Mount Albert News and Mrs Mary Terry Lynn Jordan 1 Cupples Ron Dike Sharon Dale Oldham Ruth paisley Bill WilliUs feet attendance i Joan and Donna Stouffville Sales Barn for fit On Wednesday Sepl there will be a congregational meeting in the United Church United Church be held in the and Hiss Gillion a The local has placed ban places in the by the post office in and the barber shop Mount Albert Community Hall pm Proceeds will go toward the hall kitchen sponsored by the Horticulture Dressed in Gay Ninetys cos- Kathryn Oliver Mrs Hannah Park and Mr and Mrs Sydney attended the eighth pioneer Village Jane Street Kcnzie Holland Landing and Mr Jack Hellewell were recent visitors with the Sydney Hellewell called to two fires on Sunday owned by Choice CutUp church in which laying Tom who was hurt home for a few days and is Vroominglon and Zephyr Church Sunc on held in Mo of September in S ladies choir which buffet supper at North Gwillimbury News semimonthly at Mr me of her nephew at is survived by t was in Queens Norman Doyle is In Cook of the asked for be called for the they had in bounty cheque damage to mostly Community Hall Mrs Nellie Mitchell lone hands Mrs KESWICK What the gather I for by hymn was the reading by M My Old Bible a the worship in thar appointee 1 Mrs distributed the collection has evolved after careful of the the by 1 of the meetings made of a Hydro demon Miss Ray Jennings president of was the Federated Worn Institute of Canadas na Square on Sept 10 The Newmarket Eta Wed Heft Workers will meet Agriculture Davis and Sandra Cedar Valley Mrs Ivan iwi of SI Catharines Mr and Mrs Sandra of Mrs Mr and and Vicky of Sharon and Mr Edith Cedar Valley John Hope Is attending the KempMlle Agricultural Col- ntioncd In the Bible Sam is In Nursing Home New- Matthews of Union Church delivered riessage on Fear on Art Church will 1 follow SAVE MONEY ON FOOD NOW YOU CAN SHOP BY THE WEEK OR BY THE MONTH ENJOY THE CONVENIENCE AND SAVINGS OF TOWN COUNTRY UNIQUE IF YOU OWN A FREEZER TRY OUR MONTH BALANCED BUDGET ORDER ABSOLUTELY NO MEMBERSHIP FEE FREE HOME DELIVERY SERVICE cost IF YOU OWN A REFRIGERATOR TRY OUR 1 WEEK BALANCED ORDER1 THE ORDERS BELOW MAY BE VARIED TO SUIT YOUR PERSONAL NEEDS FROM OUR HUGE NAME BRAND PRICE CHARGE ACCOUNT IF YOU WISH WEEKLY or MONTHLY Sample Foot Order For 1 Week Period Roast Bef Red Brand lb Sausage lb Minced Beef 11 lb Pork Chops Swifts lb Bacon Presswoods lb Haddock Fillet lb Butler loaves Bread Assorted pkg Cold Meats Bums lb Mixed Vegetables 12 Cheese Wedge Swifts 1 oz Cheese Slices Swifts tins Pork and Beans 1 oz Red Salmon or Tuna Red Seal box Jelly Powders All This for 1614 Here Is A Sample Food Order For A Month Period MEATS BEEF RED OR BLUE BRANDS SWIFTS or CANADA PACKERS FORK PRESSWOODS or SWIFTS lb Loin Pork Chops lb pkgs Spareribs POULTRY 1 3 lb Roasting or Frying Chicken lb Chicken Legs lb Chicken Wings LUNCHEON MEATS SWIFTS or CANADA PACKERS iic I PROVISIONS I lb Press Months Supply Only VEGETABLES lb pkg Spinach lb pkg Mixed Vegt FRUITS lb Apples lb Whole 15 lb Blueberries lb Rhubarb DAIRY PRODUCTS 16 jar Cheese Cost of above food order per week JUICES 12 tins Orange Juice HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS rolls 40 Aero liquid Wax a Wax Pepsodenl Toothpaste SPECIALITY ITEMS lb Oatmeal Graham lb Bulk Cake Mix pkgs Pi lb Stafford Strawberry Jin it Butter 10 Town Be Country pkg Dressing Whip 1090 Heres All You Have To Do To Shop At Home Fill out the simple Town Country order form or those food and household items you need Mail it to your Town Country dealer or phone and he will pick it up whichever is the met convenient Your order will be promptly delivered right to your door No more fighting traffic No jostling through crowds No wrestling with heavy parcels No waiting in checkout lines NO STRINGS ATTACHED No freezers or appliances to buy No contracts or agreements to sign No compulsory items or specials you have to order You dont even need a refrigerator TOWN COUNTRY FOOD MARKETERS Famout For Food Service For Over Years Phone RAY SUTTON Aurora Dealer 7279718 or AV 55401 Richmond Hill Clip and mail this coupon for more information I Town Country Food Marketers 210 MARKHAM STREET I RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO I Gentlemen I Please send me without obligation a brochure explaining jour new free home delivery service I NAME I ADDRESS I I