Youll find us SINCERE INTERESTED AND GLAD TO SEE YOU and 18130 Persons Read This Newspaper Each Week E YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR Jack Hurst Newmarket Wins Oratorical Contest NEWMARKET ONTARIO WEDNESDAY APRIL 1 MAY WE OPEN A 119 MAIN ST NEWMARKET BUDGET ACCOUNT SINGLE COPIES 10 CENTS EACH Figure Skaters Receive Gifts Blood Donors Entitled To Display sticker l Governor Earl Rowe siSi Opens New Wing Of York County Hospital wing to he hospital have contribute hospital car Is expanded as needs arise he said chairman elation Committee of the official mi and he and Chilean Ambassador Is Speaker At Joint Rotary Club Meeting rlLtc h llll clubs Roth spoke briefly Keith Nor- If the audio of Mr Rodriguez and inffrniHlivr evening and spoke words of welcome to Ministry of For distinguished visitor Club President Alf Hodges med by was led by Italy tartans Bob and Mike Sin Fowler at the piano sir were Allison few individual mrmhrr- of Major A A other clubs also attended Mncir 1 ectival To Be Biggest This Year sHIf the final plans the urn to late wee of lenrd til the Considering il vi and in secretary ld JarMnn work mis in the so he festival will ru oHhdovorkin amount of timed lliat with their pupils to prepare them for