ft July 1991 SAVE 2Zc POPULAR BRANDS with every CIGARETTES SPECIAL YORK FANCY VACUUM KERNEL CORN SPECIAL PACIFIC GOLD STANDARD SLICED PEACHES 29 SPECIAL MARTINS CHOICE APPLE JUICE SPECIAL DEEP BROWNED BEANS with PORK 3 FOR COOKING OR FRYING ST LAWRENCE OIL 37c 57 SPECIAL SERVE SOUP FOR LUNCH I AYLMER SOUPS 6 TOILET TISSUE TOILET TISSUE 1 MANNING BISCUITS 35c TOP WITH BISCUITS OR DUMPLINGS 89c MOORE STEW 59c 39c ASPARAGUS TIPS 3 J 1 Bakery Feature SCANLONS DELICIOUS Date Bran Muffins 6 for BONUS BUY at DOMINION KITCHEN QUEEN ONLY IN OOP PURCHASES FOOD PURCHASES REGULAR YOU SAVE FAMOUS for MEATS CANADAS FINEST GOVERNMENT INSPECTED RED OR BLUE BRAND STEER BEEF Blade Roast REMOVED WELL TRIMMED Short Rib Roast 45 C FROZEN FOODS BEEF CHICKEN TURKEY BANQUET PIES oRANGrT JiifcE SEA BRAND SHRIMP 87c Citizens Suggest Ways To Curb Parks Vandalism fir hem by the park can go to i ilVii when rafagawraw J including not being nights to try and catch the offender- When caught the bylaw that any the police be asked collected from their par- several United States centres tike a shot out of a gun You have to catch them in ample of them before this How about you Do you a the work being done by to the Era and Mount Albert News Misses Beth Cunningham Mrs Johnson left the villa Cathy Sinclair and Joyce Brown joined the United amonthagovbit Communion last Sundav She morning July July to visit her daughter in School class v ill hold a picnic Mr and Mrs Allan Cooper July at on Wed- The United Church Sunday June Mrs Vera day of July remaining closed Cooper car in for the month of August Ac- jured and admitted to Soldiers September 3 charges were laid in mis hap one having old flannelette able for of dress- and Ro Pert Hop Mr and Mrs Mel lie aid will be closed for two weeks Oshawa Russell a Member Thompson and were G AlfueTded Mrs Mr and Mrs Ted Howletl SHARON day Mrs Service at St James Angll- Earl Buckle am SharonHope United Church Trout Crock Mr and Mrs George Ryan evening visitors of Mrs ton Susan and Jackie wer top IDEAL FOR POT ROAST BONELESS Plate Brisket K IDEAL FOR OR BARBECUING Minced Beef JUBILEE TRAY PACK PURE Pork Sausage FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES ONTARIO NO 1 FIRM CRISP LETTUCE CALIFORNIA NO 1 SWEET CRISP Seedless Grapes 39 Oliver Cherry Sunday visitors NO RIPE SWEET CUBAN Pineapple IF NO 1 CAROLINA YELLOW FLESH Freestone Peaches CROP NICE FLAVOUR and JUI Grapefruit ARIZONA NO I NEW CROP NICE FLAVOUR JUICY lb has VAltJK EFFECTIVE DOMINO CHEESE SPREAD 55 LINCOLN DRINK DETERGENT MARGARINE 2ib49 NFW STRAWBERRY JAM 43 choice I1UVAL TOMATO JUICE 9 Mount Albert OPEN pm TIRE SALE RETIRE NOW OUR SPECIAL Pay lor 3 You get Linn Original Equipment Tiret ChooBH Your Make Free and Wheel Balance SLESS0R MOTORS NEWMARKET LIMITED