Hurt SEAL ESTATE I SALE BRANDON and HOPKINS NEWMARKET bungalow on large large bedrooms full abasement oil heating All the home Owner has lonabfa Full We low down payment 1 Brick b ansa low Six room Newmarket Three bedrooms large with plenty of cupboards I basement oil heating REAL ESTATE FOB SALE bedrooms mort carries 71 month Full price 13 1 by builder down payment floor with full verandah Au- and tool shed Large be converted to duplex REAL ESTATE FOR SALE M STILES room bungalow VE Wilson Ave Downsview ME BRANDON and HOPKINS Residential Summer lit CHARLES EBOYD LTD NEWMARKET St One block 13000 with good term Room bungalow need Plenty down MORTGAGE LOANS available on service For mi Mr Willis cash for your Mr Estate Ltd PA REAL Kesv room in family home lly locitcii nil hoard late tion throughout aluminum BUILDING FOR SALE sale in good Landing Phone Newmarket firm April 1 Apply Phone TW 55824 ROOMS FOB RENT urn shed SPECIAL one MI only 3 Floor walnut stand only Nearly nc all hardwood floors On half I CHARLES BOYD LTD Mala strati 4517 R CASE REALTOR MURKY EARL V STEWART REAL Keswick Substantial rick home full basement HOUSE FOR SALE OR KENT able Phone TwVnIw HOUSES OR RENT JOSEPH QIJINN OFFICE I milw Beverley isle mo I m A rota tog HOUSES FOR SALE AURORA MANOR APTS PRESCRIPTIONS W a share il of Min VENETIAN BLINDS SERVICES AVAILABLE Rill Phone I and right in you work guarantees Electric ami weld ROOFING SIDING INSULATION STONE FRONTS WARD ALLAN LTD TW 55111 or TW Rig Buy on Freezers Mara si REFRIGERATION SERVICE RADIO TELEVISION Appliance Service INSURED COMMERCIAL CHAIN SAWING I Heating Jobs RUG and UPHOLSTERY Ik A mill for In of or ret ire S3 ill DILLONS DRIVING SCHOOL DISCOUNT BUYING IS HERE TOMMY COMMONS TUNE TOWN MOVING STORAGE INCOME TAX I Free iMIi phono nil to keep ami two llnlle write Box number