and Heart Throbs Humor A Gambles Member of Audit Bureau of Serving Newmarket and the lUtlfitU Post Office Department Publisher Philip Racine Production it THE EDITORIAL PAGE by Andrew Murdison Passing Glances THURSDAY THE THE INTANGIBLE LORE OF AGRICULTURE The spring of the year is a time of refreshed energy when people of all walks of life approach their tasks with a hopefulness and renewed vigor Per haps rightfully though the springtime really belongs to the farmer and it is a time when those in other occupations could thoughtfully reflect on the farm ers contribution to our daily life In our modern society the farmer is considered so often only in the materialistic context in terms of agricultural prices sub sidies and supports surpluses legisla tive action With the advent of the new season we might remember that farming is per haps the most manifold and complex of all arts The farmers occupation is unique in that it is the only occupation that is productive in the real sense of the term The earth is made to yield and increase and flocks and herds to re produce so that the stores of the world are added to as by no other means There are other extractive industries but this one is essentially originative To entice gifts from nature is the farmers occupa tion Others may tax her stores or change the form and place of nature al ready existent but the farmers task is to make nature bring forth a new pro- Mechanization may have changed the basic techniques of farming but the tri bute of a nineteenth century agronomist is as worthy today as it was then or the before that and back century and century into history An ancient occupation pursued by countless generations accumulates a vast fund of wisdom and skill much of which escapes the pages of the written book being transmitted from father to son on the thin air of oral tradition or of living example Such an occupation is agriculture In consequence of its antiquity and its universality there has developed a body of rural lore and tech nique which has no counterpart any where else but which is entirely under estimated by if not absolutely unknown to the But because so much of it is learned outside of schools by the actual process of doing rural work father and son working together generation after ge neration it does not commonly go under the name of learning Moreover the marvellous technique of rural work is acquired in such a commonplace way that we frequently regard it as a matter of course and do not appreciate that it is real technique THE COLOR QUESTION Canadas neighbor within the Commonwealth and one whose trade and friendship she bus these many years is the West Indies The Federa tion is counting on admission to the Commonwealth next year Meanwhile it is embarrassing the Mother Country by dumping its people on England Last year alone people crossed the wa ter and there are now over 200000 colored immigrants on the tight little isle But there is no law to keep them out they are British subjects It is different with Canada Our im migration barriers against the West In dian no matter of what hue are prohi bitory A trickle is admitted as domes tics and nurses some get in as students but the latter must not seek employment Therefore news that Mr caused South Africa to sever ties with the Commonwealth over racial discrimin ation was greeted with amazement and incredulity in the West Indies Here is how George Hunter writing in the Bridgetown Guardian viewed the matteri At present Commonwealth relation ships are for the most part conducted at official or semiofficial levels and in each component territory of the Common wealth there is the most abysmal ignor ance of the other parts How at another level can a West Indian feel proud of the Commonwealth when the neighboring Commonwealth country of Canada treats even a short stay by a West Indian visi tor to Canada with so little welcome at the point of entry Surely no Commonwealth can expect to survive without a feeling of common citizenship and if after independence the West Indian is to be treated on arri val in Britain with the scrutiny he now receives on a visit to Canada the long links which have made West Indians loyal to Britain will surely be weakened if not snapped BID TO BRIGHTEN The Newmarket Chamber of Com merce has recently been reorganized and much credit for a reawakening of inter est in the group must go to Glad rind Gill The recent announcements of projects to boost community betterment and the ac- of a Main St office slum- it the chamber of commerce really means business It has launched a drive lo in clude all town businessmen within its membership Aim is to Ie Die interests of all the people of New so that the town may not loe its in the Ontariowide race for the attrac tion of industry The chamber wants to brighten up the town If it is successful we ill public and government that the simple expedient big business in making pro fits is evil one One of the first extending the while part of the eye lo establish better public re lations and tell the true story more than it will net her a ML one of initiative and private enterprise providing goods THE FACES millionaire president for a husband But itll give the tact lenses something to So a think and the met Nor will wider eves make much of an impression when SOME GOOD COMMON er wages by powerful unions eyelashes I mean she ago making a profit has become he my spill going to be herself at al lips is according only excuse youll lip doll r iced of Pollyanna the confident that by the t people who ought especially the dolls would the wealthy And h capital invested in Well since simply natural leristilOn bor and business that Standard Oil Hod I and enterprises accepts politic as ion- possible for these part then projects to become a busings Find it i ins y icu to a good neighbor did in the early de nial of the little thing old plain red lips Any- but translucent lips be sheer counterfeit enormous K I he Lynx Look hollow mockery And you fee and it is lucent lips are preferred by YOURSELF has greatly helped t Comments On Municipal Government From The Files And 50 which hold us together are which keep us apart Of Years Ago iupat Toronto the question of or- But there and shortly told The Era to issue debentures was paid ters plu Readers Picture Of The Week