ep CHOICE SAVE PEACHES CREAM STYLE SAVE CORN TINS AYLMER BOSTON BROWN SAVE BEANS with PORK 25 0Z TNS SAVE Aylmer CATSUP 2z BOTTLES J J SALE ALL FOOD PRICES EFFECTIVE FEB 16 17 18 the right to limit quantities Choke Peas 2 35c With free Bonm Tapes Fancy Tomato Juice Choice Barrier Pears CLEANSER 3c off 2 Quick or Instant Quaker Oafs KRAFT MILD CHEDDAR With free Bon Tapes CELLO TOMATOES SLICED COOKED HAM FRENCH GREEN BEANS FRESH GRADE A ROASTING or FRYING CHICKENS PACKAGE OF 8 TABLERITE WIENERS for PACKAGE OF DEMPSTER WIENER ROLLS Cryovac No waste meaty PORK TENDERLOIN 99 COTTAGE DELICIOUS RUBY RED FLORIDA ARIZONA VALENCIA ORANGES 39c I us no grade NEW I CABBAGE 2 for 25c I US NO I GRADE FLORIDA I CELERY 2 OFF oz SPREAD AR 51 FARMHOUSE FROZEN MACARONI 6 oz and CHEESE BUY GET ONE FREE or My sincere friends neighbors and rela lor the lovely flowers fruit during my A special thank you to the and Dr Hutching and Rov A Mrs Mary Andrews I wish to express my vault at Newmarket an and the lovely cards I and God bless you Benjamin Bob CARD OF Jr and Mrs CARD OF THANKS friends and neighbors for the since returning home Special and staff of the hospital Dr Ice Fishing Is Attraction fife The Newmarket I News From The Heights Pupils Must Eat At Home School- eaten lunches would A Sharon delegat on of Brian Harrington Bob son Frank problem of dogs AURORA NEWS wishes to her birthday Gwilhmbury Heights Guide E Gwdlimburyl Council News MARRIED 50 YEARS to right Jean Millar a Edith Mow the evening and by Lynda Halt Mrs daughters celebration