fyA SEAL ESTATE FOB SALE STILES Larger Offices I Main St 1 Parking to Rear Brick bungalow on quiet kitchen 10 step Full half cash togroom two bedroom heat- Is on second floor plus mortgage for balance Reduced for quick sale lovely modern kitchen I Full price for a modern kit hen bright SU down terms One from Main Street Fourroom bungalow built in I SCO monthly SI one balance at monthly healed Pull price I MH STILES REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Real Estate Ltd Full down Solid M In Aurora No salary Carries less Real Estate Ltd REAL ESTATE FOB SALE LIVE LIKE A large places den and Chopping Reduced to with 55000 down EARL STEWART REAL ESTATE BROKER HOUSES FOB BENT BUNGALOWS and up monthly 3 and screens Real Estate Ltd PA or TV APARTMENTS FOR RENT of Newmarkets better completely selfcontained and modern throughout block from Main Si Available April TW 52654 Newmar- COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi- remedy for the 1 of bron chitis tight or chesty coughs and colds The Best Drug Store Newmarket ARTICLES FOR SALE electric cashing lwlO SERVICES AVAILABLE WELDING REFRIGERATORS Reconditioned Refrigerators winterized cottage oil heated with hot and cold run- heavy wiring Will and bathroom big hall all hardwood floors small baby welcome Avail able April 1 Phone MUCOUS IN THROAT ised for many years adults Price SI 2 50 The Best ROOFING SIDING INSULATION MARCH SPECIALS Both selfcontained STONE FRONTS WARD ALLAN LTD OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT PLYWOOD SPECIAL sanded one side only S3 prone 14537 Newmarket TW 55111 or TW 52154 Newmarket Phone Hudson 543G3 Newmarket apartment with bath heated all conveniences pri- Newmarket clwlO USED FURNITURE BARGAINS plant table us ii Piece a sulles like house conveniences I VtlU Era and REUPHOLSTERING Boat 14 cedar strip complete all- i PA BUILDING FOR RENT Room and board available in SIDNEY PEACOCK Immediate poesion Apply i 45 R CASE REALTOR Rustic home with a just north Newmarket This HOUSES FOR SALE ere ti nai sl If Table model radios and ST and Up DYERS FURNITURE FOR RENT IS Com elect Phone STORES FOB RENT REFRIGERATION room with a nice view bed- Down Practical family Down Balance on one 3 bedrooms stylish W R CASE REALTOR AURORA Phone PA WA I Hilt WANTED TO BUY 11 11 Mi i l plane will lor- 16 ean e- elwio RADIO TELEVISION utolf phone Appliance Service MORTGAGES Ihiiil SERVICES AVAILABLE Pupi ROOMS FOR RENT DILLONS DRIVING SCHOOL collect tfl NEWMARKET TV S APPLIANCE StsS1 TW N eace Julyw gEnasuRg MONEY TO LOAN r Four doors l bos e- talllllC Wlivri lijlVn CM TED 111 INVISIBLE al stk Also BRANDON and HOPKINS I healing Everything Pice- t am down Full price offer Close Newmarket on row faiment of wV Terns FARMS r of v fj CHARLES BOYD LTD NEWMARKET Down room brick luiy immediate Full price 600 Down brick ljy It pn Rooms plus a separate iu ami balance 200u brick low nil FOR RUNT weekly rate Km phone New- Ida Co year sUv l W lav maIkt phone PA 75731 EAVESTR0U0HING MOVING STORAGE NORM BOTH for rent rent Apply ARTICLES FOR SALE HOUSES WANTED TO BUY USED TVs from heivy duly liv Mil Now pressure ly gal Will sell fir Will take car truck or anything trade MACHINESHOP HELP WANTED available lii1yu SALESMAN WANTED TINSMITHING Custom Sheet PA FA If PROMPT SERVICE MACDONALDS WINDOW CLEANING SERVICE Phono TW Newmarket s I- l la Will pay up to 7000 cash for l Ywnik t id ply V aLl ikVyNir lJri formerly Lanes We deuce mllas k t PROPERTY FOB SALE MALE OR FEMALE tjMiliiiiil St IV iiiarkcl iwtii 5lScceil g SSi l A il ul AT c2wl0 SI pi- Km April Apply Drug Store Newmarket FARM FOR SALE int hwl 1 Apply Ill Newmarket rliUions iViv pi Momlo All llerlil 11 VENETIAN BLINDS WASHERS lm llrlu 1 till 1115 SURPLUS EQUIPMENT KRflWICR ivm CHARLES BOYD LTD inc lob 1 fun Hi HAN PROPERTIES IhiImj Iln Two and grid near Button iis BRANDON and HOPKINS ESTATE www DO WANT A vi tmh two liooms pi Id tkV wV 1 1 duplex tn7 GARAGE FOR RENT SSmiffl Newmarket till Im -1HI- Doors NOW Is the I mi le your le sl If nisi ivy a iiri in Unusual Opportunity fiiiFIfi i For l S and a ar Apply in to J 1 I- si View will la JMuitui