King Council Stalls Plebiscite Decision the association hip Solicitor J that the Public Sri Gordon Cook conci told by of council REWARD OFFERED On several occasions the latest this last week valuable wild fowl such as Canada Geese have been stolen from the premises of Mr Cutcheon Lot 13 Concession in the Town ship of Whitchurch Needless to say this has been most disturbing and a cause of great annoyance Mr is determined in cooperation with the Police who are fully informed on this matter to do everything in his power to see that the offenders are apprehended and convicted to the fullest extent permitted by law Mr is accordingly offering a re ward of to any person giving information lead ing to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the abovementioned thefts Any person having relevant information should Expansion Plans Proving Headache To School Board OFFICE EXECUTIVE APPOINTMENTS City Anglican Church STORES FALL DISCOUNT SALE STARTS 9 am THURSDAY OCTOBER Hand For Door Opening Specials Further Unadvertised Specials Await The THRIFTY Shopper A townsnhip election on stated that he saw no 143 JOIN ADULT EVENING CLASSES LADIES BLOUSES COLORFUL FLORALS PAISLEYS SHORT LAPEL TO DISCOUNT SALE SAVE HALF SLIPS Nylon and acetate tricot While with coined side Sizes 57 SCARVES Pine silk and raven Solid pastel shades Approx Ren lo 28c SAVE UP TO PAIR LADIES IMPORTED SLIMS CORDUROY TAlEREI LEG ZIllKU SIDE ASSORTED STRIPES BROKEN LINKS CHECKS 11KDKORD CORDS ETC 10 DISCOUNT SALE SAVE PAIR FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS GIANT I MOVING A L ENTIRE STOCK IN STORE 20 OFF 1388 177 HURRY HURRYI BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS SAVE NEWMARKET HARDWARE NEWMARKET 0RL0N PILE MITTS 97 Sizes aniline value October sale SAVE UP TO 25c EACH TERRY HAND TOWELS 3 VALUES TO SAVE PAIR NYLON HOSE First quality ultra sheer mo needle Belse anil dark fall ihades Sizes In 11 Values It SAVE PAIR BOYS WOOL NYLON WORK SOX Grey with white lop heel and toe SAVE ON PR ST0RMKING FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Size no of priced line White with colored borders Whip stitched singly at both ends Pit 2 DREAM BABY DOLL AIIliOMM Ml 11 in ISc II SII Mill IISISi III All WITH SI I I Nil DltKAM DRINKS AND WETS EARS A SIIIRr AND DIAPER AND COMES NEATLY TUCKED INTO A SOIT ItlllHON ROUND WITH IIKli OWN BOTTLE I1ECULAR VALUE SAVE FALL DISCOUNT SALE