Santa At The Villa Sutton News High School students and Hugh Carpen- ier from Ryerson Institute and Susan Douglas Elaine Robert son and Ken Iron Queen held a on people on Now Years Eve THE SOUTH BEACHES Mr Barbara Bobbins GR holidayed with Mia ijnne Dunne formerly Mr and Mrs Harvey led wed- Western Hospital has been Red Onlpost Hospi- In and MmSt PEOPLES DISCOUNT STORE CLEARANCE SALE Balance of all winter at giveaway prices BOYS YOUTHS CAR COATS 498 HYDRO PARKAS With hood lined SPECIAL GALOSHES IS8pr 130 PR LAWKS NYLONS loo SOCKS OF MENS BOYS YOUTHS PANTS PYJAMAS 137 BOYS AMI YOUTHS Plumblined UNDERWEAR 97c DAVIS DR NEWMARKET Opp Newmarket Plaza TW 55331 40 Discount 14 Blackball Reg price OUR SALE PRICE 1608 DONT DELAY SEE SLESS0R MOTORS