market and Member of Bureau of Circnlation and Class A Newspapers Sewing Newmarket rural districts of North York year 9t publication Thursday at Charles St Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Subscription for two years for one year in Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers t of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Post Office Department Ottawa tan Baxter Publisher Philip Jones Editor George Sports Advertising Production Margaret A THE EDITORIAL PAGE THURSDAY THE DAY OF OCTOBER l u A Gambles Heart Throbs Humor jfl Passing Glances by Andrew Murdison Company Limited Subscription pies are each Member of Association and the Audit THE BEST MAN convention to be held next week in Toronto to choose a successor to Premier Leslie Frost as leader of the Jparty dont know the man who is best fitted for the job leaders of the Oppo sition parties do They have subjected AttorneyGeneral Kelso Roberts to ail sorts of criticism and have clearly shown he is the man they dont want elect ed Liberal Leader and the new Democratic leader have joined forces with Paul Liberal member for Toronto Trinity in the Federal House in attacks upon the attorneygeneral So if the Opposition parties are afraid of Kelso Roberts it would behoove the dele gates to select this able public servant as their leader And Kelso Roberts is not afraid of tackling ticklish problems as shown in the following editorial which appeared in the Toronto Telegram under the head ing Sensible Liquor Laws Not only Conservatives but also un committed citizens will welcome Attor neyGeneral Kelso Roberts declaration that he will reform the liquor laws if he Is chosen to lead the Ontario Conserva tive party at he forthcoming convention At leader of the party in office and therefore as Premier Mr Roberts would be in a position In introduce as he says sensible and practical changes in liquor legislation Mr Roberts makes it clear that he has no intention abandoning whole- Bale the Liquor Control Act but amend to sections of it are obviously re quired There are rules that penalize decent people and good restaurants that handicap resorts and the tourist trade that are unfairly discriminatory incon sistent and unrealistic The NEWMARKET ITS FUTURE With the resignation of the industrial commissioner the assessor and the town engineer and the retirement of the town clerk at the end of the year Newmarket Town Council might well consider hiring a business manager to run the affairs of the town and also to handle its pro motion to attract business and industry Mr Andersons farewell meeting to which some vited was attended by four businessmen and eight council members Evidently his proposal to have a certain number of invest market and its future development did not go over all well His efforts over the past two years were so unrewarding that he has gone to Cornwall where he can feel he will achieve something The St Lawrence Seaway is a great boon to all development along its borders If Newmarket is to govern its indust rial growth and attract the type of in dustry it wishes to locate here must be some hard selling not only council but by an active Chamber of merce backed by all the Newmarket A give his leadership to this drive and cut down the number of council meetings This can attract the bus councils are plagued with so many long unproductive meetings that businessmen refuse to run for election We trust that council in its selection of candidates for these offices will con sider a business manager Then council could function as the board of directors and cut out the many burdensome meet ings its members now attend Do You Use i Oh fish can be bought in I out in Hi with tin Cow this while more mature attitude of the population towards the liquor question The pro hibition era laws lo winch it has adhered have little connection with modern possible to modernize the hey will he acceptable to sensible people Thin Mr FIT TO SAVE a next month for civil defense With army privates pay of I7l a month while living at home there should be few if any unemployed fit men hereabouts prior to Chmtnis being made and solicited by their regiments to limn 100- men for a period mining takes six week- A TAYLORMADE PLAN For government completely bereft of plans lo meet the future needs of Canada the speech of P Taylor the Canadian Chamber of Commerce at its annual meeting at Halifax was ail that its sorely pressed Minister needed lo pull them out of Ihe mess they had made of their crying jag over Britain speaking in Scwboro few later clearly showed by his changed attitude that the government had chaps Our Readers Write from The Files Of 50 Years Ago Ural aid traffic and stricken refugees provide the refugees and the trained will bo organized into nulls with hi quarters in towns ami centres such Newmarket These units will to rubied radio arid first aid sup fit man can sign up In is Col John Mr Taylor didnt lay no hut he must have had in mind Hie lale Howe who during Ihe Inst war was tower- lo McKciiie King More id leM Canadian Travel More Europe Second World War Is now dim Ottawa tor of and Cadet If the out to do should authorities a great help ell any kind of a scrape will also ens for many mi re fitness of body and gangster lot lessnerudhlnoducl are woefully weak What I a clear ringing call men like P Taylor or Ids worthy parlner Wallace who has a farm at Conn- ley give 1 1 valued services the nation Kennedy of Ilia US has been successful in rallying the While Hon leaders of business who giving of their lo the III Ihe Ill I Tin- has budgeted HO scheme The Queens York Hangers taking over old York Manor on as part of overall training si Major J I Johnston Queen Rangers la a resident of King Toy the likely dale for Ms entry Into the Coin- off nig line Wo called it lo be held be fore New Year but looks now like early spring The elerlors will have plenty Kinder oven one hundred millions Colli I year or live anion ensure Ihe mini ml and of country leiiaVr Z sir ha I- ivlai mil seme mid ml ami i- held prison of the dhl parly of for to