Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Apr 1913, p. 8

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r Gérdoù 01i o spet theweek end Wfthllt Mis. Olvér .peus qçvt eeutly with Mrs.:W.-A. Q ëà"ý Ms ea.-ayerait bits beM 'i fln«. t t*ie ouse for oye~- The Presbytefln diurc* <(0 loit.. 1uniergo repairs to -tbe extent ýoti thouad idollars. - Mr. ]Russl White, wh0. bas >le attpndingGuelpb -Agrlcultural ,.C *lege, baÏ retArfed home. ;.- .W.-Col*ifland Mm.,"Ji Maynrd peu several dayuin. TC ont«laut wWk. Wu sVora Vlipoitd, 7!b i e i g Ti 1oronito 'fe om m e,- -retuiued horne for the ýummer. Mr. T. .H- Wilsou, wbo buas s erlotilly 11-for aB collI2Of weekte stail lu a critical coudtlon.~ Read A. C. Enlott's ad$. In "Q Indue. 1Mr. Elllott'a& sPloeubtich pears each- week, contafl8eelA chances for- People who are 100»1 for, big bargalna Mr'. Samufel Manatng bai a carbc o«"ernent o dispose of. AnlyMO 1 *irng pineP should see'hlm 1WOf buylng elswhbre. -a ucae x Mr.. E. Patteraon-15prh~~ lot frôm )(rs. Bowles usar b GÂRD:M Every ti Every this yearl : T uesdayl Aprf In- the old Brooklin Pacte ry, just nôrth- of our old stand, whert we have seurdac- commodation for thé sale. rdiÇfBn ilers &'Uitdertake'rs. ,akfrag Deçpartment wilrc 1 prognpt an'l careful attenl I - - Il rat meetinlg ethte J am,~~ tierlbdge zoom Iisrêýkàl . spg laitIAfiar -tiéSe l , 1 ,veSiîîg vas tLsmACtd4à i w s hhd lu the masock.~b er y elijoyable lAme* ws80.- -q wau a large numober of [doos from Whttby., -4k. (cle-Ban, manager of theO .ali Wiby, bSad cdirgo Me1. E bore for ieveradays last lato -Mr. .Lous SWalu, 1h.aEflh - 4 b llgcerk wlso bas X' Cg o lseBnk hère f&ried~ aasslsdwth -the verk in lra Baýnk o*Ing 10 the.'r8- «part, of, r. Reed lu NewtoiVille. Hllbbeà itghelu inthe -MthodIet. Qe3MiM k!ondày evculîg leo rgaf o l, 1 Sâ#çe cornmittee for ,thse'tise roai IowIgofficers were ele6t- aIà,ls, k, chairmafl Tp. orgssdza- a S9peel, &p 7 A nuz y-m Oddlelld ngto, plant the Ga- den. aFcg guaranteed fresk. Lk-WNGE ASS .WRAPE We ihave no amc Ail the 1< a- few lbs.. o f the Gi 1 save disapol i nent.. ading varieties ofi CORN The best on the market.' A.e ýC. Elliott.' )oklin- - Ontarli Bell and Indç.pendent Phones qFURNITURE SALLEI Owîng to the loss of our i unîtt rooms by fire, we must clear stock of Furniture at greatly prices. -Everything mu~st be sold of cost. ýure -Ware-ý our entire,ý 0reduced regardless' NuMcuar- rheumatulm exls lu ive forma:- Acute and circule. Inacaute musouWarrheumatlsm theis fr ra aotloed a dulli painlu tise musc"e eli -gradually Iereass. T7%19'pain olier, su ad thse worklug cf tiese MUs- clsmi"s.the pals very sevare. Muacular'rbeumattém lua bMood ' is- 0U0amms mil sliould -not le megléoteit. A proper teament sheuld beglu 2WIII thse grai symptoni.. B ou»» la re- co.mmeuded by lise foremoat peope everyvier, becâne dives àlImie aold, poisons frem- tise blood, sud én- rihes Ise tisatlis letis besoes" hiealthy sud in.. f rom tise tortures etnleumaiom. -Get a- lotie Zf Risu- mo te-day sud nid yourself iet tisat-- maiwm. 8cla tuWitby ouly ai J.> E. Willis' druir atore.-48. nt - CLAJIEMONT. Tise OitIsss' Baud have, been tn- 24h of May. -The teachers have ail returwtedl -'resume their *ork af 1er su enforcel holiday etof evral veeks, due te Abslt prevaleuce eof!-amall-pox. -Ilere vos a goed, attendsuoce of! pupils wtse ap- parontly. -eemed pleased te gel back lie vome., Anotiser ôt tise pioeers -o!fts dis- tract pnmsd ie bis rost on thse morn perso f Mr. George Calvert, et b ing idf Saturday, tise 12th fiat., in -thse 7th couoesdlei. Heowva a atIveofo te'seutbi,.o! Sceblànd, snd al ter I aending semaverat es In Wales, cm tOU leCanads -M a aYoung man. He fol- msasy yoa.reoervl uocslelyfar Ioved bYês ie of blacksemej. -for Màngolia, AtbaCeruer sud groen Parmers -lu Ux"idtIlge Tovusblp ilarl' their seMiug eoa tieue last veek, sud -plowlngfi snow u1egeneral lu t.bese parts.-News. *Do.'t le, surprtsed If vou have an, attaeS cf rbeuinat4sm Ibis sprinc. J 'Juilnruis, tise aifeeted parts freelv vits Cbamiserlain'a liniment and il vlU socu disappear. Sold by ail deal. -liii *- PICKERING. A number ef trout have been re- -cetly caugist lu is e creek here. Doald Muïro sold bis team of beavy horses one day lait wtiek for $580te, a Scanbero mani. Gur sports are' haviug conîlderable good -laýcS suclrer-ftshing, aud some- ýgood hauls are reported. James Greelaw caugist a pike on Mgouday ln tise Maris visici welghed lfi~ éane.Titis is tise largestil fsi blh b bn caugit ln tiIs localily for a niUbrof years. V * ' ~ Te Towuublp Couuoili as thse "rdorsilvoir upon thse towuehlp * readobut'*net beore Ihey were ueed.. dfrdurqlng tise paît veek thse reats bore.vere nover lu sncb a lad * ,5My Utile son iait a very seere eold. 'ivas recommended tb tny * Chb*erlal'sceugis remedy, aud be- fr a -àamaîl bottlevos fisffheho vs as v el as svcr,ll villes Mrs. H. Sus5, 29 Dowling St., Sydney, Au>- traita. 7uila romody ln fer sale by alliW dlm.-44. -1 SEAGRAVE. TIise trustees o! tise chirnmtlast week -techboos a vdow fortise, *hUrch le replacetiseeu e dgaftrye ytle reeuheavy vnd.A ew oe'e 5111 1>0 Installed. in due lAme. On Saturitay , last Mn. J. Grooves Wisle oetatinlg Mr. Wes. Pmile vood iv had tise mîefortune te havel àîs bad badly lacenate ithilAMbe Silolng bas,«beeu lie'ondene-oftise ay latoly anound here:q Tise f oô- hg parties hiave isSi t-o 1replace, -or artiy', 8 e, tis r n roofa c'--: ýjj qoXera, 811.WoltgeJsLas, 1. H. Brown, A.. rcliard. M.A nyder la re.siluglasg1I' 8 s~ _lcetis eing o or -sttIon, be G."' management li as our -ld risated agent, Mr. Crôooa,- comforliý â.sý A..nJMAË t..le ......bnu...T.i1ll drepairSuj ToUle hm. doue for otïli at we baok il wftli our .%)wxu meîeyo . WhY Suffer ciWp antd, air ltouble or b. bald. oihen Rexcali " û3» Hair Tonte vil! romç;ve . dandruf,- maks -,your S"aP owôfrt&an ad heaty,- Promete bain gnowllsaid tend -to provent baidncas -wbea' we will *pay- for, the treatàâeuàtub-oUld il fui!. t lee yont Wo don't obligse YU oiiey. tblng. Yousimply buy ,thse It. ."neit; use itiai f uit plad *ombcto îesemptybn1 I--n vavi lidbaSwhayoupi~a Twosizs, 50o p 8.0s ote. YOU Cai buy, Reà1l '0S>Hair To'l iu Ibi s mmuniti onty at Our Store. *A. H. ALLIN.ý Tb asa esDm oensle &»m tOvu * ritan.fThae ii. a diferm eut zl c! ny oruax j- odlary h in n - BATEMAN P#IEED. WREN, HR is SANE. 'Kigstou, AWIJ 21.-Joiu Baieman Xiso vas sen!,ioeto -deti Stai De 14for tise -murde et Wms -,,, ce vas conimuléte tfo i?]t*aimtîbas to eockvioo Ho' ital for thse Je :Batemau, on his eomiinxitéut te, pmofuiltiar, was iicarcérated lu-thse insm e ard. A report vas made t» tise Minister of Justice sud through. h1s Intercession he vas transferred to * Wlsessves o. faii t ous viinoesthatthle let rasssd ,1111 sw lus as..eii. 7Urs - *Tih. young fllovi whb ana beau allr "lgbto~-efeco i» ,fid lu th. DBump Just the shoethey are looklng fr.It.bars Ss'fun hlgh toe -wfth p'ëlei f na-e * UsuS"- * Thse heel tahigb, tee, as I in.eardu. -For s!! tleme. «higis" ffecýthe i.Bumplise po- factly and giveu a largo measura *of cemforî as lonig as It la worm, keeping la original shape until dtscardad, Bump Black Ring Caîf snd TanOGu Matai Blucher J. ?ULi WIIITB PHONE î-î ASLIBURN ST.ORI-E., READY MIIXED PAINT Try Brandram-Henderson Ready Mixed Paint for floors, and House Paints for outside and interior work. FURNITURE VARNISH Make your furniture look like new with our varnish, called Chinalac. Ready mixed paint for ,wagon and implemnent use., Everytbing needed for house clt new and- up-to-date, at prices thi make it to your advantage to -buy Ashburn- Store.- ASHBIJRN, - -. N eaning, iat wilI at the tCHANT 4 -w-v-v-v-v-v-w- - - I I ,rww w .W W -wý - HAVE YOU -PURCHASED YOUR *'FORTHIS SEASON"? I have' a fuIli ilf. the, MLaughuin Buggies on band. 'If- we cannot suit you enhré vw ilFdrive you tethe 1fi etoyad you have your choice of -anytiing made in this, lino,,a atvry reasonable prices. --- Ieau suppy yeu in Brockvillê' Carrnages at h. o 6>t- Prcsavailable ~<rgooôd*gooda. -It *viii pay yoqu to giye me Do net forget, Our piceà of Wiro Fencing-8 "bar, 2 7e ,9 bare 29e-. - Our 1'ouliry F@Pnc. aiea wobder, - 1*0MlESEEKERS' -ANDO ALSERTA,& each TUESDAY until Oct. 2h ielusive W.t. ud Satra m .s sie ud. Rturam .. 43.0 Proportiosaie- low rates to other pointa. Rotinu limjit two months. Settiers' Excursions Te'ALSERA AND 8ASATCIIIWAN -EveryTU-ESDAY until April 29th inclus- ive, fror stations in Ontario, Port Hope, Peterboro and West, at vo1y low rates. . Through coaches and Pullmai Tourist Sleeping cars, are operated te- Winnipeg without chanige, Ieaving Toronto lp i.m via chicago.eind-et. Paaton above 4ates. *The. Gràaiw Triýnk Pacifie Railway i theehoïtest and quickeat 'route betweeî Winnipe g Saakatoon-Edmonton. *. Bert Reslervations and particulars from,,iUràn<-Trunk agents- 'IL STE PHENSOX Town Agent tor Eipre., Ticket anù Telegraph Ofcofposite,,,Staucare Bauk, WhiÉb1Y,9nt.,¶.Telýehne36- - Muey back forany case of RumatisjuNený%ralgia---or I1oadadieiai Solace .Failis to: Remmove Sols. Re iy is mýav'ar -eflmedcal discov »ry of three Germaiuctenttsts tbat dissolves Urie Acid CrVstals and--rife heblood. It iseasy 10 taxe, snd will nuect tbeCwekest stomach. It la gnarantued ainder the Pare Food and Oruga Law tb b. absolutely f ree from opiates or bariui druge 0futny description.- Boiscelasà pure specift ln x0ryway, and bas bea proVedboun uestoi o the surest-aid quce.et remedyfor brie Acid Troubles knowu bo mi1edical science, n atr boirlong standing. 4t rahes and rexoves tha root of thé trouble (rie Acid) and purifies Ilie-bloofi.- 1 The So1eise.CO, et. BaIle Oreak, are the soie _u. 8. agents and havei thousanils of voiuutary testimonial letters which have-beeu recalved froxu grateful people Boises bas restorad to health. Testimonial lettars, lteature, and Free Box sent upon raquert. % , B. Lee Morris, President, ef th. First National Bank of Cblco, Taxas, protetha Sulaçe compauy as follows: I w a t y u b se nf b ox o f S o lace to ; y fa th - erI ehs Tenfor wbicb 1 enclose si. ilihsreeyasba usad by sema friands of mine ber. and In tMuIsy Ils action wus wonderful. (Sigued)IL R.L. Morris." Put up lu 25c,,SMc aid $10O0 boxes. Ir$s mlghty fine te b. volt .i yo 'un soon b.,se by ýtsklog 50 Ls B. Nto Speclal Treatmant Ochemes or Fees. .Tùst Solac, alona dos he work. Write today for tha free box, etc. SOLACE REMEDY C6L -,sttie Croit liai. WHITBY MARKETS Alaike clover, par bus..811.00 teo 20 Wheatb Whit,.............0.90 t> 0.86 Wheai, poose ... .........0-86, te 0.0 .Wheat, spflug ....... ...80 à 0 .s Whaat, Lu..... . --.0.85 té 0o." Banlay ........ ........... St. 0me liosas....... ., .00Stto 0 Bye. .... 0.75t. 0.76 PO ....... ... ...85100o .90, BUokwheat.- .....0.50 teO0.5 Gais ................ s. o > * Red Clovar. ..r........9... FLOIJR AND pEED). Flour, pu feWt........mi e3 ~ChoPped bl, M--$*..leu teis Brait, per tons....... . .t so sborts per toi... . . .zio 28.00 MEAT. POULTRy AND pRgO» .0E Boa, per cvi... ... ..10 .ÏI.0010 11.00c CaIlle, live, veiglit .. ', 5.0 t. 6.50 Hogs, dressed...1200OD 150 rims, i&Msl, t0.11s.1 Butter, Par lb... ..-.lo to0.8 Ducgs, pet * . ovli 02 102 8,rpa lbe.... e..0.18100.5.2 O ospr la........ .,. . .1.- HAype0t o'ua sit Bine. purchasing Othe bus linw fr.m utk. 'VumNewport, ve have' b fsvored viOls à ver>large Patrom& sud, 1W. fe us living the puli1. Ail odarsfor teaug, fumutus moiusatge of feight, vans -for pliss ." leetc., wil remele cm. vUty basi-attention. IOwIrnc te b.Hhghstandard mabe talned ni bcoiege, the dlmand.lor -tbe rdaest W !à axcasa oft heï-- lst-usqusste sb s. Bt oaa.rla SILla WIIITBY *JUNOTION. *Oting WC .... 452I5.m. Gotlng Ras.... 8.208.1p- -Î7 .56 .z .ui ... .9.5 P. -SEuada train. leave for Tero 4.25 &.m. snd 7.56 p*m. Prom Tor- osto-trains stop at Whitby Junction at 8.15 snd 9.55 a.m., snd 9.30 p.m.L UP-TUWN -STATION. Gi$ng North ... 8.3o a.m. Golng Southb... 7.58 a.m ..4-15 P.m. ..5 ... 6.40 P-l..I..05osP.M STAGES. eaves Whitby for Oshawa at 10 a.mý isud 4 p.m. Jo. Hlden,, pro- posteor. Imvu for Brougham' at 10 ai&. Mr. 4srs PrMopier. Uillilcill SniSCois COUmTYOr OIITARO. 1918. 1. WmTBY-Xh. - E. L. I[Mdomsl Clark, Whuib- ian.- 13, pl. -5ô .Y" sh4, April .8,»Kay- 2,» um6, Judy a, sept. 81 Oct. %, Nov.?,71lIse. 4,* Jan. 7, -1914. OSH&WA- is. e. L MXAdoUMo clark-ian. 14, Fsb. 6. lMer. 5, Apr. 4, Nay 5& lune 7iJls'4, Sopt. 4i Gelt. 8, Nov. 8, lIes. 5, las. Si 1914., 2.1 BROUGRAX K.Glagn, Grue.-. wooid, Clark.- lau. -l, NaW.6& May 6. ily 7,1Sep0. 5,NOV. il, Jau. 91 ].-PORT-PÉmir'-lu. W. Dorms, Port POrr. Clrk- Jau. 17, lier.ý 7, - -gay 70, ,JuRy8,Spl.,N"v. a. Dlac. 17, 1914. 4.UXBRDG- J. etYIhe Clr-a.10, y"a ii.1varNay1, Iuly es, sept. 9',*Nov. 21. la.* 1e. &- CANNTN.Thot., r.er«. Pssnli,Çark -Jan. , bar. 13, M>14!- luly10Set10Nv , las. 15. 1914. Xay, 15, Judy s17 ptSail 11-Niqg 19, laig, 14, 1914. 7.ý v =EGRGVE - .1.1 - Leonad, Atlsriey, Clark- Isaa. 7, --bXar. il, Mai 16, .1*- 1, ept. 12, Nor. 18, Jas, 18, liil -- i. DB' oufr, - J. ]IL FAIEWU.L.â flak .et th& m."I. Pump:iVianuli 8'uap u Iesdençem attmd te ihhuîù Agaul e. rOelo i THE]l AU!hI'~LiI~I~C I Es Sale to C9:mmceO veïýge Crek S * -No Coal toq -Scmnton for ranges, >ié.The.bet-cle Cannet for fire ipla Youghiogheny-fors 5e -George Greek for ai Ing- woik- Fresh min We teàd in quality 1; ilTel 9. -FLOUR:.. CR"eM-BU BREAD AD CAK£ FEED-.-.- [SPCIAL ON SORN; .QAT! Feed Whoýpaeiî ' Cho/il.'g Evie Pickcersg,, r iflney- -UsdsrtMam.~ Whîtby, Phonie Raglan. W. H.B Oshawa, Phones tCaIIsb>ryday orn attended t.; .Chami Wedxave o assortmentsi rento. ; rom $2.50 u SA 'FELUKE, 159i Yonire St. ~p*** OF-. 9 il

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