Vol. 54-No 22 WHITBY, ONTARIO, CÂNADAt TLtJRDAY, NOVEMBER 80, 1916 '( C. Â, GOODFELLOW & SON, Publishers It l WIIPay YouI TO MARE WIB'Medial Haill your Buying Centre for Drugt;, ModiliCne9, llubber 000(19 Combs, Tooth Brug1ie!;,iair B ~e Talcutin Powder, Perfuines, and Stationery. 'Ne guaraxitee every article to be the best, and appreci. ate your trade. J. E. WILLIS Drugglst and epticlan MEDIÇAL IHALL Broclk St. Whitbv. THE I"OUSE 0F QUALTY The Dealer with t le ('ual a u1 t le tServ ice "'SCranton Goal' The 51*ndard 48AFTER THE STRIKE' New Prices Now Est.abllshed. Fceuh mcd Il Scranton Coal)" Egg, StoN-e, Chestnut and 1Xa cciixing daily in 1box cars -chean bright and it->-, t annei coal aw emithing coal ialways lu Stock. You want the I eqt E. R. BLUW9 (lu uir noNt Whilby Bell phonc 9. Ilome phIone 11 J.IOWELL JAMES Qarpenter, I3uilder and Contractor. ]Plans dra" n and niifriistit2d a&h~ doors and f ranies. figent for 13rentford Rooling IROZ467 WiIITLiY Phone 149 Hgarriage Licenses. A. Hl. ALIN. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Corner drug store, '%Viîby. No witnesses required. Thé Oreator Canada Improvemnt à Land Co., Lmlted Whltby - Ontario Real Extate DeaierA, Emiate% Managed, Rente Coliected, Firet Loans Arrangeil. Propertica bouglit and soii. For tentus appîy IIad (iflue. llBrock St. 'BêlI Phono 193. mnd. Phuone 70. F. E. LUKE wil b. at As He, AUin's Du sStore, Whltby TASOV ECEI81111N Fe Es Luko, 'omm' 167 tYmge st., I1TOM (opposite Simpson$.) Shw' Tolograph Sohool etation work-by îlêtue 8tudy P"a ,or 10 thowM who att.n4 Day or Night 8estions. Pul patIOlMSD rquat. rite W.HI. Mh,,r Iusleiit, S lead aTost. Jies80IsI UVIY, SLE ne CITIZENS CONSIDER.TRACTOR FRDFAGTSb' ABOUT FARM TRAG- AT BIG PUBLIC MEETING TORS 1Tho proposed agirooment ce the trac- by people are concerned lun their atti Thie dramatie ending of the public even the automobile wtth lits universelI ter inidnir>, as given a lengthy and tnde îoifard the agreement. meeting aliout the tractor by-law wlth distinction of your name. veythorongh discussqion n meeting Mr. Wilis aiso read severai report,,,Thiat is a unater, though, which May veYrgarlng th, (Hies Engine ('o, and il s praclicai satisfaction of the princi- oniy profitably te yourself and us be of the- (le(iors l-i b (n he Tomn Hall NMr. N. N. Smith,. pal objectore by the. supplemeuîtal gone int if itle about ready to offer on Ttioîsday iesu-ning. l'le Nxiîoii pro- Ili concltusion. NIr. Wlllq -saidi he was agreement of the two improvemente to the fermer everywhere. p)osu joli t af aroiised more litc> iert incîjoriîe rscilai .I(o take the chance. under which lien-covered machinery lis t had' thought it mlght be poseible ilhmt iii' oHîilr at il cr'îiîsIderatioi lot tii-canai un-ýrp-- voild donhiless be (,ri- to be excluded from corisideration as Yeu could diecues with ae w-ho are ac-1 nîsani 'di I. idf, f-Nla MtrurW\rrî '-1 ' . i ex<-tIra tîusiss tir i-r'sllle the ran asset, and ample capital ls to be ceptlng the Invitation of the Common- siaed.iiilisopu nulle -lîaruî(s'11<-toar E;, s inprigress o lpaý for ii.' provided before the 'provisions of the wealth Tractor Co. to visit Ludington, mars, l. i iii s'~ ie îns uloss. if ihire s air%. ihy-iaw become operatîve, essures Its which wc are arranging for Monday tiut ltias Itii ui~tititli 51 ut uc AI'tW jackson stig nngi oiîedlte IjaFsage anîd the s-cuing for Whltby of nexi, te caîl on yen whcn returning portlaif as lieui f' i li i- ai \irs-o 1sil, rop)oaIioii. tiho pnreiv tracter Induetry to be e- home through Detroit, sec your trac- thal iýIi, i il IlalisIoî hi tlru-' je ofd1. i ils tt inito. akp siuch a tillhed uin Canada. It wili be Inter- toc, and have a tallk about Whitby as it- I i i-li- ifî<î' t tilt t ,IIi u-lîivn- s ti lîî' worloi is a1 w ar. If' rsiing nom- for soteî-s to know what the -Tractor Town of Canada." lîrotosî iiih. î -lîîl h tot' 50 Iit, suotl Il hîil) rti du'ris e our ler -Ford le doing te nucet this world I am aiso encloslng somu.' tatter de- fti ilu (f 1->h-.titiii paty for oiir fol- su ide demaod for facin tractors as weiI ecriptive of Whitby contributed to a 1h- Iii' rîii.,ri k-~ I 's ia uri giiod It? 1o not ln as t o be infocmed as t tobis views there- recent publication. f i t'i il il.ilh-vîî>*iII îe i iIlý forirni'ii- iit s' e\i-t' nafford on. Corcohocative of M'r. Suithe Faithfully, , lI.f- u i, , lh, . Iii a ci'i iof)siaItiu eni.a to the meeting in this con- .H N,%i NN s juil o fi e ' I li:tlirxnni tr-n'¶c<iN(riithe tl noint ofas fi2 s herwih ivRepiv foliows: tm h odFc andt1III ii f- -, --s- ett ia fiiil tt- sr-jlced on September lPtb, 1916. Tractor le ln an cxperlmientaî stage, lit, <i;IiiI \ 1;, 8, .î s.î as il,.- <ruiids nidrîîs27jwir cent.llttrvFord. TEs (jand It le impossible t0 state deflultely' ii'iiil t-til fS iZ t 0 iiitanuci liiifo. liç hi ofi r-01i1ii le itltid litc-idnt the Ford Motor ('nmj,-any, w-hen Il wIlbe ceady for the market. tilt ii iI oas -ssi .lltt (,etown Iii roi. Nilch.. U.'S. A. \VP have not, as yet, bulît a plant here ij hlI i i iqI IliiI Il ;IIIdoilont r.il a c.a i- it u it lIin, asud lit ar sir,. We ,had the uijeastuce o? a for'tii) mainfactuire' o? hile d vice, i -1- ,i f011 t Islou il bi ri--euni *Nf t îte tr i ssc-k agîi hy Mayer Mont coul and of cours", would fnot 1) interestedfi Mi ii. . t! . iui-. . i iiil-tii '-ii s ttIlit, it1dtir(,li('Jivtonicilof Ford to secounr aI Ihis hune iin seeking other locations. sîîîu- t-.. i t - i-t--- ion ii bll!. ss î t s i -iii' i fi Ii iiiiiIteI tîîs a-oa' lais i-,s ocks. W' will. howover, place your letter on' i-Il. ifil ( 2 i. .I (I il lit fil; .$ . ! rs il 2i i ýt,î \;îLîi: , e i lyotwilii, îr n a cotnt ffile for fut rec; sid;îra1tionan t IIIe h fil Vît-(i do i l ironlicle. iot.', it u i\ii u tiiuti-' 1masdefiiv jniçrested 1t e ac fcom This 'sas fithor addcd to by mort- --n' -t lii - ii-a-- ît-'tli-- 7st littl (iiirtttiittt iti-tu luotîllie îirogress being made ung Mc. Ford"s bcotlîer-n-law and the b ttu~' tt i -î -- ii,-ri rjuti 'a in forsui- t(ritiîsit i Mr. Jack-(Ili oiir farun tractor. managers o? the Ford plants-who ait- t .. aT-in I-. -. tha'..iîi~ lti ii- rîetduilirr itiiiilit5 I!la utow douîily su thaï. we are deal- t ended the Fleming farm demonstra- te ii- îîîid- siitii ii ti irfor IIInjti-I$.ti5itor-. i itilt i ajropoeltion fron the Coin- i lon. lu w-as learuîî'd froun theunthat 'tili iutI i- -~r-ii-i usa u 'l<-if-or Ifra. tirs for a RItssal iii.i îî'iuonssiallh Trartor Company of Ciii- Itîte anadiau t ractor plant wuas plan- fiii i itit o-c u Ina-I s' iii s thito tîiic su iot utriiîjute li-cago to i shahlish at Whltby the ('ana-lnod on a si-aie amijde ho cover suneit- la i'af'1)h1 I ; b la'Z i Ief,î - 'ora h. i o-t lîtetiiiî.tîîiî' \fîîtIti- diai wocks renidercd advisahle under1 ing the iron and steel as w-cIl as work- e IIi i fI I t.îîii ttc -nt ttiu if ililitiries sI itii I l uîienlîpreferentiai tu-ade arrange- 'i- git up Iloto Iractors, and ttisat uhif- Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I sii-îîi N .tC- i i -ittauadi anuud \55e oidget a tlu-itîs îfftlue EteteeAllies. y wsa looked upon with favor as a 111.- -iii- ti. o tf Ili- i.-,-(If iii, Naitiii hîs IThe-reasouî o? tnfluencing hbem te lo- location for thîs pîurpose. cft r ti i f- u i i l14i- '111ifoiti 0 iiiIlII tiils fincit <icsOlcalu- lit-no apipareotly shosid he cqually Jue w-bait Mc. Ford"s Ideas are ln Si luSe Ilr h th i - hr Iiiitus-(If i1 1 rvî d -fr-ii ioss rfitil s% ith you lu determing -bore- regard 1te tracter ont look may bel lt-iit- hii iit is t .of t- l it tiiiu'i-ii I 'titre t lii ss'ii \ttsiiii -sîahlish your farun traclor galned froin an iutervievv wlth John n --n i- i--~ i '1 - i 11 io" - 'ii- la.iotry. Reed lui the Met ropolihan magazine, 'i-i- i ' - -i - -î t tit *' i \Ir . tiik soit ' i-i l t.0 ' ISiiitilti Chiii i tahiectuuse foc agricultucal I under the captioni, odinstry's Micacîq id e i . t li- t. t i ~îi. t t--t-k ii 'a'~~' - tîî'liîtt-ai ut-l as a farin Iractor. Maket-.' I-t- u< th. . tn n - ilt -iiit ai tfîtr litas-t iiii Tts-Wii thi njo%-,an ~advantageouis loca- 'Oui aI Dea-rborutliholbas buul lit (h Xl N N tutih 'ît îîtuirui -ii iasue i tt di i i 1 iîd Jli.Ilu sta ho couty seat uf Ontacio ncleuns o? a jplaot tomantufacture bis t, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~f;,ý tiIIq '-I-II------ ~ hr~ itidi11- 'i il tI-t I as'- ita outili y -caiied itle Keystone Cotnty o? -arleet dreaun,thue Ford- rato. P l t 1>-IIIIl--i ilsiii atilitiltito sluh ii.,Iii- iysione Prov-li-oeof lte Ku-yetune t ulict wil noflotuîly take the place o? .1 5 -i .u - l Ii i - tii r it udi ilui r iti l ittî t i h iii i-r, i s ill iîtssie uuui-Of i ho D1itislh Emîpire . Itlec- hocrs a d draI i lie btt s ll ak t' ti -î ut--. t ii utilIoiiit-i1.s i.îîî -rt - hiiN,5il i5t-iun (hoei-t-ttre of the 1provtoce frou the farmer indepeîdenu o? prohbilive !; - it(llortî t i st iIl)ut i r tr-2îuutwtitlu guis ils naune-Onharlo ' Titat1Ishort-hautilfrelght cales, and do lte 11fti1fi - i il. 1-i!i1t-il I lii -sli.t utk i l<i a iiî lut i y a amore central point- leus-y farun ,sork. This Ielos hoh con-' V~~~~~~~~~~ w it i iiti-tn iihi 5d tIus ugts'n-A<tr'--îsuFtil, Ontario, for înakiog and ceives bis great montf y-making si-home ii - fil i n uît i suti i - t'e Wt>i l)~- dilstribLitii- a farnntracler. Thtis is tlie ils apeakini go? the t raito-Iwotuld -V ,l -1 ii .î.î -si -î1î i~uc'I Ni r. .J -k -.1 5-rucoguizî-d hy the Goveruiment in hav- liko Io puttthose people la poseseson i - ft -r st'- -utt i- ut - îtd îcîîîîî' t- t it utt i l" i 'r i t- fliratilt rec daye o? Noveniber on the' iu-sve ithe roducecs frec to develop. t' ii.t tîifii ui: l t:.1It -Idîtt l. sîtilpI 'tzIt jitr-igii'frtg1a lw-n xîllio o hetd. k eliaetohe onpoyande M.11', r ril, nilrouîk.*' a mille ho the -usest o? Whitby froin bis du'bt. And sic cao do it,. hou. îs tI i I t- .t ut ii.t -tit li t ît iutatit' KiîgeousRoa. H e anoui-- Those who mct and beard Mr. W. N. liii 't' (,-il.nid tuul <lI firitnIfo li-e i-t ttat tuti ulouusand are expected to Smith are, bpginning te cealize that his iirt ii- i iiiitic l(rs-iiitisi n Ti II' l -iu'- . t li'tte sasStltt i tnud. Pceauimably, if otur tracter les ambition to do foc the tracter whati - - <. ri t- n a , til it' it lus111 b- t r'jk -bitt ui,- u-wt iiiglît lurek l idy. voit soili have one lîcre. Mr. Ford bas donc for the auhomobile i tit u sit t-i ! cthancie ttr ' Thf 'I ' inlctI lU' a tîuîsn<-se Thtce are other ceusons why Whihby les reaeoîably attainable, and tbat- j iotj-il tts l îîîî f~ hytieio ji-- ,has oo a f asvorasble location for yotî lune- %hitby haasthe chance te share in galto tItji ust%.tII ti,% tfiuinti Ir ic hanan1 ud 5\Ntit. iablis!uing the faru tuacter Iliat 1 firi- the bright prospect. itit t it i iloi tut ,-douif,055 tnt j..ItieselIte ittdutîcy wil ho ea lv belles e ylîl buingimorte fume titan F. H-ovAit» ANN.xF 1ju(u., 1t'Ill Il !j" iIsi, îanisa nntîtî-h - rstucu-us-frutin t ari 0 t nt-u» sald thoe \ uî.rc-t uan bi if îade eldoutî Colo).el îowduen ;o'RIed favorable aIse. unît-r u r',1 1s'f, iii . adfi f ltits jiultcreusaed ou1 1le emibusized thse nu-cssU> of trac-. I\O '/EN BER NM EETINrG 0F TH-E su ' tî l uîtIu' ios uifacjojng Io1- mke Canada a oru-Il rojhucouus coîuntry. and if a na-~A I - I - nitîsîît tîrchinjute ,i-a onodi- to conne wlithituh(e OA'EI1EN Iirâ .IO U N IY <<4U1!%kIL tictý f i l ti 2 2 <utan i, tu th lturt, - sua Ni ,itil t-., 0l 11u r t nacîi i l -lu r if tîiaefii-1111tAi i tî t .t trin- tradu' lt;sIii lu-. tlîdiiîîiutadtî Wu-hase niauts ou du'rs frîunt si TIi- otîtu r (lui>1 u011 a jtit ut ! f Ittissîîmu i-t nu I-a lui Cîtîcugon ' l ti-%%su1u'îu-as CIs ic nient ah > ou titl li(I nîd ni eeing u-s t--y ottier raitocohfuoctruth de lu Iti-he Statînt. tIe lt'- iucu-d tuun uuder s' 1hinue Itor jitti of ouir iit iins lt ui 1io'ttC tta esl for itacîlf as Itiiwtu-nu-nuts o? Ii' Nu~esiiunh rt-furrM Io lu ts.-gcuat sîniti su1) -h> Hu-îry Ford iuiuxjeiment- iîîg on his new trattor, suiicluila net! yet i-emi-ted. «*We art-,-ouitng litre te yuu u ita flnlahéd machilns-. %Itli tuo euierlaiett- ing to do. and sIlutiihe xnefil o? $168.- 00ot siwit by ie airî-aLy lii experittieit- Ing lu gîtt-t tiuui-îot-umachine. i deelj*îîed ftIt, i' sct reoprs or raterpil- lacs for Ilite British *tainks,' which îuoves ilue salue otflte caterpillar jîrinciple. NVo cati earn 30,14- on lte muolt'î in this ruw- Industry. There 1. abliuîîiy 110riek &boeut IleteLiilg. Thon tla lable 1Iotbe a pîuentia.l bar--. if! for geods imade ln allied eoui'tries aller tbe sur. and if se Ibis wilil place un in a bu.ter position than es'er te &ci te th"ee oun trIesi. *we liave i ded te coeie o eau. &da, and If net(lieu-e.thea elsewb#uo.j W'o are 101ouI ut na beging czpodli. lion. anîd rcm ea.ly lorateseulre Place. lu tact. 1 bad a factory tn Toronto ot- ferodIote thie uther Clay. Reterring o te ussie, ir. Smitht Pointed ou( that of lhe populatiSofe IUI.lM.Ce>) pisopie. 96-6pet cent. were fariners. Tb@e markieti tht-r I&. tbere 1tom. pratically unl1nxied. Guy B. (.rftelmnaii.the' preuwdeer 0 the prtîtxused tudtusry. spoie lrt7Y hrlefly lie ted sîsoibeA tai Y Mffe Ing» preu-iowtly, and la pIltv VORtl'- sation wlth i eiîs-st. aud bM lotaies e o-dt i <o >1,'. SmIhîu TIIIUTI "This tracter ladif? lila oig <. Cantada. anud if we dan toMe h em thon 11 w il tws mme plaft el.j The' bustises tln iwet-te sueeu4 d y» wili not b. etie upon te p<587a tutekia It'. for FUyeuî w e. Urt.l"ont. sslioitar fer Mr'. C-.relmuae Wou called uop«. but op"ohe o a 1ev te beau' eogl J, M. WlIIIa 8»d 00 tna#t.e tu I& b.W # u's fu« M itu Mr. Sotitti rose again Iu answer soute o? the objectionse caiseul. "The jîropesît Ion wuîs brought t me. t inntelu suilly the experiehi-ed moen and the mn.agenment. 1 bouugbt a fui-- ;ory rî-cently In order ho be able te increathlie output of tracteris and te tîteet ordere on Iîand, and fur that réa-~ stoni 1 am utable nutuIto put anîy money lotoi tîs proposition. But lucre au-e otiier Ihîloga thon muney. 1 bave my rî-pttatlon te guard, anud If I coei tre te look-ater îbis tndîîstry I wlll un-. doubtédly niake Il a linige surcens and wve'll make Oshawa ilook sick." Nic. Smit suid tîtat te Frenchi Gev- eriatient h 1d beugitt 2f o? lit t-itors for use Iu plowlng up public parka ili whic-h te pltant grain. He sald there werue titret' aIzes of machine-s, iuuiing for $650, 1105Q and $1400. W. V D[ykes endorsed lte agret- maent. '*W., ned sotaettiing ber. te irebdethe îs~ ituautioni htltts aîtied I present Wt. lus',goe h as-e Indus- tries to girl us ouit of lte cut vo are ln as a howit." lie res'bewod tht- agreemenît. argultxg that tht-no uould t>t a becurity o! $ZB6,- 000 for the- touwn's endoniement et the 4100.000 bonds. Il.eoSntended aise Ibat mathtuer)r on whIclî ezly a part psy- ment hsd been moade mud no e t u- cladcd tri groe assets. Pa'rther, Mr. Dykes reed severai ver>' faorable r.- parts reptardnX Mr-. Smith asd, be Neveaip trattor. from rehlable firme Ln lu itcd state. )4r. liot undetluoon bebaif oflits crosutsmaad Mr+Smith £ook oppor- Itunt>' w stat. Iliatsi W»as st bs pop sad4ted iwlaba b*ntus b AS - epkmld mituilOa o 1W W ilieW. Uic auelu oob r Up. ore thfee vusatsr eu u edhe *klb.iM Wd*4 te libOr. 9 ium u Um tam *Ri ffl -MW -110t The Novembur session of the Coun- and Bridges, Finance and Assessment, ty Ceuni-il was nel a very Iively ses- and Agriculture Committees. sion. Whlle sevecal matît-cc were 1h wus decided to make a grant flot bundled. there was nethlng ot eut- exceedlng $25 to every Public Llbrary I standing itupertanceý ln (the Coînty whlch complie with the WEI)KESi)AY.Goverument regulations. b1r.P. Row brughtup he mt-L»NED YOM REPORTS. ter .of .th . Rowc bra ouglet uthe a- The application of the Advisory mentr 1916,e equaiizatiot ! Tasen- Board on Agriculture o! the Whitby meit fo 116 b whie mrethaWb by own-- ighSchool. for a grant te aBit ln ha b n w-as cl ai ed .m r ia s oidIfitting up a room for agriculture &d hav e b en lu e , cialmaliedd. m anu l training instructon. wu S as . Juîde Mcntyr, wo eqaitzd te d on for tt'e 1917 Cotuneil bo-doit'with. coll. was tht-n heard ln regard to (the Th e mittee oa Legilatlen and malter. He was foiiowed hy W. E. N. Memoriale favored a tai on ali prop- Sinclair, couIteel fur the Township, erty and Incoîne toeprotide mono>' for wbo emphtisized teerrersat had-he Patriette Fund. been made and urged a rebat. for the Ibeoommlttee aiso suggcsted that Township. This wa reterred te tte a a .a o sppygwork for rtuirn- Commîttet- on Finance and Aassineiit. e«sol er,(hoeOovernment heuld A motion we peased favo"ifl the take 0,cr the KIngston RooM snd cow- &&s-uîmptioti of the Kingtojir RotM b> struct It es a ProvincW iaflgwa. the' Ontario Goverfiment as8à 8 ovnAlue that municipalitios sheul proe.d cli Htgbway. Alil the munlclpalties as much as pie i h.th publie works, of teCounty arc te b. aewd te for-; snd (bat traite sebools mhould bWtati- war-d resouii ot'nW ftet,, u teh tut.d for the Instl'lctiolt of men bo suttl te pueftnîed te the GQVt-.l1mt- were unable te follow thoir former vo- A deputation ensisttu Wt W. A. s2S wu granted te lte Camadis McLeaau, leputy M4nis<.r Ot 111gb- FreLibrar>' for te lb lInd. War#', George a. nil * MP.P.. ad J. The Towashlp et Wldtby wu at- B. Ladaadi lb.theÇouadi wwth cd a rebat. WofSSmogft h. n i regard t te la doti o IuaU'-iuY5-Mr ?la i.t4uilw4 t te*#go.&* tem e of rod ,1<lo ÇQWi,. 10511,bu cO"UDi tb lmiprooead. Ttuey polutcd out the ita dvtaga on fa to a*>pafl 91b>s*Mm zt 1w to e b.derivdt tou tu&* clia , d badOUe.Ibis pout *vamadq'itt- aise lad c<t*b*d* f'pou at6Mg. pa t u pjudi..1 * t gbaof lb. ofe b.ftpa$a olbllpttmeu cotur3id Cêuiulor lde TOWM*i#pln "0" a b> the Provinew ~>eaot oi l b. .quataa*i& o ul a te A mr«t dal4u Wyi '.Ctt.* W .wgtir Ua b~y tb e Mnr twaumgtw o1. -marks, - -9 mmum fo tn. V M W« Esu wmffle »171' lb i tu oel .1.UP auof w turoa «4ê ê rcnm fe u yn.t*d * - ao" t--- 16900 -1 - *M UML 1» thé tA to e *00"W.W.spls0 il CsisNo Mors. to ho WeII Dressed if yo-u buy yo ur Clothes cit the, M ENSWEAR We have STORE in stock Snappy, Stylish OVERCOATS $10.m50 o-.$l7.50 Corne in and see them. Au * * Happy T. Thompson Nlenswear Store, WHITBV POTATOES- New Brunswicks, $2.20 per Bag Bag Included, Good Stock and 6ood Keepers. WANTED-Oats, B3arley, Alsike and Red Clover. J. l. o~iyCompany, BulUs -Whltby, Ontarlo Bulbs- 1 We han' Wew Ieft, and while they laitwe gre seling theW <ktbargain prices. HYAONT 0" bii. aC SeiW.-, i 111. u, 'U t Ume*snU.frWI clm uMfusgrihLahp. dum ?t.SU~ k ~ j - 'I eb. A. GCOMLLOW & SON, PUbliSherS