taw n im nantw ihi ML ESTATE FOR SALE NORTH RAGLE ST NICE residential area This i bedroom brick bungalow home Oil heated rial first ACHES near complete with head ACRES 3rd EARL V STEWART REAL ESTATE BROKER General Insurance A cent St Aurora biingVlowon one acre con veniences surrounded by trees small stream and dam FULL price for a im house low down payment pavement near Aurora Taxes HOUSE and two acres QUAINT completely kitchen fireplace 3- mahogany walls on it but complete privacy 10500 100 ACRES King Town ship brick house good bank barn hydro throughout lots of 56 ACRES Township I on pavement ALEX D0AK LIMITED JUST REDUCED DOWN bungalow lovely livingr both sides of large centre 4 bedrooms and bath on Asking 7000 but open of cupboards and 3000 down IMMACULATE describing this located just outside of tow I a landscaped lot Com Hon living and diningn beautiful stone fireplace all bright kit PieCC Why rent Why not COUNTRY me bungalow with 8 Hard to arranged FARM with FULL EQUIPMENT for a I eluding all implcm t implem Zephyr down Why pay this a home atone ALEX D0AK LIMITED GENERAL INSURANCE Main St Opposite Lobl REASON ABLE modern kitchen large lot FIELDING Broker AGENT ALLAN Gl Dr BR 52817 year mortgage Excellent security CHARLES E BOYD LTD Haas Street May REAL ESTATE Kir 7 AURORA BRANDON AND HOPKINS INCOME HOME centrally on third fl ce only 2 0 ner will take back for balance on END HOME Te homes Large finished in aped pi from district wishes an immediate sale Full TECUMSEH ST throughout this excellent family rn cupboards laundry tub- lowpriced field Total nulls including taxes only I monthly 1500 DOWN WEST SIDE bedrooms 4piecc bathroi ace Carries on kitchen cupboan BRANDON AND HOPKINS REAL ESTATE BROKERS Residential Summer Homes FARMS FOR 100ACRE farm choice clay lo frontage on a paved thation new motor building in Woodville REAL ESTATE FOR SALE hen house ideal iand for INCOME properly lamed apartments 1500 BUILDING lot tage on Jersey River Lovely BEFORV BUYING JOSEPH QUINN RESALE down- Only year old Price DOWN modern bungalow finished room in cash down CASH Full price bungalow patio divided base- bungalow brick leaTing Only Sdown 9000 NEW bungalow view close to school and vices hardwood and tile Exceptionally good terms Landing phone AURORA HOUSE FOR I ROOM In New Bros Real phone TW and water in partly Abstainers only miles Express box Newmarket heal in of drilled well water Mrs Levi phone GR 84566 brick bouse on Town hip tins house is bungalow attached Phone TV Til REEBEDROOM home in NEW bungalow 4 FULL price jjalpw close hi bin WO discuss thee with CHARLES BOYD LTD REALTOR All under painted barns garage impl good wells liable no buildings f j Immediate possession Apply Mrs Mel phone 34R3 RR SEALED offers for purchase Township be received by owners went high cIho write PO Box 152 Richmond a gentleman preferred hone or apply 112 6254 Newmarket 2 UNFURNISHED bungalou COMFORTABLE APARTMENTS 3ROOM flat unfurnished Business adults only Apply JSS5 fern ply B St phone Wellington 1 Charles phone Newmarket Park Aye Phone OFFICE SPACE WANTED WANTED TO BUY condition Phone TW Newmarket GATELEG table BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITY TIME BUSINESS has ARTICLES FOR Month of October BROAD LOOM THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds Newmarket VENETIAN BLINDS ALUMINUM or steel Made Trusses surgical supports Arch supports ARTICLES FOR S HI Si If f Her pm I IB POOL table complete piano reasonable Both man piano Moffat I A J Stephens ANTIQUE bellowsi org ANTIQUE Victorian ruglx condition Newmarket after J PIANO TW New Phono PAIR bunk beds No toil ROOM heated Oak shop in ft ivilli floor ly ace in Holland ADVERTISING RATES E Stefaniuk Advertising Manager TW 5 2333 DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATE Be per line depth tines Minimum display Color red additional CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE If paid within 3 days of publication 3c ills per word minimum of Thanks Wedding anil I day of publication In Memorial cents a line advert i and Express the Misses Wood Store Rolling phone or with any accepted through the null only if within KODAK cameras and films macy formerly Lanes your lo cal Kodak dealer What Ed Sulli- deliver Open every Monday plywood factory iid Lumber Co Ltd throat or the dropping lump in the throat and SelfSupporting TV TOWER i Kit deliver 1 Kit Instilled Phone Newmarket Newmarket market always Astral refrigerator net garden loots ALLENS CONTINENTAL TELEVISION and RADIO SERVICE 54601 Newmarket CHESTERFIELDS years by adults am with good results The Best D phone GIRLS 10 IPHOIS Repairs He Modeling lj Skilled English Craftsmen Finance can be arranged SIDNEY PEACOCK phone TW felt hat TW BLUE skating dress sire 10 to TW 52719 Newmarket Doors METCALFES GARDENING AND ROTO TILLING clippers Apply St S Newmarket phone WINDOW CLEANING