ent qf 'o,. Pr Ices firom iweJievr and Optician Opposite Post Office -Oà tirio *Wu.CeT.U STRONGDRlNK'S A DECEIVER -Stroug drink's a ýdecelver, à modkert a traîtor, ~Tefoe ofthe body, the iSlid ad the soul. It. promiss bealth, but-lt epofis ad -Detromes God-llke mus-ons .sM ~4puret o!f-i"d, sud the sweetest of natures INe -drink,,bu 'dégtaded, made îow- ut - oflGw; ï o tiiey are the wlsest wben pressed to parteke fi dcieI an Who strsigbtway dcief u firMlysà y No! Q%,Grv0 wretchedn, poverty, s4n, crime anil uadne Resitt froin ,te driDk,w'itl i ls foul- blightiqg gil. *,'enpestlence, famine and war cause 'leu hororM > Tbau tbis sotircç o evil, most fatal of- ail. Its vilotimM by- tuousands, on thous- ande arenumbered,' 'hie rioli and the, poor, ,and -the great and thce mali; *Tbey à üly"-are safe -who decline. tio -partake ft, _ 96SoeIci us refuse it uc>w once and f or aIl. It1 robs lijtle chi-Idren of food and of cloting, _ * Doprives tlem of love and --f par- 'ettes'fond care: I. i bros -motbor's ,bearts, <t er- Sbrutes gentlest maldens, Sprean rnet sud madness and 'vice fflTywiiere. For1 Ifew Perfetion 0o1 steve. go teoGo. M.Rlo.- Vewy littà eL,, - if say, soding opera- tou ahave bgun- yet la ibs vichty. & Thogrouud otfes wet, but a few .dtry1int dayu would. mntiothe hlgoe« 9Md llter land -fi for cultfvatom. Nylo. Chocoltes-none as good J. ' E.Willst druggst- and optfiola. Mr'. Munro, of Wellngton, In' h nMW toler hi ihe Standard Bank hors iplaç3- or n. Reed, Who was trans- ferred-to-Newtonvill. - *White qinOcboet' eu, f6ballé 25c. "duning four' day. saiti ai W. A A v.uabl alsoery-Nybe'n. KM- ney -ilas, fortic treatnk o!f au usue s apise flore. D)o not Mins tus-Shebounme Streci chou conce rt at the. tiso met Taber- mesle, Ifsy 2m, Underztb ltedietion o! Ticeinloeeso!tic Goodye ar uumbei, 65i exclusfie e! the office- staff. Tt tg orectedtlsby Jn the numbfer mfillbe 800., -Sent your »Drewrecù nud, repes tô _j'E. mils, tl*y lie opoel imidaý aeerate ly pnepareb. J.E9. Wllll, druglt n4optiea.- Thé el oslng meetinc for tie easo0n- eftý tli CMndli Club, ot Bowman-- ville iras bld on" MOnsAavoveu sud ioolr-the form'ô! a 'epriead. at~ Mlnles restaurant. Scia rices ai store u linoleums, ianeutrv sud iilusb Apfll 2Oit"t0 . W. G. Waier'. curtalu nette, Mr. sud Mvi. Wmn. Tome mor e cili- cd -bo Camo)belliord ibhis w«keovi nz 4n ýthc serbeus iliness ot Mvi. Tms brother. Remé-ke t herti date Frtdav,.MaV 2, ton the sraund-concert liv qherbnurns, R t., Coir nt Toronto. ai the Wlitb,- Meiliodiet Tabernacle. Admissqion 95r. lannoton'.s col Cotton, No. 40 and sin. blak nca mùh'lit. <miv 35C. uer dlo7z dulina four tIsys of sale -ai W. 'G. WaIters. -- O)Imsto the -storr lat pridar f.veninz e i ecture tci ce rIven iv. Viss T«ylor. P.A... o! ic Cllos. o "Roman TPlrtà in," -mas ntnond tIll Prldav evM, gne of ibis meoit. TMe lec- turc miii býIusWafel wv Ll<eè-Miro-, nh e x6ýèu's Institute mil liold a thnble tesa athbe bedneo! Mis. D. Wilson, on Fldaâ y -atterupon, April 25t Ii rom 8 te 7,o'cloelc. Rofrool- meute mili lie -served, antI-a ffusical prograingN~en - Thec memibers o! the Inetitute are belping to turnisb sud maintain s cet in the noirNational Ssnitarium I{ospltal fer consmptlve chidren in Toronto. Tic proeede of this tes mlIl be dovoied te ibis cýuse. Ali ladies melcome. AdmIs- -iu15C. The A.Y.P.A. heltI a social eveuing i-n the Sundav - Sebool 'on -Monday evenlng last. 'Suixv menibers sud a nuzober o! via;iters more lireseént. An excellent Perrain, gaines andI retresh- monts were lu order afier te busi- tees of the Association mas complet- ed, sud everyone thnrouiy. euoyed themselves. 'Ple young mon milb put on tbe program for the nexi regulan meetinc, irbicl i liilbeheld on the eveuing oe! May -12 - Jusi arvtved-our nomstoc"ko!lw mowere, sud boni ci! al the uficès re. riebi. - Cilt,-andI - oci(tiieni ver.' G. M.Rce-- T t mas reported in toms* nlast meci iliat'-tic Qrigoers" Wlio lietd scaned froni custedv a tth HospItal f6r ilie lusane. Whitby, lha& licesn nnrelieutI etI. -Tbf.iras nettirue, liomever. No trace e.t ticmon lias heen found,.sud Possibly the authovities are net vory sorry. A SU-NDAY OUTING. The Toronto Mon Cycle Club, te the numberr et 83meon cycêles sud 5 autos, teok a ru te Whitliy- on Sunday last sud iek dînnor et the Royal -Hôtel. - Tha thte run mas madI e mm leIndicate Ibat ibe roads muei bave greatly I-ltoed durlug the pasutireuwek -peclal eue yard ide blacirpaillette iguaraniceed suIt regular size, 4 tIsys à le price 79c. et W.G. Wallons. TIllE TO PAINT.- Wehi ' the beui paint and varnlab ce tic maurket by ctuà l .test, snd- our prim sams night. .G ive a a oeial. No trouble ta ihw«OMs ~S. -0e.. M.Rice THE NEW tSROCERY. Tbsnom. gnocery store opeue byP Mn. Wm -.Xeboier a loi meeke go baa& bem, imolptole U euaol grocerfei snd cooked nentsU, snd bis - prices are-l Ãœ le feels moU 11seia âed wltth Cpatronage ho bas ré- Çelved up to tbe preseni. READ THlE ADVERTISEMENTS. 'Aflnongst the paifone o! our,aâver- gisng coimmua his irecirl' 1r. :W. G.WalLos ro anouo2sm 5pP*o4a1'offenlag ý-a*u lrge1 advertlec- paper, whlch, -goos, tb almost - very borne la ic commà unlty. Sefllers.suid use and resd the advertlelng columns of the p-aper. NEW CÂRETAÇKER- FOR POST * OFMIE. Ili. -lex. Wlfl aW las reslgned, the position o! caretaker.oribe Whit- by ýP nt 'Office, Rame te taire :effec May t;1r Wlitelaw bas made an admÃŽlrable caretakor, keopfng the proiss ~j ~utlsscondition. Hé sudfam<ly',areteruieuih ci- toage rem'ntly -purclisMe by Mr. Geo.- Wbuilaw-tfbm Dr;.-,Adams,, wbere Mr. C. Hiedge nom reede.. 1fr.-.Win, hiopper bas beon offered the-positlon but lie miay no accepi. -LOOKING FOR, A nO-ME. Represeniatives - et- Upper Canada Coilege were lni Whtby asat week lookng over'possible- sites for s lo- catfilnouefhe Collegç. le ib e pur- pose of thg CoIle<e authorities te bo- esate not more L thtbirty -tle rem Toronto. ,-t le nderstood that the vislting represeiîtatlves more Pleaseif mltii at- least oue site availalife bore, and that an -ontion mas secured- hardest thinge to e liseerned by s thereon. 'rTE TABERNACLE. _ Sundav, Anril 27. Mornni service Il o'clock. Subjec -fflom te haes'talilshed."1 SEvenina- service, 7 olocnk-Suliiect -!'Tli- Three-llold Cilice o! Jesus." *Gneà music hlv 1be choir. S. S. andI Aduit classes at 3 p.m. Men,& Clasi. . 18dis ox TRIAPTTiýT T mrl. - Sundav, April 27. Services an usual. 'Plie u»stor miii vreacli. andI tue diffferre lietween them"1 EvervhodM ,- 411 -hoade melconie at CIONTEST IN ('J-IARADER. Thle t&uuder-s-toriuu which liegan 'at 7.30 6o"lock'last Frlday even<ng and coutfnÃiied for- an houfr, Preveuted many. peveons troin atteud-lng the costest ln Chiarades* held lu the Bap- tist school-reoun under thc auspices o! the- Ladies' A-id Soclctv. Notm-ith- stancWng tbe storun, qui-te a number -catiWeed, sud a unost social time mas- enloyed. Theliefit charade mas Laiton Part lu 'by three pensons, the word rvitured belng "'lackward," Only imo uersous ln-'thc audience guessed Uic correct -word. Th the second charade .ve pereong -teck ; prf, tewor -Weng 4«pungent." -About a dozen ëor- rect. "'brb m eréohanded inii. efrýeei-- -mcnte ý ýsueeverab oéther 1téms pdro.- leram n-recoded andtI fllowed the cliaraftes. Peirsorial Mention. Miss Grose vlsited lu Toronto ibis week. w bIefo Mr. W. C. Ruttan wshm rn Toronto on Sunday. MIss Lou 'Calverley, -of Toronto. spent sundiv luý. to, Mr.- and Mrs. Waltpr McLelan, o! Torouto, spttsu-nday lu tomn. Iss 9Nelle Srltli, of_ Tdronto, mas irifli fitcuds iii tom on sundav. Mlissitalzel Warfng mas a, recnt~ cuest afthhome et o Mr. Wni. Maw. - Mrs. *W.H. Le«, et Toronto, mas tbe guesi- ot-lber elster, -Vrs. W. lE. Rfe,' over Sunday last -- Mr. -Culln erry, o! roron:io, vis-1 ited bismOtier bore ovor the iveek-' the Board could ne't le fèU Md,- a.i bad noever reoelved -tliem - rom- the former secetary. The bôd1kg-e miee.u- aeUc inte' book:-frorn 1'870to 1895, hd.-boolE -of vJu lr.Ivdereported ib cseor :a Mr. Sephenon. e ~t eastelO! ih on ust bevonld Ui e townA uaL- uid 'asked what -Puhie sèbho0l feho -btioild Ichar"e in ibis case. Tutvre. mved tliat 1fr.- Stenbensn lie rharne< $1. per month for*hie. fou'r children at eclinelj. 1rJos.seconded 1w Mr. Clline., niovpd In arnendîmejt that the tée be ~~.Oner mOntli. Amendment declar- éf _cerrled. Mrfhateh., qecondpo h1w Mr. Mcmn- tvre. movo, tha f te- ioE >dMts tare whùtever qtio waneenr t pda subRtIt'ute for-MUss Leonard. Ce rrfod. Mr. Niëboleon presented aâ report Of th e séfhol ,nror.etv cnnlte h wa.- recived and adntd. Mr. FPrsusn nresWntëd-the report o! ic lnewcCommfttee- wblchsvar, fousaceout.s irefn reeoimnended' for navnent. M'r- Mccle-là ln. sc e! i'M (Toidru1n-..niMe, (wn~ o .q %Seliohl,-t tic p.chir11 nn'e nment Comnmittee liav'f thé vaca»t rOr- n th Ue bdilding nu ' f larenaît frr use. 1w havinLr thce Minoe AntI walls, WPrnt dowm. floor scruhl-ed mId-qfew soat chaneed. arnd the ouilde stpps renalrpd. and that the Sehool Man- asemtent (Comnuftm b ave 1be Secre- tarv ndvsertise ln thie Toronto Globie arnd Mail and 'Emoire -for a seontI- uls rofesminail teacher in take Mfts Woodhonuse's Place In the Tfigb Schoilbuldlua. as Ã"oon as such as toacher te -obVsfned .that M ss.Wood,? lIdiISO lic -transferreâU to Dtifféri-ng t. aqchool te taire stichl clases a-,- Mv. Re'nders0n, the Princ4Pal, niay assIgn to ber. Moved Ini amneMnent lFV Mr. Rin-s, seconded bv Mr. Hateli. that th!l. mo- tion of Mr. McClllan's- he net powV decideri by a vote of the Board, bhut that it lie reoferred to the .<Ptndlnz Cominittens of- Sehool Manaemient and 'Sebool Proaertv, ga11. committeesl to report to the Board ai 1-le -earliest d2fie nossihfe. Carried. Mr, R.-1TT..walks, P wT. as re- qUested to address thie Board on thle rvuetlon Of the needed imuroemerents to the H-enry Street sehool. Mr. Yoor Coin Are you a working man, Iabouring "liard" for every COIN; Are you even on easy street? Dont you want that COIN to do it's best, its very best ? TeLISTERNi Tefoundations -of higfr - pnces are creaking. they arè giving away. -There's a cause. COME! SEE! If we're flot digging under- neath.. REMEMBER! Low, very- low, expenffes pute us on the end of a strcing lever to give you goods ut almost cet. ,Wm Mooltoi' ;,l lusi GROCER - WHITBY chance Of getting your, Spring or SuMmer Hiatfrom, THIE MISSE.S PCW- LLL, G. Wf5fiCeIgfliqO, go Fiher 5t.,T-esoivuo --REAL ESTATE met F.. E. JONqES' LTST: liýY, SuüiMer:'cottage Rcydeushore- Parlk, 7 roomes, large verandali. atI F-,rae i te, wltli a tïoutage ,o! 42-4 teet SnBok tt,-'sud a dePth eti Port Wbltby, 7 roomedbosbrceo front, bot -air furniace, hait acre Iot- Near uMton -trmebouse, sven- M -hrsIot --air furmae one-haal! acre. -Preme bouse, ýstabie su-ad six acres ofliid: jut ota encorpration: 9otber bouses; Wltli ene-qfrpi acere loit t 3'a a.cres8 iad. lots- ou V-ictoriaansd.Byron st. 4 lots betireen palace and 111gb St.- - ver;ll farine for sale. Tbs atinz eo3uy or Bel town For .Sale, 100 acres o!itéla landI la toma- fflibi or Plekrerlng, bout imo Mules *Met 1 fvllaaesROMd'brick bouse, bau'rlm bas i iliStone stables sud-eut- livIldina: mcli toued and drafle. Tnie farm lu- luths vory esi ef con- 7r, acreq of soodOlav baud luIn th TOwmshlP et Pfckerinc, ettuated on tion Wlitbv and Pickering; bas, tond 1+ aterev frame bouse, hank 1%ari mi -h am *ton ible- sdout-_ lidingo. Will seIl ai -a hergain. Tirs frAnis bousfs -on ~Dundas St., close to tIm" station halfilteare. of irmid. tiod orcliard sud' mater aDo!. tý-*. -W tnr, WW 'R. WellM*ox41 FWub, or 252' MleiloUvnw Street, Teor-oilt. Miscellaneous Adverts. WAIqTED. Far-in or dairy- mort by nan d sife. Appiy to George Noakes, Wbitby1 or Gazette, Whitby. TO RENT OR F@R SALE. Six-roomed eeml-detacbed brick house, good bocaiity. 'Ple Misses Pow'- ell, Wliltby. WANTED ÀT ONCE. Tinlsmilibe, machinists, fitters, éec- tricians,- motor mon, sud testons. Me- Lauglilin Motor Car Company, -Lt., Oshama, oui. BOARDERS WANTED). Oom!oriabie bouse, convenlent te ebhurcli, echool, station, etc.,_ Apply ai ibis office or P.O. box 126. . - WANTED. Caretaker for Bowling Green. Ap- pIy ut once to Mv. A. T. Lamler, Wlutby. FýOR SALE, Clice -building lot- nean Junctiosi station,' ApPW -to Dr.. John -waà gli, Whtby.-44. . -FOR SALE. It 'Pihouse sud property of the late D. Ormisten. Appjy te Miss E. or- inIston, -Whtby. MoLaugliln -buggy, cutter, Plane! Jr. seed drill, etep-ladden, bei-bc sashes sud framne,- 1-horse.pbougli, Scufflercuttfig-hex, -wheelbirreî, qcythe, gnindatone ,and tI ier* articles.- Apply te J. H. GA LE,-42. Acompetent moman or girl for gs erai bouseirorit.-Apply _e - MUS. RUJTLEDGE, At.onc, oneimpov_4sd ho ap- pritles li eaÉRu dÀ- à à . A*P- Pif te MIýs- -WORFOK - S FOS SALE Barred Rcs ~pnutig'Alsa 1lbarrel - cura, U#de luber of lien bives. James Smithu, Port Wbflty ]ROUEFOR-SALE. On. Brock M- utc, fha=i-boh"e, Wsexe Street j Md~assnji ABSIt ollW id0 -550Müumt- - agllty -tb lie entitled-ici vote litho '-- id m lunlcipahity ai -elections f,,,,- o. go.--1- 0- cnhers 'et . te Leglelative Assemit- BroOAO <;2 , -a d uat M u nci-pa l -E le tion a? sund & s, B an er - r - - . at tbe said IMet mas- Orsi posied up GDtS, SiberIan - mîy effi-ce ai ,Whltby'on the 1U il USilil Jn y, o? Apil, 19,13. 1a46rt u e ~ Éiir 'are calletI-upcm te exain- -PtC.Bate 5 lupe thé salid liai, sndIf suybulle-- ns:;0 oMY -aébrerreare fudJ. à LDONY 0. -- We have ail kinds of seeds for-the garde-n, by bulk and in packages -at 2 for 5C, -5c and îioc-'1 each, anliw. No old stock. ..Also Carteërs- Tested English Seeds.-- Toronto Lawn Grase Seedo S30e Pkg._ IDutch Set nions, Seed Potatoes, - -New Maple Syrutp, B3ananas". Lettuce Dallyo Jno. FS. WATERHIOUsE - 13e qnarn. 20 to 40c. peck. - -40e quiart.- - - - Phone il VVH ITBY- Prompt Delivriry. CHEAPRF00 SIFS POTATDES Choice Eastern Delawares czfnest q uality, for cooking. nnd planting, 90 cents per-big. Pedpath's XXX Granulated, 20-Ibs. for $i-ooo - EGGS- - pre FLOUJR Choice, ue Manitoba Flour, $2,65 pr bag. WBPRiNGLE&'o we endeavor flot to be, and that -we can succeed caýn be temonstrated by an inspection of-our stock of Al.the newest things in Papers, Pns and Inks, - Books' and Magazine ubesaud everything --else that goes ho make- the most- complete stock of stationery, in town. we J. --H' Richardson Leading 8&îk8'eIIer and Stationer- BROCI( ST. -WIliT - I - N ia ~sCali 't-o a S*** *' S* *0*** * * .***~p *~.*** * e 1- a