cumirkrt Era ft Concern Disgust Dissatisfaction Reasons For Running Says Addison l happen Canada it we i the Liber Hon people out at work handling of the Coyne affair tup of in- Then the government llirmnl in he current rally In the town hail Thursday evening He was Canada n summarily dis- the of Newmarket Liberal and I hope the people didnt have lo fry been governed Was Canada They have been playing I and see in history Ihis happen Mr pointed out being run hy the Prime Mm- hit a low AddamHJdrnn middle he night in brains and ability III didnt he should have On the ballot ADDISON Stands lor LIBERAL In York North VOTE ADDISON John TOWN OF NEWMARKET Notice To Property Owners DESTROY WEEDS is hereby ill persons in possession of land in accordance the Weed Control Sec 1 13 and thai unless Meeds growing on Ihelr lands Che Municipality of are deslrojed hy dale of July I 1 and out the season Municipality may enter upon Ihe said lands and haw the Meeds destroyed charg ing the costs against land in taxes as set out In Poison Ivy Canada Thistle hickory Wild Carrol etc rcouire special and continuous attention and should be uprooled and destroyed Immediately Is ideal Weed Inspector FRANK MOORE Court phone market this llh day of June Reminders about your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE Alva keep jour Certiflfto handy HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION into votei Wonderful Vuluc for Under PLAY SHORTS 89 W Make Father King on Father Sunday June A of Color of Patterns 62 SPORT SHIRTS for Cool Cotton Shirts with Short Sleeves Equal All of Styles in Cool Cotton MENS TEE SHIRTS live style fl 298 Hri BAN LSO Famous Arrow McGregor j birt ft Cool like a Light SUMMER DRESS SHIRTS arrow course theyre COTTON and SHORT SLEEVED Lovely light these Iron Cheater shirts look si Summer long Choose neat Kent fused collar or Park soil collar or taction down collar Machine on Wear TROPICAL PANTS Men like those 55 Dacron with Rayon pantt resisting lightweight fat styled lowly id Bell loops so ww l ji pleats Sizes to I US I vcal shades 79 ALSO Tho Latest Style Coal and Smart MENS WALKING SHORTS Fine Volua Well Tailored little longer than pi with Continent tab clastic at side Sizes SUMMER SUITS Light a Feother Terylonc Wool the best lighlweigl fabric on Ihe market PANTS WASH AN WEAR Cotton Cord Pants in popular Green Black Blue or Practical well styled 98 Alto i cool oral norm is Hit 39- checks in Blue It Newmarket