From The High School You finow Fred ft looks into things artfully and he chose The Mutual Lite a molt from your insurance dollar election and high dividend The Mutual Life Pa Boy 1 I an ford Prospect St Newmarket Bus PA Res Res TE 36385 job for the rid hoped thai for the- supply and delivery soon be brought P DRAMA I he I be EASY PAYMENT PLAN BUY ON TIME Open An IMSLEY Budget Account Now Cliff Insleys STYLE- LEADER Clothiers FOR ONTARIO The people of Ontario can make a present themselves reducing their spending on imported goods by per person This action every person in the province create new jobs We arc the worlds greatest importers of To accompli goods Contrast our yearly become label it is the sum or daytoday purchases which can add up to the success or failure of our economy Whenever the consumer reaches out for an imported product he or she should ask there a Canadian equivalent total with that of other countries Americans spend per capita The British spend West Germans spend Canadians spend per person per year on manufactured goods product that is as good loncy goods could be reduced by would still be amongst the worlds im- purlers IfilntSIIJIHYUudiurtalmUiiii economy and help create 60000 new jobst Canadian better The more things wc make the people of Ontario