m no Hectors Of Newmarket ON MONDAY DEC VOTE FOR ROSS Democracy Or Dictatorship Remember You Vote Dec 7 CHARLES W LLOYD FOR COUNCIL WATER SEWERS ROADS IMMEDIATE SYSTEMATIC IMPROVEMENT WITHIN A REALISTIC BUDGET THUMBS DOWN ON BATH TUB VOTETO CLARE SALISBURY Councillor for 60 f lus rather than if men Industrial expansion for pmmesMVP development Conscientious enthusiasm for the municipal For TW SSl CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET iT Aguwourt MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS MONDAY THE DAY OF DECEMBER 195 Elections shall be conducted by the Deputy Re turning Officers the respective polling place follows ST GEORGES WARD nt tonili Alas bought ST ANDREWS WARD place number 111 at Outer St number IK at Urgent lael si gllsssJIx ST PATRICKS WARD plate number IB it Hall Sift ADVANCE IOII WI News An advance pull fur the purpose of receiving the antes a who will he absent in the ordinary course of their business and employment front the municipality on the day fixed fur polling will be held at the Municipal Offices Main Street on Saturday 1839 between the hours nine oclock in the forenoon and oclock in the afternoon Deputy Iteturning Officer has MacLeod Poll Clerk Mrs Winter SPECIAL NOTICE SI VtuuM the beams Newmarket l Wesley Brooks Clerk and Returning Officer GOD SAVE THE