WEDDING LOCAL GROSS of the C Red darted tewing Rumpus Room Refreshment Bar Easy With Plywood Express Thursday Iff objects that arc now SiTeiSftw gMn The branch had an Oct Answers to the roll K12S that the majority Era and Express Classifieds Bring SjSewmlSP AN INVITATION TO General Insurance Agents Tonight Till Saturday at 9 2 Matinees Saturday at 115 3 NO ADVANCE IN PRICES THE BIGGEST SHOW IN THE WORLD ONE COMPLETE SHOW WED THUR AT MON I WED ALLCOLOR ANTHONY FIRKINS Rock Hudson Show WRITTEN ON THE WIND THIS ANGRY AGE NEVER SAY GOODBYE NIGHT OF THE QUARTER MOON Why stay in school EVERY TEENAGER capable of absorbing an education should stay at school until he graduates The problem usual v is to convince him why he should because he does not realize how important an education is to his future Generally he does not know that if he leaves school two or three years too soon he will pay for those two or three years all the rest of his life Sun Lifes ay in Issued as a public service by Sim puts this matter square- Life Assurance Company Canada up to the teenager and explains why stay is school and other tie challenge and die tremendous liooklcis in Sun Lifes Values In Education Series available tecnnce children you should without charge or obligation Just a copy of this leaflet for them use the coupon Mow leborry by In Sun Life Sun Life Buildin WHY STAY IN SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS AND BURSARIES SPORTS TIPS FOR TEENAGERS Sun Life Canada of the great lift unties nf the world offers several which can children the benefits of a education whether you or die Other plana are desijrnerl to life insurance grammes at a time when they in good health and the urns are low Theres a Life representative R H BAUER District Supervisor 145 MAIN ST NEWMARKET ONT SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA