Newmarket Era It Express Writ IMS TRAVEL SERVICES AVAILABLE MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENTS WORK WANTED sodding BILL METCALFE Newmarket Studio Boy House painting lawns cut and dens Phone TW New- Aptitude starting Wreckers Supply Ltd Davis New- Hall South by expert we EXPERT WATCH REPAIRS WELDING Newmarket shop and portable service Railings made to order Iron and plate work of all kinds All REUPHOLSTERING id Chesterfields Chairs etc Workmanship SIDNEY PEACOCK I ltd 152 Newmarket FOR RENT Sanders and Equipment PENROSE rnuU tl I I willing to k- light Cosmetics cv- Ave Montreal r ffi market e full or by help i MALE HELP WANTED Mechanic licensed for new SCRAP WANTED WANTED Ferguson plow mm items Farm sol PR FARM ITEMS FOR SALE for sale GLOBE CALL COLLECT 8847851 GOING OVERSEAS sell passage on Lines Cunaxd reliable Come in and talk your proposed trip with BEST DRUG STORE Newmarket phone MISCELLANEOUS Farm Repairs Roofing Drinking problem Perhaps and Newmarket cad stove sleeps cabin Will accept boat as trade PA 7- Cruiser fully equipped USED CARS FOR SALE Envoy 18000 SALE REGISTER Swam Large household property of John re if household property of John Hales con hwy48 at Port refrigerator dryer gateleg tab modern nearly new Victorian color good tides too good sale lovely I NOTICE CORPORATION OP THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET LOCAL IMPROVEMENT Notice that Closing Reg market intends Sanitary Sewer and Hi from an existing Man hole approximately feet Drive a distance of lineal and intends to specially a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on The estimated cost of the work is of which is to be paid by the Corporation The estimated The special DESTROY WEEDS hereby given to all possession of land Act I960 Sec 3 13 OWNERS ROT Notice is hereby within the Municipality or King are destroyed by June and throughout the Municipality may the said lands and weeds destroyed charging the costs against the of all Harold Russell Weed Inspector Township of King Keswick daughter of Mr and to take place July in K be paid by the The estimated frontage is is paid in fifteen equal foot frontage is 053 3 Application by the Corporation to tario Municipal approval of the undertaking of aid within his objections Application will be Corporation to th Municipal Board val of the tine the said work and may within 21 publication of this notice file with the to the said 4 The said Board prove of the said undertaken but before doing place when of the said work -hut- ork will be Dated at Newmarket thi day of June Grant Blight TENDERS FOR P ADDITION SS No WHITCHURCH Sealed Tenders stipulated sum will be received architect or Mrs C Bu der the secretary school hoard until Tuesday June Plans and specific may be obtained by Stefan Ont after Tuesday June 1963 on deposit of a certified cheque which will be returned in good con- Lowest or any tender not Mrs- ENGAGEMENTS Ronald McCracken rid Mrs Ronald TV Hallendy are thrilled daughter Marie or Thursday June York County Hospital New market Atte nd One Of e CHURCHES CALVARY UNITED CHURCH East Gwilllmbory North of Water Tower Rev Frank Mr Atfaerton Choir Director Mrs William Beecker Organist am Morning worship SUNDAY SCHOOLS am Junior and Senior Hospital I can White en Laws on Rev and Mrs of New- Duncan M7 p DEATHS and St Davis Ada May On Tuesday June 4 1Q63 at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Ada May Slack formerly of Holmes- dale Cres beloved wife of the late James Albert Davis dear mother of Mrs Wright Ruby Bruce and James of Holt loved sister of Miss Nel lies Slack funeral service was held from the Brown Bros Chapel of the Funeral Homes 1812 day Interment in Prospect Sunday m Christ for the World am Bible Class all i m Worship and Lords Wednesday pm weekly Bible Study You Arc Welcome Call Newmarket for information ENGAGEMENTS Chief with hone McNeej St Newmarket phone table stock Abo feed in Ltd tfl MERCHANDISE NURSES UNIFORMS rrled in stock and i Cotton nylon terylene registered Dawsons opposite the PO Newmarket- Ponies for teenage children a 3 year old and a chestnut stud 2 years old Tom Lowndes Keswick GH and trimming Also Black YOUR DOGS on to approved Class A Phone Mount 1 A BOAT MOTOR FOR Meteor excellent radio back up lights after TW seats Phone Ausli WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CEMETERY CO Will hold its annual lion Day on Sunday Following the Vet ttleby am Ogtle Ogden Mr Oi age will take day July 6 Mr Robert son of Mrs and the late on Kettleby United Chinch Mrs C Ivor I the gagement Roland MacKinnon and Mrs A Windsor She wedding of the Mr Georges son of Mr and Mrs A MacKinnon Mrs Croutch their daughter Donna Louise to Mr Royden son of Mr and Mrs Mervin ife of the late Thomas Moy- ihan formerly of Resting Funeral Chapel 181 St his above Mass in St Ed ant the Confessor TROUSSEAU TEA Mrs Harold Boyd is holding a trou u in honor of her daughtc and Kindergarten a Explorers Tyros SigmaC Senior Choir cordially invited CHRISTIAN REFORMED Minister 30 a Sunday School 5 worship Back to God Hour Radio Sunday 8 CFGMi- CFOR Orillia Clubs Every Thursday welcome Story games Gospel Hall Davis Dr Lords Day Breaking of Bread a a and Bible Class COME AND WORSHIP CHURCHES OP THE Egypt vice Egypt Sunday School- Prayer Services You are invited TABERNACLE Dr Affiliated with the Raymond Running Sunday am Morning worship choir talent the word of God Tuesday Prayer and Wednesday Womens r meeting Thursday Choir Friday Christ in honor of her daughter El on Saturday 29 1063 from to and CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Main Street Rev Arthur BD Organist Mr Willis Sunday School for all ages Wednesday pm Family Night and Mid- Kern r Mm Senior Sunday school Fellowship Morning worship service Evangelistic service and neighbors at Lnii LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Mercury Mi on 158 Plymouth TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF EAST Tenders Wanted Sealed tenders plainly 3 and includ- June 1963 iirdiiif- i regarding 1 may be obtained Office Shai led Clerk on j VOTE For Newmarkets Outstanding Citizen The Newmarket Era Express or your help in selecting Newmarkets CITIZEN OF THE YEAR AN AWARD WILL BE PRESENTED DURING THE CANADA DAY CELEBRATIONS JULY 1st WEEKEND RULES Person voted on must be a resident of Newmarket Reasons for your choice must he outlined on the ballot or on a separ ate sheet 3 All entries must he in by June 25th BE SURE TO VOTE FOR THE RESIDENT OF NEWMARKET WHO IN YOUR OPINION HAS MADE AN OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION TO THE TOWN Fellowship service Communion service Prayer and my im Annual So Welcome Awaits Yon Rev Norman Rev P Visiting Pastor I Music Director TtCH Senior I Junior Beginner and WORSHIP Graham Leon Nash Music Director CHURCH SCHOOL am Senior and Junior Nursery Kindergarten and Primary FAITH George SI and Davb Dr Bells Comer Tuesday Prayer and Bible study Wednesday 8 pm Prayer Friday pm Young pies meeting Saturday p m Youth Sunday Evangelistic Sunday School pm for sit publish Organist Miss June Haines Choir Director Mr Fred Boden 10 am Bible School am Mr Lloyd Lehman from Toronto in a Home pm The Royal Ambassa- Picnic on Sat urday June 15 at 1 pm at Park and Mrs David Peck Corps Officers II am Holiness meeting pm Sunday School Classes for all ages pm Evangelistic meeting at the Salvation Army Sunday T Rhodes Trinity Holy Communion am Senior Bible Class 1 Seiior Sunday School 1 am Juniors Primary Kindergarten and Beginners am Nursery for Babies and Toddler f SERMON Revelatio idolaters lake which burnetii and hums Jesus Christ today and saved Come and let with unbelieving and idolater shall have lake which and brimstone Re- is Christ and know GRACR CHURCH Rev Johnson Saskatoon FRIENDS MEETING Yearly Meeting Sunday am Meeting for at Street Meeting House Afternoon and evening pnt Meeting for followed by address Friends Work in Europe illustrated with slides by Sydney of Yearly Meeting ALL WELCOME Organist and Sunday ail I