15 The Newmarket Era ft Express Dec Coming Events urday night Keswick Arena Optimist Club Jackpot 125 jackpot draw for Richmond Hill ARTICLES FOR SALE BUSINESS OFPORTUNiTIFS YOU TOO CAN MAKE MONEY RAISING CHINCHILLAS CHINCHILLA RANCH HOUSES FOR RENT bathroom full OFFICE FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Apartment Imn room Newmarket th selfcontained hen HOME Availabl lew addition Approved for associate men bersbip in the Ontario Hospital Association MARTIN MANOR Newmarket SALE SALE SALE From Now Until Christmas AT FOOTINGS MUSIC CENTRE ELFCTROHOME and ORGANS Also NEW PIANOS CHORD ORGANS and Other MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Saving A few Used Pianos for salt they last Comptetf of Music DAY and EVENING CUPBOARDS for muscular arthritic ritlc and sciatic pains Price chilis or chesty Store Newmarket ty needs from mm of the dispensing stock in the We will pick up Robins Prescription phone market Open every M BRICES BARGAIN BARN DON MILLS ROAD fields kitchen suites m buys at our Barn Open Thursday Friday a T CHRISTMAS TREES peaSlpho 120 Vivian on no Christmas tr doors north Phone 4784 i 41 sale ARTICLES FOR SALE Ideal market by I 1 j REGENT OF NEWMARKET she bass Phone stock of While uniforms like Toys excellent horse shifty rocker horse SO figure eight Phone Til Aurora good con Clark phone lent Phone sofa excel- Newmarket PAYMENT PLAN a portable record player market Montreal 15 Que SERVICES AVAILABLE REUPHOLSTERING kinds Chesterfields Guaranteed Workmanship SIDNEY PEACOCK and maintenance while retired gentleman Separate fully furnished house with all utilities and conveniences sup plied Write giving full par Rd Phone Newmarket For PLUMBING HEATING SHEET METAL WORK JEFF SMITH Main St Newmarket DAYS EVENINGS STRUCTURAL STEEL FOR SALE Beam Angle Irons Steel material to build tanks Wreckers rear of NEWMARKET ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS Top duality lewchisholm 8952968 us mothers helper prefers a farm situation where she can live In Phone DO 2073 Newmarket between Slipcovers mode all first class Phone Vic WHITFIELD HOUSE NURSING HOME Inquiries and visitors stoles and jackets NICKS DEAD STOCK SERVICE MALE HELP WANTED COMPOSITOR EAST ailing for I printing of any Era and Ex pre ervlce Phone HELP WANTED Wanted live market prices Sid Nicholson referred Apply in 1 Main St AVON CALLING published territory ope ilh Avon Cosmetics in Kc Scarborough Ont 1 White Honey 2 ant single or b lb palls ays Phone Immediately Cook am Newmarket agent Tyros I Walker Box pickup McHae original Could financed Phone Newmarket 19j4 Monarch needs TRUCKS FOR SAI Phono Open Evenings and specialty poodle forth York Huniai pm Saturdays KENNELS REG Poodles ptig wmarket on Wednesday No Potatoes lbs feed Mary Annie Mary of Vancou- John Bell and Maria ark sister of John Ren- Bell of Toronto and the Alice Piggott was held from the wise and nose Funeral 157 Main St Ncwmar- terment Newmarket Ccme Mrs Ella Kelly Frank 473 Mount Albert between Wool wort mil GOING OVERSEAS your proposed trip GLOBE TRAVELSERVICE Ticket Agency for ST Call Collect 2855782 RICHMOND HILL Ml SCI ANr NOTICE North Pursuant O Mates It 1- Ik I by Council Dales Re ownship of North M Dodge Trade mms table at Police NOTICE TO CREDITORS available HiDee mites east of phone Phone Newmarket Fresh killed turkeys Rucks for OF THANKS DEATHS We would like gilts and cards im the ill all Mrs Bert Paisley ice on Wednesday from tlit Johns Chrysoatom Church mass ID am Inter IN Clara Elizabeth Andrews who passed away December 1000 For hfl memories keep you Lovingly remembered by l loving memory of and neighbour mbries of you will vpry close us and missed Id sit awhile and lie ways remember IVrc Jf inn In loving mem dear father and gr William Dean who the loved land of daughterinlaw We often think of bygone When we were all an who passed away Dec Although five years have As the day she passed away goodbye to none sit and think of you why had a chance say good for the kindness and sympathy Cousin We wish to the Han cock and Mr A of the British Israel Work ling words all the don Mrs Harvey Burling Wallace and Janice myself miring my recent and slay in York Cour ly Hospital A Merry Chrisi CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all friends neighbors and reli tives for their kindness card the hospital especially Mrs Doris CARD OF THANKS for the of sympathy beautiful floral offerings and memorial donations received from relatives neighbours And friends during our recent be reavement of a beloved litis K Sldcr Dr Mitchell Dr Ifilchi the WMS of United Business Professional Services Office Supplies CENTRAL OFFICE SUPPLIES SERVICES LTD Phone TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Beauty Salons SHARONS BEAUTY SALON KING CITY NaW Call Legal Floyd E Corner QC Barristers Solicitors and Notaries Public EL CORNER ID R Street Soul Aurora Ontario Stiver Vale Peppiatt and Ernngton BARRISTERS SOLICITORS NOTARIES K Stiver Joseph Vale J William Com Newmarket Insurance INSURANCE LOW RATES BILL Car loans and mortgage Insure today THE COOP WAY Co operators Insurance Architects DENIS BOWMAN Architect KING SUMMIT STUDIO King Pharmacist DRUG STORE HOURS ROBINS PHARMACY PRKSlltlPTIONSi OUR UP Accountant A A CONLIH Botford St Chartered Accountant Leonard Rosenbers Com Cimiuieo Accountant Bank of Nova Scotia Bnltdinr Aurora Telephone Aurora Collar Hector Payne Chartered Accountants D Jackson CV EARL G BLACK Newmarket 8955 Miscellaneous CHAS ABEL FAST Color Photo Finishing- LAND SURVEYOR John Moore OFFICE 448 St BUDD STUDIOS ELLIOTTS TOWING SERVICE Mechanic i duty An Era and Express lied ad will sell that wanted article In quick order Phone Era and Newmarket early