tomarkrf and Heart Throbs Glances By W A Gamble Serving Newmarket and the rural districts of North York year of publication every Thursday St Chart Newmarket Company Limited or two years for one year to advance each Member of Claw A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and he Andit Bureau of Circulations Author Post Office Department Ottawa Second Class Mail bin hell in to pick up them suite the lime eoltano fro Asa of fact if you s me fully I You see we II make us Sam ave a doorbell il I ripped the tion a on their Newmarket Era THE EDITORIAL PAGE The Herald 26th DAy JANUAR NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SDCTYONE ALOFT WITH MARILYN As though life were not exasperating enough already US airlines are now going to present featurelength films to passengers on jets says The Financial Post An outfit in the US is said to be all set to quote Stephen to add this new horror to life and make death a long felt want Showing films to a captive audience amounts to an invasion of privacy and It would be an insufferable nuisance Passengers on planes want to get to their destinations quickly and in comfort not to attend nightclubs or movie palaces gays the Financial Post The sponsors of the venture assume that viewing a film is on general prin ciples better than not viewing a film a wholly untenable proposition in view of the abysmal quality of most films and the fact that per cent of the popula tion stay away from them nightly A plane like a train is a vehicle for getting from one place to another not a theatre The idea ought to be strangled in its We agree BEHIND THE HEADLINES We gave ourselves a chore last week Out of curiosity and a need to know who we were writing about we counted the number of persons who were mentioned In the January Issue of the Era and Express For the total came up with a breathtaking give or take doz en or so If you see a friends name in print mention it to him Hell be flat tered On the other hand if it was in a court story be tactful forget With no intention of bragging says the Wingham AdvanceTimes we would like to remind our readers that this news paper is the only the only means of public expression which is devoted solely to the interests of and the immediate district Radio and tele vision serve excellent purposes in pre sentday life but neither are in a position hopes and its problems One weekly news paper we know in Western Canada has a very pointed slogan under its front page masthead If it appeared on The Ad vanceTimes it would read The only paper that gives a damn about Wingham With this the first issue of 1961 we begin our second decade in and we like to think that some part of the progress which has blessed this com munity in the past ten years has been stimulated by our active interest in its affairs That is not to suggest that the newspaper has been perfect far from it We are constantly searching for me thods to correct the shortcomings we know still exist It is highly possible we will still ha looking for means of im provement many decades hence And the publisher of the Era and Ex press says we too In fact there is hardly a weekly paper published in Cana da particularly of the Class A week lies which is not devoting all of its re sources to the development of the com munity in which it is published call a few incidents which instead of the some writer folk in general Whats But kn crammed marbles full a it- held rocks old hot lis together with only at tiling readers who ii Well d have little look at it in flap Tun hi s leaking blood i cat ion Jo fit UNITED NATIONS YOUTH CORPS up In well plan ahead and train the young men and women of all nations for permanent careers with the UN The opportunity for youth of various nations to work side by side would break down the barriers of misunderstanding and create the atmosphere of cooperation The cause of peace is revered by youth throughout the world and their inspired efforts could lead their nations in the world struggle for peace Our Readers Write From The Files Of Guffy Says And 50 Years Ago Trie Problems Of Poverty not mewl