Town Hall Topics proximately feet a meeting of j report of the Finance Com- 1 Improvement Act S t J in the Conn- mittee Moved by G Knap- which provides that Chambers on Tuesday Oct ton seconded by J Burton shall the Council held I Mayor in the Minutes of the meeting oi October 1961 were present ad Moved by seconded by Accounts that the Committee will should open the applies for the position of En Kelso Soberts with judicial district and for the Town of required by the said Moved by I That the above resoh dealt with immediate i The Mayor follows For Inn bill thereupon ally passed and the seal of the Corporation attached Minister of Labor re Win The Mayor fceii with Inn In reference changing Moved by Lloyd by malntenam of the presently with PES i by Knapton Moved I LOOK AHEAD buy 1961 CANADA SAVINGS BONDS AT ETUI TORONTODOMINION lMJIM lions on to ij Report inly ily loved by P S robbing leaves usual Many COULD YOU USE 160 500 OR MORE Trans Canada Credit make it easy for you to get the cash you want Buying a boat starting a business paying off bills Ready cash helps you do the things you want to do to our foe needing and anxious to t would lake a long list why people Credit again outstanding bills ami TRANS CANADA CREDIT FOR LEASE SERVICE STATION EXCELLENT LOCATION WITH HIGH CALLONACE RECORD COMPANY BENEFITS AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE GIVEN Apply W J SMITH Lawrence Ave Orillia 51730 1 to a More by linmrliotIy the I II itcrod A TOMEASURE SUIT perfectly fitting suit WEAR ONE All Wool Worsted Cloths THE BEST SUITINGS 300 PATTERNS CLOTHS from world famous British and Canadian mills including SMALL BROKEN CHECKS GLEN CHECKS WORSTED FLANNEL MUTED STRIPES STANDARD STAPLES FANCY DESIGNS HI Ml OI A STYLISH IIAMICUT Mill Jack Stores plaza OPEN TIL EVERY THURSDAY AND FRIDAY SPECIAL PRICE for lew da SAVINGS Stive up SUITS EXTRA PANTS Buy TWO SUITS for 100 then youll save up to terms available If desired distributor of Ho Seoul