WOMENS NEWS N VIEWS I Queens York Bangers at New annual in hill stylists from across Canada were present for the Norma Complon Miss Guy Revel while he was bit- spring summer ffir and adults ere on displav at Trinity United the Couples Club of m and El Don Kellett The latter by Sheplicr Staff THE SOlftf SW CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Mail THIS COUPON for FREE APTITUDE TEST SOFT WATER DONT RENT FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY A Fully Automatic WATER SOFTENER BUSTPROOF TANKS JO YEAR GUARANTEE ALL CANADIAN GRAINS WEEKLY USES IS THE AMOUNT REQUIRED BY OTHER It NOW 15000 No Money Down Low Monthly Payments guaranteed or your money cheerfully refunded ACT NOW OFFER EXPIRES APRIL Call Collect HO am o pm ACADIA SALES SERVICE holiday in Paris with Eiffel tower and take in tow at the Lido Club Tin enjoyed an eight day of Switzerland Mr and Mrs Wilfred of Mr William guests Cross patients of the Skating Club Cox selects a lady I Easter In the imagery of awakening life In tree d flower and field of the aid before a time of awak ening and reviving locally The same cannot BUSINESS WOMEN DISCUSS BRIEFS News The March meeting of and omens Club of as held at La Colony Mrs G Fish was speaker She commented lal Conference i divorce laws birth equal pay for equal wo it inn dealing with succ York North Holds Spring Board Meeting inch The I be the r The Common Round unpredictable realms determined effort to find vhat the New Testament writ ers really meant by the resur rection of our Lord whethei it was physical or spiritual He really appeared Good Friday and but that the World through tm be saved Can bring a better BIRTHDAY CLUB Theresa Marie Tuesday March Sharon Ruth McCu Newmarket 11 years Wednesday March Express birthday market En It Express Wet Mir IS W I News SI I The March meeting of rchlc home at 1213 m Twentytwo ladies and ireo children enjoyed a pot tended the Hospital Auxiliary meeting and gave a report Mrs Elgin Mrs Joan Bax attended Dcsscrh training school Mrs Irvine Rose announced Indies were invited open house at church March houses etc The importance lo have a PAINLESSLY by AT NO COST TO YOU NATURAL SCIENCE SERVICE ST OAK PRENATAL CLASSES FOR EXPECTANT MOTHERS I Newmarket April I for the family feeding of the baby the hospital May and other of Im portance In expectant mothers Registrations now being accepted at YORK COUNTY HEALTH UNIT HEADACHE through suffering The heart of our the weight of that the spiritual awakening ASPIRIN ay Company I Aurora Ontario Buying a new car louse They enjoyed the of Mr Andrew Al an whose career spans years f producing acting and for theatre radio and presented Ray with the tenant He is also attach- BACKACHE not ma appropriate sign in Egypt inform that and his fam- Egypt School An handicraft was hand meeting for the ho National Womens District Annual a Choose your own repayment plan north months 1892 7565 then see The Bank If youre in the market for a new car give your nearest TorontoDominion Bank Manager a call A lowcost Personal Loan from The Bank can put you behind the wheel of the car of your choice TORONTODOMINION Where people make difference