MALE HELP tent wages Apply Em Office LINE CABLE ACCESSORIES LTD PARTS MAN Opportunity with Dealer Apply i King WORK WANTED Sis of Justly etc No night Registered with would like doctors dentists ofice USED CARS FOR S Austin Sprite Con vertible miles on new transmission bucket seats red leather upholstery Wheel disc idea as a second car Phone 1963 Dodge Hon Phone Can be finance Off limited NEWMARKET MOTORS LTD OPPORTUNITY For Franchise Route Salesman for truck and MR OR MR HOPKINS HELP WANTED FINANCE COMPANY He are handling for i Excellent Newmarket 1058 Mercury good GARDEN CENTRE LARGEST VARIETY of BOXED PLANTS Soxes I BIGGEST ASSORTMENT of ROSE BUSHES All S0A1NIE0 U GOOD SELECTION of ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS at LOWEST PRICES ALL EVERGREENS with Burlap Balled Roots OFF II P Lark in good TON BROTHERS USED cars online in gothic gold with rebuilt Pin market Wfekh ml Til Si mifl J in by FEMALE HELP WANTED wants or one AVON CALUNG BUSINESS WORK WANTED Phone per by New Day tare prese BsvJ play mark other also YOULL FIND OUR TRUCKS I SALE 1953 pic original irk ton leapr 3v0 soil all parts MOTORCYCLE OR SALE I Hereford bulls USED MACHINERY ARTS GARAGE Ltd MACHINERY LOWEST PRICES for PEAT MOSS ALL FER TILIZERS and COM POSITE MANURES Dsiim FISH Well storked tanks of althv fish fresh plants air Blvd phone NOTICE TO CREDITORS In he Estate of Joseph John late of the Villa of in the County Town of Newmarket in the County of York on or about the day of January 1964 are hereby notified pursuant of which undersigned will then have notice Haled at Newmarket this day of May Helen Executors by their Vale and deceased who died at t Town of Newmarket In County of York on or the ii day of January 101 the of day of June after which will YOUR I also have pets York puhlic wed Saturdays I for adoption available pets MISCELLANEOUS St sitting mothers helper rite Box 278 Newmarket Austin Sprite one owner Oak Ridges after BOAT FOR SALE TRANSPORTATION GOING OVERSEAS information and service The BEST DRUG STORE phone ville WANTED humus for belter Truck load Newmarket after 53t REGISTER of May 1964 Stiver Executor his solicitors Vite and Main Street market Ontario TO CREDITORS Milton late of the Township of East In of York widow gainst Emma Jane Milton lie of the Township of East the County of on or about July A tier the DATED Allan I SI in roe County Era It Express Wed June 3 1064 For Office 10 endorsed Ten Keswlik Ontario Wednesday obtained on deposit of bunk cheque J form of a cheque to RrCEIVEH It Archil eel Sir Charles mi- Riverside Drive wa at the OffiLC Newmarket Aurora The deposit ill from the forms occupied by the Do- ponied by the security lowest or tender Robert Seer Notice of Application Board by the Corporation Township of East for approval of a by pursuant to Section The Planning Act TAKE NOTICE thai thi Council of the Corporation will pursuant to the provisions of Section 30 of The pproval of Bylaw of by passed May 1964 A furnished the i Clerk if his objection of the said by- with a statement Municipal but before doing objection DATED this Clerk Township of the Corporation of East me 1953 finally pas- Number being the location space hip of East WHEREAS the MU CH URCH By Tender by the undersigned fa IT THEREFORE EN ACTED by Council of the the Township ii -ii- Unredeemed Pledges AUCTION SALE COMMUNITY PARK VICTORIA I oh or unredeemed Pledges under Instructions of Prominent Ontario Pawnbroker This fine lot of Nationally prisii ling ELGIN ifrtUEN WITT- NAUR etc Ladles and Mens DIAMOND RINGS some with larder diamond and others with small dia mond Ladies and Mcn Also in this sale CAMERAS such as KODAK KEYSTONE etc SILVERWARE SETS ELECTRIC SHAVERS and This is your opportunity In price Diamond Ring von will he the Irncr Cash on night or salt ALVIN FARMER Auctioneer Phone CARD OF THANKS To all the kind friends from I CARD OF THANKS to express my thanks and relatives friends for their acts kindness gifts ho helped Thcakt the CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our cere thanks and appreciate to our many friends an neighbors for their kind prcssions of sympathy an floral tributes extended inc our recent sad ment or a dear wire and May we extend a cial thank you to Rev Hut- Greaves and the nursing f or York County and family CARD OF THANKS the midst of our sorrow wish express sincere friends and neighbor their kindness shown us We especially iv si Mr and Mr Copper I of the Mount Albert I efficient care Riven r during her stay there lev Weir for his and the donors of the beautiful floral CARD OF THANKS ENGAGEMENTS OF THANKS Is and neighbors w in so mam ways for the sale A with beautiful flow- King lauehter day May 27th Road Baptist by Rev of of Aurora May lei Mrs Nellie Draper