TABLERITE MEANS MORE EATIN MEAT PER ROUND SIRLOIN PORTERHOUSE WING OR RUMP ROAST Steaks Boasts TABLERITE WIENERS SLICED SIDE BACON PKG 10 OZ OF 8 SIZE TABLERITE OAK LEAF OR KENT SAVE CHOICE TOMATOES IGA BEANS PORK FRAY BENTOS CORNED BEEF SAVE ON IGA CATSUP FROZEN STRAWBERRIES 215 OZ PKGS U I OZ I TIN 33- oz TINS OZ TIN A BTLS IN Barker In loving memory my dear Robert Barker who passed i by his vtlh News From The Heights a heart holds by Plan 140000 School Addittion to Course instruction from eight schools or girls have formed ive other girls broom boost CHIVE A MM CIGARETTES VIT TOflWYfflECIHSE CHEESE STIX 39c Standard Peas 2 V I W SHAMPOO COFFEE Pie Crust Mix 33c SAUSAGE OB CHOCOLATE I TOMATOES Cake Mix 33c Quaker Muffets 2 29c Ali effective Feb I only Guide And Seoul Hews nutritious CRISP HEADS V LETTUCE NUTRITIOUS I 2 2 k Jaffa Oranges doz 59c r US NO Add an elegant to your meals No I grade Florida Celery 2 29c MUSHROOMS lb PRESENTS STORIES FROM THE SATURDAY EVENING POST THE POST EVERY THURSDAY 7 TO PM CFTO TV CHANNEL in- fr- mi Frederick Peagam Feb in the at pm A film Commi East Gwiilimbury Standing Committees Heights Men Ground Flyers the final by Larry An he group committee held a meeting finishing touches on the Scouts are phiinini tr riming the week PROCLAMATION FAMILY NIGHT JAYCEE FAMILY CARNIVAL ON FRIDAY EVENING FEB 1961 250 Donors Needed Blood Donor CLINIC Legion Hall Newmarket WED FEB 1 PM TO PM 5 PM TO YOUR BLOOD IS NEEDED TO REPLENISH THE BLOOD BANK Donate Today You May Need It Tomorrow