and A Gambles Member el el Circnlatioa and Clan A Newspapers Newmarket and the rural of North York Tear publication I Chirlea St Newmarket by the Limited Subscription far two for Passing Glances Heart Throbs Humor by Andrew Murdison THE EAST WIND BLOWS a couple The Commonwealth of Nations will be losing its anchor and the stronger I Those who have lived in Britain and industrially advanced countries such as E Hie continent have felt the penetrating Canada will be moving alone or in new hill windowrattling cold wet and de- economic alliances that they may make blasts which sweep in off the An economic union between Canada and plains of Russia Prime Minister the United States may over the years manage Harold used East Wind as a replace the present Commonwealth figure of speech in the common Euro- whose future is in question The United market debate As the East Wind States is in great need of many of the I blows nations tend to draw together raw materials that Canada can provide I under the common cloak of Unity Ap- This is noticeable from the fact that US Russian leaders have found the imports from Canada in 1960 totaled street with Common Market in Europe a distinct billion Many threat to their plan for world domination would he a sound twow The new Europe which will emerge as a equal benefits to both countries The result of the closer bond between the decision of Britain to move towards the nations west of Berlin will be a great European Common Market will probably power which Moscow finds disturbing go down as the most significant Goods men and money will flow freely fact of throughout the heartland of Western Civilization as the rival countries become a United States of Europe WELCOME PLAZA WHAT ABOUT CANADA enabled to play its Britain as became mi days of sailing later today when 25 stores heir debut in the service of the iom age as public at the Newmarket Plaza Eventu al dreadnoughts the boast to Her air force and business establishments of all types tht a pi Devil Khrushchn that hinds be We service than ever of the Hub of North I with the Main St shop- further afield ig the future with alarm One US asks Where will Canada stand The English ties with Canada over years have been very strong When- er England needed help the Canadians the Uni f approximately billion Market as such much if the Market will Readers Picture Off The Week f The Files Of AffKLi Years Ago Our Readers Write v a a print will be a S wart and on all i