ARTICLES FOR MERCHANDISE SERVICES AVAILABLE Party interested in tutorii lor of Science degree plus Phone Newmarket FEMALE HELP WANTED USED CARS TOR SALE FARM IMPLEMENTS sedan Newmarket SERVICES AVAILABLE Phone 4T3- Sll ASPHALT PAVING l IVS and PARKING AREAS EVANS FUELS Newmarket Limited Woman wanted to babysit and weekends free room COMPANY SALE I Andrew Hutchinson EQUIPMENT Dairy Livestock Poultry SALE REGISTER net Bennett at Monday Sept Phone BOlton Noble- ton King area A reasonably November IS by or varied duties in Payroll Stalionwagon month a SPECIAL FOR SEPT ONLY COW HOWLS Sr Reliable lady nattier live REUPHOLSTERING kinds Chesterfields Chairs etc FRED PENROSE BOOKKEEPING BOOKKEEPING UNLIMITED Pot PLUMBING HEATING SHEET METAL WORK JEFF SMITH Main St Newmarket DAYS EVENINGS NURSING HOME ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE Kindly care licensed nursing nor MARTIN MANOR total HELP WANTED by Mount Albert conduct in this a Saturday Oct Auction sale of household uutand the property of the late of sad 303 Park reannhte Mine We machinery on Try LIVESTOCK FOR Harold FOR SALE maiiiH conditions Phone Richmond Hilt s rin NICKS DEAD STOCK SERVICE and disabled cattle horses FOR FAST SERVICE STRUCTURAL STEEL FOR SALE Pipes Beams Angle Iron College Apply phone XT Bradford Service sod wages reduction Supervisoi immediately knowledge of tooling helpful UPHOLSTERING YOU DIG CALL Roy 8954181 DRAINS TRENT i Satisfaction AVON OPPORTUNITY WORK WANTED PLANTS FOR SALE FRESH FLOWERS AURORA 172 Yonge St Aurora Phone GLOBE TRAVELSERVICE Call Collect i A HAWKINS Out USED VOLKSWAGENS J MOTORS idhn worth feet Ltd Oct Auct Era Wad Sept 30 1M4 NOTICE Plymouth license No ale of ollard North frigerator electric stove diningroom bed- kitchen furniture utensils and numerous other erected a storey dwelling fered for sale subject to reserve bid further ten and conditions known lima of sale Sale chatties Terms cash- Fred Newmarket Elmer Pt I of Her equipment com good condition III c ruck good condition wo 4ton rubber tired wag lower implements of tools furniture on King To miles north of Ketlleby and 1 the Tienkamp old farm Mock 3 head of redded polled Her le sows and head of Lester Quantity township have booth clerk don Kir sold Terms grounds Thursday Oct farm stock a head registered credited ford cattle s i threshing machine good con- deliv arm bales of hay properly with this isle Saturday Oct ale of tractor truck farm implements he til Ow lash uitling fa irkham f POODLES wonderful a bed Phone Newmarket market prices Write or Oct 10 The under will sell by public aue on the property of Helen at the premisei as Davis Drive own of Newmarket Home bedding 5 some light building wick COUNTY OF YORK ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT York Manor Home lor the Acted Applications will be received by the undersigned or tha position of Assistant Superin tendent Manor Horn or the Aged on or before oclock noon Wednesday October Particulars may be obtained at York County Building or by phoning Newmarket L Smith Clerk Treasurer Avenue Newmarket Ontario side delivery ra old number of t on farm Sale at A HSU- TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH Tender or Motor Grader Snow Plow and Wing Sealed lenders plainly received by the undersigned or the supply of one pillar jailer and wing bidders must use Town- lender which lice Out along With est or any lender not TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF EAST TENDERS FOR model Intern plow equipment Ontario J corporation op tub Town of Newmarket TENDERS FOR FUEL OIL MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS oTsow kin hales of hay straw bushels grain Mil No 30 Threshing machine spreader rubber lire furniture Tin 12 con Pickering Norm Faulkner- 11550 Newmarket 2w39 GOING OVERSEAS sell passage all Trans atlantic Boat Lines The BEST DRUG STORE phone ANONYMOUS REINCARNATION TENDERS 4 North sate of head of springers 1 Sons lot 19 of Oct 15 Auction slock and imple property of John lot con Ii miles south cm cattle calves by aide chunks McCormick drills NOTICE TORONTO and YORK ROADS Commission TENDERS FOR SAND Sealed Tenders in Ihe undersigned for plying of fuel oil for period October 15 All tenders to be sealed a Tender I OH to he addressed She by 5 PM Friday Oclot undersigned October aupply a following Tender forms Information Bidders and Specifications nay obtained at Ihe office Sideroad Auror Lowest or lender not accepted Itettie TORONTO and YORK ROADS Commission TENDERS FOR RENTAL OF TRUCKS For Snow Removal Healed tenders in duplicate and properly marked will be by the undersigned until 11 AM Tuesday October and drivers snow plows wilt County during the Roads Commission on the miles north of Aui Box No Newmarket MARRIAGES THOMAS Mr and Mrs John Little Kettleby are happy to an- Gwendolyn Eden Wendy to Peter Russell Bell Thomas son of Dr and Mrs Thomas Maesteg South Thursday September accented ClerkTreasurer ENGAGEMENTS Donald Davidson ini I Mr and Mrs Murray Bradford wish to announce daughter Joanne Marie to Mr Donald Edward on of Mrs Scolt New market and the late Mr rreHcrick mill the wedding Nov 14 at 3 oclock in Trinity Anglican Church daughter Gertrude Elizabeth Betty to Mr Albert Coughlin Bert son of Mr and Mrs A the marriage In Fred Kennedy Mrs CARD OF THANKS Hospital just Acer to thank my