre pr. vainablje cedar. Tha cleaireS portion IlunTue te ogntoc hemmalt odA ncoomd aftmt~* ~ef cullivation, la vell valered, 10 snd 75 cenatsp ue. 9s TWO TRIPS'DAILY 1 t cf lb. b of he i etvalue, Vkmi . mio tlnoilgli lieea distantfi 'nthe 'Village c OshaaT W N 0 w -R O T ATas tae ho ehc o nomigteciie@ eigl i miles.t Thor, la aIjo a good oncitard PMRR DAVIS & SON, & L4IENMOE Steamer CITY 0F TOBONTO (Cg~t. - - *1-1 sud excellent building on saiS tarin.o oi eu Afot nGae Bébt u r nbMeo TeTarpAL, pb. aIlaIPubicooc ýse ugsotpoinee- Te 10 prtlb iiia ovàeroblite AgasAanemelsetseroute, e a.m. nud 2p. e, Tues sNiag- BoaS. *Propered froenlIa. Pure Grnae cf curgloii.on É.ake Ontario eiere ten ePrestuleivdei tin e ioth get fi o nm fcoes. aaet98su Md 4.8 PYen, e slretou ,Lot No. 10 lu reur n uWMiamSRETt..l THE C ANADA -BEAR. rueçday, Thuraday, d Bat urday Osl ea Reresae f le lie bîétis, JOEH NM j& , B 5Q, et A.I M and5 PvM.onnecions ton Lot Né 8 onBrook St. RO K g .eono esvleg lie dockat 1.2, 8, 4 and.&eqaeprice, Isnot bldfor lie ouidlundi. sIls'EufRaw elud,0oo ecti 0 iasss d oall e ued pi roathèeoua t xtaexcurlog ai nnaJ ima, ael epa aStSet.-Th______fthelitsW"_LAW ,MT. pratio VI t7 and-8. Týrrchaer atmdd gl@ fataode,---i e . 8, Frontý It ive th usestt oavili bila tndace t éBits 1 malter vithin oui Monli fin à51o'm Liv. si 8 g ro th giv & r itise n o e bl d eu a n d A OB u d B y l o st t si. e n e h es - sais ith o u t Ju terait. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Z O NE_ _ G e a ev t e 4 G r e s n es u gmelo n gLsud f ein lia v ysto.i g p u r o u l sm - m ud C on d itio n s e o feIErsi g ueL .d O- suecilisusS ud lv25b. b", oun£ acation te-D. J. 0R8y ro!rb rmienhau.Ivalu" le fr Oin &frmaudfrS«ote.r90.Argesgt Soc1..-. Da g th B i . I l e ba i n h y co vey p e- i c and lt er, excursion parties - cIa p iain i f T n- cmeddand useS by éminent Ch$mitu b auY Point OnuthiehAoriefthte Lake. 00i D.eAaei an hmcaofev.ry country, 000 SAVW THE QUgEN 1 Whuiby. SiniliFOUALB Ha te in lmenabosed i ,CarS banFoart ty ugd17DaedaitWiuby ths uh UcJ m.LIST' 0F VOTERS bo Port Whliby, Augual 157gre.il-w8apALD., 1875. -RA ES OPPASSAGE U HTHER Futo4 tidi' 'JB EFlie mres, part oflo N.i,*nehett Per « ---aBelBp.enai T W Sm FR D CE . -. - n lealya . GreatestdvUig on Pr ol@ Proprii. MsO 175- Ias ve. poiCKed inGMy o er r , laffl v ss n ye a'm spi..aise e - - and >&5JL/b= aU eleareOffice on Londonp. - iotOlia'iU 19S i Poneon,- - Canada M ethodit C uc F N on SALE. * sf or du in y L ? atsro Qs - ofaoui eSsmofi mo- MenteaL ndin a re. eum villa ns z ; jandakâ R E IM E s 7r a o j - W i ste n d tn e, kt w m b li , v s n î t e b o r r w e 5 5 , 0 0 0 < n u nie 7 5 : A r . s. fiahu R .. W e d n e s d a y , 2 8 t h O f v f k l - u h o 1 I i p O o D e r r y . o ln c âe y ~~0* . R t h ~ i 4 ~ - ( L . ' a 1 ,ea priden~j~~~eefuci 1 MachU5diidbo bu sabondbecomés h. vie,. lthe structure- Ïthi money aoner, lasud e OT"0lcaigenina of th. Anaierlcan eole." Thé. Manufacturera And eh. enloMM et eacessa cil't's*eut, iais., for t~ressu tIt i I.te. b. iheir liome, viere aul their Ivemtious andinanufactures cmu b. exhib. lnd sd bld The building vin coulain 5,150o square iure7rsdesilugBods beon. an agea cy la establlshed viere. ibey nreade, gcommunicate dir«et vila bis office,' mvblcibteyceau b. supplied.' Parties désirin e o a gnts opur- chia. bonds vin addresa INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION 00., No. 12 East l7ih Street, Bet. B, way and Ill Ave., Nov York City. NOTE-&il anoueys by. drfit on Nev York, or Ed ; xpreas, or poatal odr-hre adbysonder.ore-bge l'uni 4th, 1875. 25.Y N0 T I C E 1 Ail parties ar- heneby cauiioued againsi giving crediltet my vile, or te auy other .JOHN FYPE. O mbh s a pa, u gut 9th, 1875. - in 88 GEORGE GURLEY, MIERCHANT, TAILOR, OSHAWA, Invites au examinaion of hiesueiger stock cf Clotho, embracing Englisb, Freuch Scotch and Canadian- Tweeds; Doeakins, Melions sud Chevalas, sllk sudi fancy ves-ý Gentlemen leavlug th eir ondens m=y de- pend upon golaiig gaod aloth, a perfect fit, lylisb out and prompt delivery. A*DUT NDSSTREESH TT Gent's Fumnihing Goodls of '&"l Hats and Capsr Umbrollas, &oa., &o. Whiby, july 27tla, 1875. NEW HAVEN NORVILLE has Çèm-Spenýdid Instrumnents-and vil selIl heg ai pnice. ihai v1li arpriso you. If yeu over expeci b buy cone, nov la thelffie. Be eure te, give me a call before buying. A goed aeaortment ef Clocha, ai wlaoleaale pnicea, le close ont lte lot. Clooka, Walcbs, and Jevel- ry neatly sud proznpily repaired. 81 H. W. NORVILLE, Duudas Street, Opposite the Post Office. kidincludingShrs ORtf-si ORGAN CO'. A P l tc fMillinery,. Dres &u Mai~IeMakng oule to order Unuler the fmuprintendence 'of a ils-claae Dresamiakor. Miinory and Tailoring done to order,. Satisfaction - guaranteed. > W- SIX Girls wanted to- worlt on dressýes, and Two Toflops te varIa on ceaie. SOU TH ONTARIO ,BOOK STOR~E. SCHO L- B ORS Sch ol 'oýýks, ful sippl 'o 5 e ai bobkoalwýs onhgnA STATIONEwY,1 Slationery. -We keep the best selectéd, stock of Fancy, Initial, and Commercial1 Note Papers and1 Envelopes in the county. IBLANK BOOKS, Blank Books, Da3y Books, Cash Books, Journals, Ledgers, &a., made of:the best'paper, in good binding, ail kinds-and che9p..- NEWSPAERS AND'MAGAZINES, Newspapers and ~ Mgies. Those wanting their Magazines- and papers deierdwith.promptness and despatch, shoirld leave their . order at Robertson's. - J/i. i. DLabB-4U.~(P. 0.30Box8M.) go. silibety et., Naycirk City; N . JAMES MÂCKR, Balsain, Agent for th. Counlyet Oltaxia. ~ O50PER DAY.-A#Outs vaut. Au ed i lasses ci vorning people, ailer .exyouug or old, make zmore ne a ork for us in their IV nia!, or ileh ime ihan ealany rae oiuar fe. Post-cadte Stgecs-04t tone ent\ desa, - G. STINSON & 00., * Pertland, Maine. uiii GItEAT IULMEDy FOR îely rcsort te this stand- ,d prépar-ation, as ias been nvced'by' the hîuadaeds of 8tiluonials î.eceived by the vprie tors. It is acknowl- .,d by nanpromninent Lysicianls te., bc the, ost liablc 'prepa-ation ever in- )duccd for the relief and re of sali Leingeomplaints, disoffcrcd to the public, àctioned by the experience evcr forty years; When ;rted'te lu scason it sel- ru fails to cifect a speedy re -n liu tho ost severe ;sof Coughs, Bronchitis, 'uWlooping Cough, lucuza, Asthma, Colds, e Throat, PaLins or Sore- ;s n the Ohest and Side, ro' Gomplaint, Bleeding lec Lungs, &c. - istar's st prep, eus ain gis, and Bremov]i comp1ali pal W. TownI cafd by Breg -t -J j IT S STREET' WE-1-ITBY.

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