KING ITEMS and leaders were members Irs Mi Robert Mrs Austin Rumble Anne Seymour Rabbi make a poster John Dew and Springtime Cleaning DRIVE IN and take advantage of our CASH CARRY SERVICE and PRICES SAME DAY SERVICE Colonial Quality Cleaners Eagle SI root Specialists in Rugs and Drapes Newmarket FREE PICKUP AND luckcr selected the color City United I with a reflects rlghliiOD hut shuts sheen that reflects addresses place of public OUT OF HARD OF HEARING PEOPLE Do Not Need A Hearing Aid IF YOU HAVE A LOSS OF HEARING It will to Interesting for yon to discover whether or not yon really need help A hearing aid may not be the answer at all If yon would like to know for sine hove a FREE HEARING TEST at KING HOTEL Newmarket this coming IF YOU WEAR A HEARING AID you probably know that a simple cleaning can improve perform ance by Bring your aid to HEARING CLINIC for a FREE CHECKUP and cleaning Have the earmold cleaned and new tubing installed as well Fresh batteries of all types and recharge able batteries too REPAIRS TO ANY MAKE of bearing aid while you wait Thats Tuesday May from AM PM CENTRAL HEARING SERVICE H Street I PHILIPS Onlra CENTRAL PHILIPS HEARING AIDS Ask for Mr Don Graham personally King City observe the miniver S United Whitby United reh will King Council King township council i tutor 1 town ferine 1 tit- 1 ihv it i I bails by tin I y Ion ml police is currently INJURED Mary Lois James daughter of King City in York Centra a fractured lions and a by a car the from school Mrs Charles lately held in institute Hall Others re elected were sec retary iremirer Mr Hack Mrs Smelt district director Mrs alternate Mis Mac- branch directors Mrs Hunter Mrs Mac- Mrs Archie conveners art hue and Canadian industries Mrs Marvin Hunter home economic mil health Miss KING NAMES NEW POLICE CHIEF Leslie a form Police AURORA The a meeting of Mrs John Kteos Held tho home of Mi George Walker Cathari Ave Thursday April Plans were made for the a bus trip sponsored by Institute It will be on June The election of officers i suited as follows Hon dent Mrs Joi president Mrs Mrs Dove audit Charles and Mrs man branch directors Mrs frank Smith Citizenship rieulture and Cauadl Mrs Olive Kerr has rued to the I daughter in Gall Miss Nell Sim for Falls where Florence am H Purchase llicndcr the service pi lb College in Saturday evening the wedding of her rand lighter in Willowdale or Charles Historical Research Mrs Walker and Mrs Squibb Resolutions Mrs Committee Mrs J Roberts Mrs Karl Foster and Mrs Stevenson Unit the Of of the highlights study and pre- contributions to taking part their Mission study the Mi Small wood Cathy Trimble and Jan Gil bert of Messengers Judy Cop yr Muddle f Tyros Wayne Craig Lloyd c Of Tyros I Bob Kennedy The were rep by Mary Ann Mc Ikcr Mr Stan Walk nan of and re the It Mrs Humphrey of the of claw visited ended Miss her nephew and in Cobblestone Mr and Mrs Hughes an have moved from Aurora Heights Mr Joseph Clark and Mi of Mr and Mrs Clark Wells St on Stir Miss Minnie frm Midland on Wednesday Nell Simp Pane The Newmarket Era Express Wed Apr 1064 King City Defeats Keswick KingNewmarket In Hoop Final two pacing fifth Kes- Robert Mr and Mrs In Aim read by fid City nib liiii Whitfield House Newmarket visited lallera Miss title Dyke on Sunday In Vork Newmarket April Mineral Home Victoria St Monday April at 2 Mr and Mrs Larry Rubin attend an conference oh human relations and com munity service Mr William J Jans ha Credit a Toronto lawyer of Mrs George Fish speaker lll IK llill the part played by Ihe women in India Conditions are vastly different today from when she first went as a mksirinarv The first hospital in Asia was Utiles fi lulled Chu EXECUTIVE NAMED FOR AURORA LEAGUE wn Softball Bill Alai King finds will he High April three point first quarter lead hey held a live p It If Ivaniaue it If lmr a slim threepoint mar- Terry kept Hob Davis Next Time You Need Printing Try The Era Express BAD ACCOUNTS COLLECTED IF Till III IS NO COL- ItV CAN IDAS MliFsr COLLECTION Kelly Aiken Heres for you AtnoMomir ices hey inp to before pi the parking piolil loo had j on can alwayi laxi bill there no for freshly leaned clothes foi making a favourable impres cleaning on hand drop PHIL BARTB SERVICE S3 Davis Drive Milin SI Newmarket 8955541 Meteor owners use their garages for storing tools ladders baby buggies bicycles toboggans etc Well you wouldnt hide a beautiful car like this in a garage would you Beautiful yet every inch is practical For obscure rear vision summer or winter driveway And think of all the stuff youll be instance push that button on the dash Look Meteors size is beautifully light too Its a able to store in your garage Now go and in the rear view minor Meteors full inches long take six giant steps your Mercury dealer rear window is gliding down Lower it just Its wide two giant steps You enjoy a little to counteract misting Lower it whole smoother more stable ride and far easier way lots of fresh air without that wind- handling And the interior is as big as the tunnel effect And because the rear window feeling you got when you drive a Meteor shuts inward weather of ilr Ford family of Think of this long beautiful i METEOR PLAZA MERCURY Sales Limited ISO Davis Drive Phone 8952345